Patecabra plays heavy fucking metal. Not thrash, not death, not black, not doom, not whatever, just METAL. With emphasis on speed, of course, but trying to cover a lot of ground, too. It's old school to the core, not some "retro" effort copying old glories, or trying to bring the 80s back...this is a 21th century band, bringing the ugliest, nastiest and most glorious essence of the golden age of metal to our times, like it should and always must be.Influences: Master, Possessed, Mutilator, Old Sepultura, Sarcofago, WASP, Nasty Savage, Mercyful Fate, Candlemass, Exodus, Törr, Motörhead, Master's Hammer, Bathory, Venom, Tormentor (Hun), Pentagram (Chile), Massacre (Chile...actually, the US death metal band also), Rampage, The Evil Dead Series, Hellraiser I & II, Nosferatu Phantom der Nacht, Klaus Kinsky, cheap beer (Baltica, Escudo, Brahma and others), cheap wine (I'm chilean, wine is a given here), cigs, women, porno. That's all I can think of now, but there's definitely more.Patecabra is on the german label BARBARIAN WRATH. These are some of the newest releases on their roster.Barbarian Wrath releases only killer underground metal!!
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