I'm the weirdest person you will know.
I'm random and Fun,
But I'm awkward and stupid.
Ever since high school, I've been called Sexually Frustrated
I guess you could say that's still the case.
I have pet rats.
They lick me. It's cute.
I think I'm crazy.
No, I know I'm crazy.
But its a good crazy.
I have a very very small group of friends,
One thing that it seems I'm good at is sabotaging relationships.
Seriously, I will severely piss you off eventually.
I don't know how, I don't know why, but I do.
I'm a gamer.
Some of my bestest friends live in Fresno, New York, and Pennsylvania, England, Australia, New Zealand, Norway...
I live my life on the Internets.
Whatever you do, Don't forget Poland.
I can't think of anything else.
Deter's Mypsace, Sucking since 2004.
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