Leaning Tower of Pisa Roman Colesium Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Swiss Alps
Monte Carlo-Monaco...Please send money...Please! When in Rome...
With Jess and Nadia in Surfer's Paradise-Australia Awesome drive through Utah-before After Niagra Falls with Marnie The Pinnacles Canada Day Flipper Dave(Default) and I before the choppings Wasaga Under the Eiffel! Mobile bar in Thailand...OUR HERO! Floating Market-you have to pay the bastard to take his snake off you... Is that a cow's tongue in my mouth.... OLD PICTURES Don't I look pretty Kenny still has the same car...me...keep on trashin em...still have this one...although its been sitting in at Delorean One for over 5 years...eeek All four tires still pointing down... Ayers Rock... I made some friends...