Music, dancing, shoes, bass, books, movies, fishing, history, politics, boys, chocolate, shiney things, family, life, bourbon, kittens, Care Bears, cooking. Yay!
Do you remember that one time when I got on the bus? You were sitting right in the front row and you watched me drop my coins into the collection box. You saw me then stripped of all my pretenses. I was just another person getting on the public transport, and you were just another person already seated. Why didn't we talk that one time we met? What kept us from being best mates, as I knew we were bound to be? So I remember that one time. It was cold outside when I got on the bus. And I remember what could have been...
Lots of pounding bass lines - I'm so easy to please! Give me dark and sexy tribal, hardcore, dnb, opera, jazz, big band, Bon Jovi, horrible 80s punk, drum lines, folk songs.... Anything but bluegrass and polka.
Movies are always good! Conan: The Barbarian, Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death, Napolean Dynamite, anything by George A. Romero, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Lord of the Rings, Saved!, Snatch, Boondock Saints, The Big Lebowski...
FamilyGuy, American Dad, House, CSI, a little Lost here and there, The Science Channel, National Geographic Channels, MSNBC...
Ah goodness - WAY too many to mention, remember, or possibly write down currently. Suffice to say I enjoy reading a lot. Hit me up if you're curious as to what!
Howard Dean is my hero - any man who can yell like he can can't be that bad.