CURRENT MOON moon info
Down to earth people like me, not so tight-assed that they cant take a joke , Persons with the same interest and beleif's and goals as me, people that aren't quick to judge or point the finger....People that get to know me for me and not because we know a person in comon, People that can take responsibilty for there own actions, people who know children come before what they want or do, people that are adult enough to admitt when they are wrong and say they are sorry and move on, People that don't try to hide what they are doing, People that can handle someone telling them they are in the wrong and accept it and try to work things out. People that stay far from drama, gossip, Childish behaviors, he said, she said shit, and bullshit for lack of better words....! And persons that just know how to have a great and memorable times.
Tesla, ratt, motley crue, cinderella, jackyl, just to name a few. And i also like the new music out there, thanks to my daughters.
encyclopedia of magickal herbs, encyclopedia of crystals, gems & metal. Wicca : a guide for solitary practioner, The only wiccan speel book you'll ever need, To stir a magick cauldion. Divination for beginners.... Anything from Scott Cunningham and Silver Ravenwolf.