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Lin Laurin

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm an actress. I grew up in Malmö, Sweden. Film and theater have always been my big passions. All though I wanted to become a circus-princess, a ballerina, a TV hostess and a royal architect; all at the same time until I turned six and realized that I had to start making more realistic future plans.When I was 20 I left for New York and started my acting training at the William Esper Studio. Today I'm a graduate of the William Esper Studio's two-year program.Last summer I was working on the short film "Just Desserts". I both directed and played the part of "Stella". We had our first screenings this winter at "Bian" in Eslöv, Sweden and at "Dunkers kulturhus", Helsingborg, Sweden. We got very good respons from the audience. For more info go to www.justdessertsmovie.1go.dkHere in New York I just finished my master-year at the William Esper Studio and am at the moment working some different independent-film projects...

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