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There are two emotions that DEATH BROKER relate to best: rage and anger.
The urban war zone feel of our music could very well serve as a soundtrack to the end of times : ultra raw, yet arrangements that are sharpened to a
saw blade-like preciseness to create a sound with lyrics that are as brutally
visceral as the music.Formed in Late 2005, Death Broker is a five member line-up that is taking the metal scene by force. This all original metal band from Cincinnati, OH has a dual Axe attack that is unstoppable. Their heavy riffs and blistering solo's have made people turn heads. Shredding the Axe attack are Rhino and Drew Northgard.Fingering the Bass guitar is David Wilsman. The double bass attack with drum rolls from hell is played by Paul Arthur, and the screams are from Anthony.We would like thank all of the bands we had the pleasure of sharing the stage with :DEICIDE, Byzatine, Pain link, Wrecked ,Retribution, Chizel, Medusa Diesel, ReapeR, Misstress Jyulia, All Should Die, Desolation, Deconstruct, Blood Born, Bloodshed, Dead Broke, The Allknowing, Detached, Somatic Source, Lechery, Sinersa, New Beginning, Created to kill, Negitive Process, Neutral Shock, Azygous, Black Tractor, Superkreep, Led to Ruin, Zero1Zero, Assailant, Darkness Undying, Silk Abrasion, A night to Dismember.Get the T-shirts now
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