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Wow - I haven't updated in a while!!! Life has been crazy - but I'm coming home to Cincinnati this weekend for a wedding. Email me or call me if you can hang on Friday the 13th!!!I just got back from Europe - Stockholm and Amsterdam are both beautiful cities. I had a blast while I was there (but Sean was very serious the whole time).Before I left, Sean and I both moved, my brother visited me for his 22nd Bday, and I shot a film in DC that will be distributed in Europe. The cast and crew were amazing - I'm so glad to have been apart of that project. And it was sOOOO good to see my brother - can't wait till he comes up again.Otherwise, I've been trying to catch up from the jet lag. I practiced my banjo for the first time in a WHILE last night, that was cool, but I have a lot of catching up to do.Oh, and I almost forgot - I quit my job before I left on vaca - so if anyone knows of any part time positions opening, please let me know. My makeup and acting careers are going so well, I can't take a full-time position right now, but I still need some steady cash in the meantime...