I'm not happy unless you're not happy.
I'm a bastard. I'm a bitch. I'm a fraggin' bastich. I know it, and I'm not changing. I love animals more than people. I'm sarcastic and rude, and that is just to the people I like. I hate to sleep because I am afraid I am going to miss something. I am spontaneous, devious, and under-appreciated. And I do respect the people I care about, and would do anything for them. I do have a heart after all. And sometimes I am just a big fat homo. Except for all the making out with guys stuff.
I love "Big Red".
What I've Been Up To:
Finish The Lyrics In Your Own Words
What hurts the most...
is when people die in real life.
I bounce in the club...
to "Fernando" by ABBA. Or anything by Air Supply.
When you look me in the eyes...
I wish you would love me again, so I could tell you I don’t love you.
It’s been so long and I’m lost without you...
thick head of hair.
Don’t want to close my eyes...
because you might get hit by a car and I might not see it happen.
I swear...
my favorite song of all time is "Be My Baby" by The Ronettes.
I got you babe...
to wish cunt cancer on.
Call me so I can get it…
set on my TiVo since I cannot ever miss it whenever "Bring It On" is on.
I pray...
you vote NO on 15.
I’ll give you my...
heart if you don’t give me a pen.
Take a look at my girlfriend...
and think about how in an hour I will be shooting all over her face.
I can read your mind baby...
and you like fish tacos.
All I do...
is wish for my mind to just stop for a few minutes.
Too strong for too long...
now my body is so weak I have to take pills to get along.
I’ll make love to you...
after I crank out that easy one first.
She want that…
buttsex while listening to "Livin’ In The Sunlight, Lovin’ In The Moonlight" from Tiny Tim.
And who can love you like me...
since Ray needs to slip women Roofies.
Snap yo fingers...
to "For The Longest Time" from Billy Joel.
Tell me again...
why you think Ben Stiller is funny.
All I wanna do...
is make out with Tina Fey. Is that too much to fucking ask?
I can’t stop...
tripping pregnant women that I think might be you down flights of stairs.
You ain’t nothin’ but a...
fair-weather friend that I gave the benefit of the doubt to. I was wrong.
One step at a time...
when you’re trying to jump the alligators in Pitfall on Atari 2600.
With you...
every day is like Guy Fawkes day.
Take a look at me now...
because I won’t be here forever.
dress up like a cheerleader and cheer for me.
Today's Random Pic From My House: