What will your funeral be like?
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You will die aged 87
You will die by You're beaten to death by Jehovas Witnesses after slamming the door in their face one too many times. Please invite them in and give them orange juice next time.
You will be killed by kej
You will be Buried
Your funeral song will be Captain Scarlet soundtrack - including the lyrics "Captain Scarlet is indestructible, you are not, do not attempt to do the things he does."
Chance of getting into heaven? - 53%
This quiz by Leona202 - Taken 14388 Times.
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Pete Seeger before he croaks. Tony Pearson. Joey Pearson. Sarrelec. Joanne Rowling. James Marsters. Sarah Geller. The lucious Alyson Hannigan, even if she isn't really a lesbian. Rosie O' Donnell, just because I think we've got a lot in common we could chat about--kids, spouses, art interests. James Lunday of In a Fix. Carson Kressley. We'd chat about couture. Beyond that, several long dead people, including family members I never got to meet.
Sarah McLaughlin, Joan Baez, Joey Pearson (www.joeypearson.com ) Celtic Women, Nanci Griffith, The Chieftains, Unkle Fetus, Bob Dylan, Tom Paxton, Arlo Guthrie, Woody Guthrie, Sarah Guthrie, Mimi and Richard Farina, Alison Krauss, Ani DiFranco, Pete Seeger, Ronnie Gilbert, Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn, Cris Williamson, Holly Near, Leslie Fish, Mercedes Lackey, and tons more...this will do for a start. Music is my life.
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Star Trek the Motion Picture. Star Trek II-The Wrath of Khan. Star Trek III-The Search For Spock. Star Trek IV-The Voyage Home. Star Trek V--The Search For A Plot. Star Trek VI-The Undiscovered Country. Sensing a pattern here? Also Same Time Next Year. Star Wars The Original. My Brilliant Career. Picnic At Hanging Rock. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.
Star Trek, original series. Still crazy after all these years. Firefly-Serenity. Buffy. Angel. Boston Legal--yay slash! Eastenders, when I can get it.
Anything by Heinlein. Lots more. Will add when I feel up to it.