LEXIE!! profile picture


I test new products.

About Me

Im a very outgoing, fun loving, happy, positive person. I like to surround myself with positive people, and people who know more than I do. That way I hope to learn from them. I grew up as a tom boy who rode horses, and played in the dirt. When I was 14 I turned into a girly girl, which I still am. I love to shop, tan, the color pink, clothes, fashion, flowers. But that dosent mean that I watch Life Time, Television for Women. I hate that network! boooring! Im also fast to attempt to change my own tire/oil/fix something around the house. I try to know a little bit about everything so that I can relate to as many people as possible. I drink green tea all day long. I dont drink coffee. I hate sweets, especially ice cream. I cant stand the stuff. Im not a fan of fast food, unless its fried chicken. I have a weakness for that! I like movies, but I hate going to the movies cause my attention span is too short for that. Im afraid to fly but I love to travel. I fly somewhere almost every week, it always gives me something to look forward to. I like Virgin airlines, and surprisingly I like Southwest. I drink gin, but only on the airplane. I love love love beer, its all I drink except for the occasional patron on the rocks and Im always up for some good champagne!! Im learning how to cook. I eat sushi and sandwiches almost every day. I have cocktails in the afternoon. I go to bed late and I wake up early. I love to watch basketball and baseball, but I only like to watch baseball when Im at the game. I cant stand watching hockey on TV cause I can never follow the puck! Im learning how to play football!! which is really fun! if you consider beer pong or darts a sport then I am a champ!!! I love to play golf. I have been playing since I was 7 and I love it! I also love riding horses (english) and Id love to get back in the saddle again! I come off as ditzy, and maybe even clumsy but thats only after 10+ cocktails. I love mini vacays at the Chateau Marimont. I love Mexico, and I speak spanish fluently (only when im drunk). Im really spontaneous. I get ready in the morning so im up for almost anything at a moments notice. I love making fun of myself. I try to be nice to everyone I meet. If your from my hometown I like you right off the bat. I now live with roommates and I love it! I am a very clean person. I color coordinate my closet!! I make my bed in the morning for no good reason. I shop at whole foods yet I drink and smoke. hmm.I like seeing old friends in Arizona! I look like a dumb blonde, which I actually like, and use to my advantage because I love shocking people. I also get a cheap thrill out of doing something everyone said I couldnt do! one of the best feelings in the world is when someone if proud of me. I know every word to almost every song. I sing loudly, that is in my car with the windows down! I dance often! I love fashion!! I buy myself flowers every week. I decorate my house for the holidays with cheesy little decorations. as girly as I am my room looks more masculine than feminine.I love a minimal modern style. I love decorating and interior design in general. I love and adore my friends and family and I wish I could let them know how amazing they are more often. I try not to set expectations, cause your usually setting yourself up for a fall. lifes more fun with surprises anyways. I get motion sickness, which I hate. I am very artistic. I love to paint with acrylic and oil, pencil sketch and also pastels. I scrapbook. dorky, i know! I try to remember little details so people know I really care, although I am terrible with names but great with faces. I cant find my way around, thank god I have a GPS, I would be hopelessly lost without it. Im not so good at driving, and I really dont like to drive at all. I avoid it whenever possible. I am so happy to be 21. I had 7 fake ID's taken! sheesh! I graduated high school early with my bad ass friend Kate! I lived in boulder but high heels in the snow didnt work out so well for me. I love the beach, the pool, water slides, water skiing, snow boarding. I have recently taken an interest in poker, and I would like to learn more about archery cause its so fun!! I love to eat out, going to clubs, bars, pubs, and I really enjoy a good house party! polka layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments

My Interests

Enjoying life as much as I can every day!! I have a hobby of sitting on a red carpet...

I'd like to meet:

I really lucked out meeting all of my fantastic friends here in LA! I love and appreciate them so much!! Im always up to meet new people CHEERS!

see if you can date me!! do we mesh well? hmmm


I have very eclectic taste in music. I like everything from classic rock to rap. from pop to jazz. the only thing i really dont like is whiney depressing music. I may be one of the only people who cant stand Cold Play. I like... Third Eye Blind, Panic! at the Disco, Rufio, trapt, Ganarls Barkley, Christina Agulara, the Gorillaz, most oldies cuase I grew up with them, almost every hit at the club, Yellow Card, Sugar cult, Eminem, Eve 6, Sublime...wow I cant think of em all but I like sooo many! I love concerts. I love it when someone sounds better live than on the album!


Hatchet, Blow, Anchor Man, Zoo Lander, Theres Something About Mary, Charlies Angles, Gia, Girl Interupted, Seven, Sleepers, Basket Ball Diaries, White Men Cant Jump, Starskey and Hutch,the list goes on...and any move that my friends are in or have in part in the production side as well!!


well I dont watch a ton of TV, but its on all the time, mainly for background noise. when its on its on reno 911, loved the chapelle show, sports, cops, that 70's show, family guy, simpsons, the morning news, E!, the soup, Americas Next Top model, the real world, deal or no deal, 1 in 100, Americas funniest home videos (joleigh that ones for you!) Ugly Betty, house, the office, super heros, nip tuck, CSI, and the list goes on....


well I read as much as I can so the list is constantly changing. I still read the news paper. I read magazines as well, but mainly I look at the pictures, and mostly thats an airport hobby!!


My parents! and my grandma, Aimee.and the person who created Becks Light. 64 calories and it dosent taste like water! amazing!!!!

My Blog

yeah I did the same survey again

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:Alexandra Marie Tauken GehrkeBirthday:November 9, 1985. scorpio!!!Birthplace:ArizonaCurrent Location:Hollywood, CAEye Color:Green, sometimes blue with contacts....
Posted by LEXIE!! on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 04:55:00 PST

im bored and these are fun

Popular KidIn high school, everyone knew your name - even if you didn't know theirs.In fact, your still skating by on your looks and charm. Nothing wrong with that!Who Were You In High School?Your Boo...
Posted by LEXIE!! on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 11:18:00 PST


width="425" height="350">..>THIS IS FUNNY! COMEDY SKIT WITH LACY!!!! DEAL OR NO DEAL!...
Posted by LEXIE!! on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 08:46:00 PST

Viva Las Vegas!

Las Vegas is the best!The gang at the aladin! "damnit Shannon this is the third time, who is your new assistant fire them!! god I hate my publicist!!!!...not UPT, UPN...and all I was told was Cabana 1...
Posted by LEXIE!! on Fri, 26 May 2006 04:55:00 PST

10% pool Party Photos

this means that there will be 9 more!!! (maybe more)THUS CREATING.........
Posted by LEXIE!! on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 12:14:00 PST