Funshine profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

First off, I enjoy bright colours and shiny things. I like *huggles* and carefree thoughts. I love friends, family, and happy emotions. I am a thinker, a feeler, a lover, a care-giver, a friend, an enemy, a child of the night.
I am me.
I am an artist, a singer, a dancer, a reader, a writer. I am your new best friend and your old forgotten love. I am everyone and yet I remain in the end myself.
So just what is it that makes me different? I am another carbon copy, another lass, created from the same old mold.
I am Funshine, Lauren, Laurenshine, Laur, and DeathMonger...
I am love and I am hate, and everything betwixt the two.
I am.
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My Interests

Music, dancing, shoes, bass, books, movies, fishing, history, politics, boys, chocolate, shiney things, family, life, bourbon, kittens, Care Bears, cooking. Yay!

I'd like to meet:

Do you remember that one time when I got on the bus? You were sitting right in the front row and you watched me drop my coins into the collection box. You saw me then stripped of all my pretenses. I was just another person getting on the public transport, and you were just another person already seated. Why didn't we talk that one time we met? What kept us from being best mates, as I knew we were bound to be? So I remember that one time. It was cold outside when I got on the bus. And I remember what could have been...


Lots of pounding bass lines - I'm so easy to please! Give me dark and sexy tribal, hardcore, dnb, opera, jazz, big band, Bon Jovi, horrible 80s punk, drum lines, folk songs.... Anything but bluegrass and polka.


Movies are always good! Conan: The Barbarian, Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death, Napolean Dynamite, anything by George A. Romero, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Lord of the Rings, Saved!, Snatch, Boondock Saints, The Big Lebowski...


FamilyGuy, American Dad, House, CSI, a little Lost here and there, The Science Channel, National Geographic Channels, MSNBC...


Ah goodness - WAY too many to mention, remember, or possibly write down currently. Suffice to say I enjoy reading a lot. Hit me up if you're curious as to what!


Howard Dean is my hero - any man who can yell like he can can't be that bad.

My Blog


Fucking bullshit. I hate this apartment. I can't wait to move on sunday...
Posted by Funshine on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 03:53:00 PST

Been forever, jeebuz...

Still here, still alive, still kickin... Just working lots, saving for the move, collecting my energies.   So much being accomplished, will update once I've got more to share...     I m...
Posted by Funshine on Tue, 01 May 2007 04:15:00 PST

Birthday! Yay!

Ahhh, what a wonderful weekend it's been!Tomorrow is my birthday dinner with the loved ones, tonight is FIVE, last night was a perfect quiet evening..!Today I had a lot of fun trying to find the Torri...
Posted by Funshine on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 05:18:00 PST

I saw it was snowing...

... and dragged myself outside.Here is the result of 5 minutes in powder fun.So I guess this weekend wasn't total suck after all! Well, even if Mike didn't drunk text/call like he promised (*sniff*).....
Posted by Funshine on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 08:50:00 PST


Jeebus. Sick.As.Fuck.Leave some love.
Posted by Funshine on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 04:11:00 PST


I'm starting to get really excited. Big night with good peoples.Man, it's been forever and a day since I took a trip to New York for a party! What a world of difference between hardcore and dubstep, e...
Posted by Funshine on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 04:15:00 PST


People. Don't be disappointments.Just don't do it.This has been a Public Service Announcement by the Funnyshiner.
Posted by Funshine on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 02:59:00 PST

Aww, thanks!

Thank you to everyone who hit me up! I'm fine, I just need to focus on myself right now...Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.... otherwise how do you ever really grow as a person?My plan, work 1...
Posted by Funshine on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 05:37:00 PST

Gone for now

I won't be online for a while.I have to take care of me.You guys know my number. Drop a line sometime.
Posted by Funshine on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 09:44:00 PST

someone, please

I can't breathe... I feel like I'm drowning.What the fuck happened?I missed something crucial and now I'm right back where I was... 4 years ago... someone, please.....
Posted by Funshine on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 09:18:00 PST