I spent the first 6 months in RI working for a lawn care company. It sucked. After a short search for new employment i landed the sweetest job i could have asked for. I spent the next 3 years working the front desk for Joseph Y and Chantal at Evolution Body Piercing in Providence, RI.
I started Djing in early 2006. Prior to that my friends and I would sit around complaining and the stagnant state of "the scene". Griping the sad fact that with very few exceptions we can been hearing the same music no matter which club we went to, for the last 3 years straight. Someone needed to stimulate some growth. As a result myself and a few of my friends set out to change things, most notably DJ Jenova Complex and Ian_Evil . The actual genesis for me as a Dj I credit to my old boss Joseph Y . Some of you might remember Sunday nights at Club Hell as the goth night it had been for years, well in late 2005 it was going downhill and was eventually moved to monday nights making way for a new night which quickly failed. Joe took over the new Monday night. He was to be one of the goth Dj's and needed someone to fill the slot of industrial Dj... thats where I came in. He asked and I Jumped at the chance. Now he had a full crew and Corrosion was born. Shortly after the night that had booted him to mondays was canned and we reclaimed sunday nights. There Corrosion carried on for several months before the owner decided to cancel the night all together. Joe not being one to give up, found up a new venue and once again Corrosion moved. Now tuesday nights at Club Gallery. There it lived till about a year ago. While I was spinning there, I also picked up a few other nights around Providence. STRIKE! [Sundays at Club Energy] which was sadly short lived. I also landed gigs at Galactica Wednesdays Club Gallery [which changed into Dark Star Wednesdays at the Complex]. After the death of STRIKE! I picked up Sanctuary Sundays at the Dark Lady. I'm happy to say Sanctuary is still going strong and seems to just get better with age.
At the end of 2007 I made the tough decision to move back to my hometown of Franklin with the family. Why you ask? I felt I needed to get my shit together, my poop in a group, my ducks in a row, Etc. Sadly this meant leaving my much loved job and much loved Djing behind in Providence [if for no other reason than a gross lack of transportation]. I was invited back to Sanctuary a few times to do special events. After a while, I started to spend weekends in Rhode Island with my dear friend DJ Jenova Complex and started frequenting Sanctuary again. After a couple months of that they asked me to come back an spin more often, and i wound up being put on full time rotation, so while i might not be spinning there every week i will be there often.
In my time at home i have been working on a couple of DJ mixes "Promos" if you will, the first of which i hope to have available towards the end of summer, and they will be free to all who wants one.
As far as what I do with my free time I Enjoy the following: DJing, graphic design, World of Warcraft, devising way to make a nuisance of myself, plotting, sleeping, finding new ways to explore my inner dork, clubbing, and yelling obscenities at old people.
Feel free to get ahold of me via email: [email protected]
Which Sith Lord Am I?
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You scored as Darth Bane
You are DARTH BANE , arguably one of the most powerful Sith ever, and the creator of the 'Rule Of Two'. You have a good claim to being the Sith'ari, and are a master of the Force and of lightsaber combat.
Darth Bane
Exar Kun
Darth Nihilus
Darth Vader
Darth Traya
Darth Sidious