RADIO 99 profile picture


Rebels without applause

About Me

JESUS WANTS YOU TO COPY OUR BANNER TO YOUR SPACE!!! Just try looking at it when u're high! Far out!!!
Just Copy-Paste into your about section, and u'll have Ol' John here saying how manly we are! Yay!
CONTACTING!!!!!1 if you wanna ask us ANY question, be it about booking, fan mail (not likely), hate mail (likely), beauty tips, gear questions, sex tips from Tom, anything!! just drop us a line at the following e-mail adress:
[email protected]
We WILL read your mail, and we will answer. Especially since there will be none.
DOWNLOAD OUR EP. IT'S FREE!!! :Now, if by any reason u would like to download the entire EP in non-shitty-myspace-quality, all 6 songs (we only have 3 online, but there are actually 6 songs, yeah), you can do so by using the followin rapidshare link. For those of u who never used rapidshare, let me tell u it's a great tool, and if u search like on google u can find great free porn hosted in the site. Anyhoo to download the EP:
Left click here and follow the easy assembly instructions.
Our story starts in July, 2007. I was home, doing nothing, when my neighbour and good good friend, Janas (u might know his band, Defying Control), knocked at the door. I pulled up my pants, kicked the bong outta the way and opened. We hung out a little and he showed me this band he thought I was going to like a lot. Turned out to be a band called Social Distortion.
I was always a non-enthusiastic fan of punk rock music. I listened to NOFX, Millencolin, Pennywise, etc, a lot, when I was 17 or so, but I had kinda lost interest in the scene when I discovered rockabilly music, and had not listened to any punk rock in ages. This (little?) band called Social Distortion changed that. They had the sound, the look, the voice and the lyrics I associated with rockabilly and roots rock, yet, they were punky. And Mike Ness just looked so cool.
Well, I had, by that time, already tried to start a lotta bands. Joined a couple of others, none of them really worked out. As soon as I heard Mike Ness kick out the intro solo for Dont Drag Me Down, i knew that this time I just had to try again.
So that night, at the local bar scene, I talked with my good pal Charlie. He was the best drummer I'd ever heard, or played with, so it seemed stupid not to talk to him. He also sings like an angel, and has a very very kind heart and beautifull skin. He seemed cooperative enough so we set out to find us a bass player, another guitar player, and maybe someone who could actually sing. That bass player turned out to be the bass player from a local reggae band called Chapadux. Speedy Gonzalez. I was never a big fan of reggae, i think it's like a gay version of ska, but I knew Speedy G. had been into punk rock, and was a big fan of Blink 182.
Blink 182 was another band i had never actually heard until that summer. I always dismissed them and talked shit about them for being mainsteam, but I never really bothered to check them out. Untill then. I had to check them out, both Speedy G and Charlie loved the band (Charlie actually sounds a lot like Travis, if ya ask me.) and I just had to see what all the fuss was about. I ended up loving them. Not as much as Social Distortion, not as much as NOFX, but damned if I didnt listen to Wendy Clear every night of that summer, while sittin in my car, smokin the last joint of the day.
So I guess our little band was set. We decided we didnt need another guitar player (we tried, with our homie Giovanni, but it just didnt work out.) and we started writing songs. I ended up singing, not that I'm very good at it, but I guess I'm okay, as long as I keep writing voice lines with two notes, tops. We got ourselves a couple of tunes, no covers, and we threw our first show in Sept 1. Opening for Defying Control, a very technical, very fast and pretty good punk hardcore band. The show was ok.
I guess since then, the only thing that changed was our bass player. Speedy G. quit the band, Tom joined. We have a shitload of songs. Most are shameless rip offs, but a couple of them are actually good. Some songs from our just-recorded-straight-out-of-the-studio-into-the-web EP are online now for your listening pleasure. Kick off your shoes, light yerself a doobie and listen, maybe you wont think we totally suck.
Luv, Billy

My Interests


Member Since: 7/24/2007
Band Members: Radio 99 are:
Charlie - Hi5 : Drums and back vocals:

Billy - Hi5 : Guitar and "Singing"

Tom - Hi5 : Bass and Out of Tune vocals

Influences: NOFX, Social Distortion, Rancid, Blink 182, Green Day, all those lovely 90's punk rock bands that filled our childhoods with happiness, The Clash, Motorhead, A lttle bit of rockabilly, early country and folk, some reggae, some ska, early jazz, swing and bebop, Hip Hop also has a spot in my heart and Charlie's.
We are also influenced by the beautiful nature that surrounds us. Every little bird, flower, tree and small animal that we see in our everyday life is reflected in our music. In every baby's face we see melodies that we try to comunicate to you.
We also dig chicks with big boobs and fart jokes. Ka-ching!
Sounds Like: Crap.
Record Label: We are open 2 sugestions.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Lyrics. The rest of them.

Once again, greetings to all those who read the crap I write here. Today I'm gonna write the rest of the lyrics for the songs in our EP. No one cares, I guess, but I personally like to know the lyrics...
Posted by RADIO 99 on Thu, 29 May 2008 06:06:00 PST


Pissoal. Quem quer que seja que lê isto. Já há algum tempo que não escrevia aqui nada. Até podia dizer que tenho estado ocupado, que a vida tá lixada, etc etc, mas era mentira, porque a bem dizer não ...
Posted by RADIO 99 on Tue, 27 May 2008 03:36:00 PST

The people’s revolution, is gonna be a podcast!

Olá amiguinhos!!! Um grande bem haja antes de mais nada ao pessoal que lê estas merdinhas que escrevo quando estou entediado/padrado/ambos. Provavelment estarão á espera de umas 10 ou 11 linhas em que...
Posted by RADIO 99 on Tue, 13 May 2008 03:04:00 PST

Luv song 3 and Switchblade Joe lyrics

Luv Song 3 is probably the worst lyrics ever. But I'll post them anyway, I actually received a couple of emails requesting the lyrics cuz my singing sucks so bad. I saw her standing by the streetlight...
Posted by RADIO 99 on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 08:29:00 PST

conversa do msn. (em português)

Já que tou padrado, deixo aqui isto. Tom diz: sim senhor! e é isto que eu chamo um belo fito! Tom diz: looololol Billy diz: LOLOLOLOLOLOL Billy diz: LOLOLOL Tom diz: eu qnd for velho Tom diz: tambem q...
Posted by RADIO 99 on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 04:50:00 PST

High Again Song Lyrics - For u curious people out there

Yo, I've been listening 2 the songs, and I guess that due to my beautifully rough singing voice and our noobness in mixing stuff, it's actually kinda hard 2 get what I'm saying. So, I guess, writ...
Posted by RADIO 99 on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 01:42:00 PST

EP Online!

Our EP has been online for some time now. Or at least part of it. The EP has 6 songs. In time we will put the rest of our stuff here, the 3 remaining songs (Kingdom Cum, Mexican Standoff and Johnny) a...
Posted by RADIO 99 on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 11:54:00 PST


We’ve been thinking about recording some of our songs for sometime now, but for some reason, definitely not lazyness or lack of organization we havent made any progress. Until now. Yes, I am ple...
Posted by RADIO 99 on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 08:38:00 PST