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I cAn bE yO besTfrIeNd bUt yO' wOrSt eNeMy! iMMa DoWnE Ass NicE & i alwaise kEepin' it real n doWne tAh eArtHe... im aLL bOuT faMiLy friEnDs and oFcOuRsE mAh bOiz n mAh cUz'nZ dAyUuM! ...i LyK tAh keEp tAh maHseLf iN dA NoE dRaMaz-ZoNe Baby... mAh liKeZ includeZ: SiNGin & LiZteniN' rAp & RnB muZiC, hAnGiN oUt wit' mAh cLoSE fRiEnDz 2gEtha wiT mAh BoO, dAnCiN, kiCk it wit' mah friEnds... I ainT an oUTgoiN pErsOn , im conTenteD bEin At hoMe as LonG as i Can watCh Tv & liZteN tAh mAh fAvE trAcks n' chiLL wiTh mAh hOmiEz... i LyK pEepz wHo r NiCe, HoNeST & tRuStwOrThY mOsT peEpZ sEe mE as sHy whEn thEy fiRst mEet mE aNd i am bUt oNce u gEt tAh NoE mE aNd hAng 'roUnd me mo' , pEoPLe will sEe the realneS AhahaH..... i oPen up a lot moe...i luv helpin people... rather them helpin me... im susceptible to someone's feelingz, i cant stand to hurt otherz... i HaTe wAnKsTaS, dIsHoNeST pEopLe aNd PeOpLE wHo tAkEs aDvaNtagE oF OtHeRs, i hAtE tRaItOrS aNd PeOpLE WhO aLwAys iMmiTates mE...eVrY Li'l tHANg iN mE... yO' NuTtIn bUt a dOWN aSs BiaTch CoPycATz ... nOtHin bEaTs d oRiGiNaL! iL puLL Up & sTaRt pOpPiN yO' brAiNs mUtHafUcKaZ! bUt anYwaiZe iM downE taH mEetiN nEw pEoPle sO if yE lyK wHaT ye sEe then hOlla @ yo' gUrL aite...