texanelephant profile picture


The American Indians found out what happens when you don't control immigration.

About Me

UT Austin alum - Tx State Grad student, Love Texas, Love life, Believe in Great Family and Friends (luckily sometimes they are the same) Enjoy intelligence and laughter. Ask me and I'll tell you, but don't expect a straight answer :)Just returned from Lithuania and Poland. Eastern Europe is awesome!

My Interests

Politics, Family, Friends, Longhorn Football, Camping....etc....not necessarily in that order

I'd like to meet:

Whoever decided to slice up a cow and grill it! That guy is pure genius! oh yeah, and interesting, goal-oriented people, preferrably those that haven't been to prison :)


no gangsta rap please


Braveheart, Boondock Saints, Snatch, Shakespeare in Love, Three Amigos, and a lot of others


FNC, CSPAN, Whose Line is it anyway? Deadwood.


Gotta Love the Boxcar Children (when I was younger), My Dad's Books (ghost-writer for William Johnstone (Westerns)) and his Vampire Trilogy as well, Political Opinion books are my focus now......


Ronald Reagan and any man who is truly a Good Father (my best friend)