FIREBALL profile picture


An it harm none Do what ye will Blessed be to thee

About Me

Fireball was conceived from some lighthearted talk over episodes of Father Ted. Fitz, dual continent traveller of the Twisted Ones and Erik from Mighty Robot persuaded five ladies with a mutual love for psychedelic, prog, garage and all things heavy to put their heads together. What started as idle record collector chatter became musings on a fun one-time project. Jennifer Black (vox) from the Ospreys [r.i.p.], Rebecca Ross (guitar), Lisa Garrett (guitar), Etain Fitzpatrick (bass) from FancyPants, and Sue Pieschalski (drums) from the Wet Look and Tete a Gifle [r.i.p.] secretly planned to meet and formed what would be a surprise for the returning Fitz – a Fireball show at one of the last nights of the infamous Brooklyn audio visual rock loft, Mighty Robot.Through the smoke, visual projections, the five emerged, a ball of noise – gravelly but melodic - held together by cave(wo)man drums and an angelic voice. A handful of shows later, including a WFMU DJ birthday at Maxwells, one at NYC experimental underground haven Tonic, and a superfun Junkyard show, Fireball were approached by Andrew from Home to record. Blessed Be is the result.The speaker-shredding sound has been described as “like hot tar being poured onto the Go-Gos” and “gun-blazing like a 77 Chevy Nova with a cracked radiator and a motor low on oil”. Blessed Be, this four song EP marks the beginning of more mental mayhem. Stick around for a full length coming this spring. [LG, Sept 19, 2005]

My Interests


Member Since: 7/16/2005
Band Members: jen black, lisa g, rebecca r, etain f & sue p.
Influences: amon duul, groundhogs, james gang, jefferson airplane, hawkwind, blue cheer, pentagram, sabbath, 13th Floor Elevators, Freaks & Geeks
Sounds Like: "Tar being poured over the Go-Go's." "A slaughter house." "an unholy hybrid of Comets On Fire, Angelblood, Hawkwind, Harry Pussy and Amon Duul II."
Record Label: High Roller Society Records
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Fireball has 666 friends!

Thanks to our first 666 friends for listening and spreading the kind words!As you may have noticed it's been pretty quiet on our front.This will probably continue indefinitely.So, I personally will no...
Posted by FIREBALL on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 02:33:00 PST

Fireball in the NME!

Just got word that in the Xmas issue of NME this week, Marian Paterson has named "Arsonist" one of her top five singles of the year! Thanks Marian, and thanks Paul Twisted Robot for the heads up. Hap...
Posted by FIREBALL on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 02:40:00 PST

More online love

from Deli Magazine:   Music Grinder: Fireball These fire foxes from Brooklyn are so indie they don't even have a website...beat that hipster sc...
Posted by FIREBALL on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 09:16:00 PST

Fireball's First Feature!

We are one of Dusted magazine's 'Destined' artists for 2006. Not bad for a first feature: Check it here:
Posted by FIREBALL on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 08:35:00 PST

Great review in this month's BUST!

Blessed Be opens with a crashing thud so distorted it takes the listener a moment to realize that it's merely drums that are responsible for the clatter. This may be a part of the Brooklyn all-female ...
Posted by FIREBALL on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 07:28:00 PST

.2 on top 2005 eps on Dusted Magazine (co-editor picks)

Yeah! We made a top ten list. Very cool. Dusted Magazine's Otis Hart shares the love:
Posted by FIREBALL on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 01:18:00 PST

Fireball mention in Seattle Weekly

Douglas Wolk dishes out some love for Fireball, previously only available via his blog, but now for public consumption in this week's Seattle Weekly.
Posted by FIREBALL on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 08:20:00 PST

Fireball charts on WNYU

Everybody's favorite NY college radio station, WNYU has us at #16! So lovely. xo Fireball...
Posted by FIREBALL on Sat, 19 Nov 2005 01:15:00 PST

more love from Matador Records' Dave Martin

Dave Martin, long time beloved employee of Matador Records lists us as one of his top ten records he's listening to! What great taste (and I'm talking all his lists, too).
Posted by FIREBALL on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 01:02:00 PST

Aquarius Records SF gets it!

The best review we've seen yet! From SF record store, Aquarius. We are truly glowing. Thanks guys. And to Doug for forwarding it. "FIREBALL  "Blessed Be"  (High Roller Society Records) ...
Posted by FIREBALL on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 04:50:00 PST