Christina of BREAKERBOX profile picture

Christina of BREAKERBOX

Lead Singer/Bass Player of BREAKERBOX

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Flower x!x

Throughout my life, music has been (at times my only) best friend. My mother passed away when I was 10, causing a move to my fathers house, with his new wife and her children. Music saved my life. It was the soundtrack and the solice I desperatly needed growing up. It made shit good! Music makes you feel cooler than you probably are, it makes you feel sexier than you probably think you are, and it makes you get it.
Being a teenager when NIRVANA came along, I knew that I was a part of something so special. Alice in Chains, Layne Staley made me want to join a fuckin’ band!!! Linda Perry literally kicked ass, Rage, Soundgarden, Tracy Bonham, Hole, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, The Chili Peppers, Janes Addiction, the list goes on..., I was in it, and it consumed me! I spent every dime I had on different music, sometimes shit I had never heard of,(thats when CD werent $20) Tori Amos caused me to sit at my piano for the (it seemed) 349 days out of the year that I was grounded, and write and write and write and write... torturing my highschool friends with my sappy love songs and angry "I hate my parents" anthems, that no one really got but me. But, I knew I was hooked. Performing in talent shows when I was younger, dance classes for years, art classes, art programs, all of the things I adored as a child, I was determined to make my life, my adulthood would not be a waist!!!!
Both of my parents were artists and musicians. My father still performs as a folk/blues artist down south. A beautiful voice, and great songwriter I still believe that he has a true Rock N Roll heart. My mother, was more of a low down type of lady. She owned thousands of "45 records from everyone you could think of. She would sit me down and MAKE me listen to "Blackbird" by the BEATLES to hear the beauty, "Since I fell for you" by NINA SIMONE to hear pain, and "WHEN THE LEVY BREAKS" by Zepplin to understand the power of a rock band, and its instruments. I was totally infatuated with her!! At the same time I was finding my own style, and interests. I would listen to Whitney Houston and Etta James, Ella Fitzgerald and copy every lick I could, Lisa Lisa & The Cult Jam, the late 80s Dance Party R&B, JANET- Rythym Nation caused me to start a girl group in my neighborhood and force 2 other 10 year olds to practice our singing and dancing EVERY SINGLE DAY! (they still hate me).All of the early hip hop and R&B. But nothing did it like Metallica for me.
I met my soul mate in music when I was 18. I had broken my leg & arm in a car accident, which caused me to stop and stand still for the first time since I had left home @ 16. It also gave me the desire and all the time in the world to learn how to play guitar.(I wrote about 80 songs) Scott Calandra
, (drums- BREAKERBOX) came to audition for a band called "The Move" bass player Matt Castronova (more on matt castronova (BENSIN))and I had started. Right away, my playing and singing locked with his drumming. He was so smart musically, he opened my eyes to so many things that I didnt know could happen with a band. He was driven, experienced, and funny as hell. I had definetly met my bandmate, and the best friend I have ever had. He brought the "kick ass rock chick" out of me!!
Through many players, and many different bands, we kept going. Finally, Matty decided to go his own way with a band called "BENSIN", and we started a brand new project called

More @
That was early spring of 2005, Joe Pinnavaia
completed the line up. A sick guitar player, Joe was the first guitarist that I, personally ever played with that understood what I was fuckin’ talking about. He’s a huge talent, and is definetly going to change music! We have played so many shows, recorded so much music, and this is it!!!! I finally found the two guys that want to work just has hard as I do, and infact push me harder. They are true to music, and will kick your ass. We are just ready to take over the world!
We have spent the past year touring the northeast, giggin where ever we can- some better than others- we have been lucky to play at some amazing venues in NYC- and with some amazing musicians- but, its definetly a learning experience! We have been showcasing, having meetings and pushing the shit out of ourselves- and now- thanks to Caroll Lowery we are working with her son- producer Corey Lowery (Dark New Day/StereoMud) on our debut release. We were just looking for OUR producer- that person that was going to take our potential and what we do- and make it better! And Corey has with the first song we have done with him "SOUL TO LIFE"- we are heading to Atlanta this winter to complete the EP, and we will keep you posted!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 7/12/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: I ADORE THEM



To fight to be different in a world of "the same" NEVER to rest on their talent alone, TO BE DIFFERENT, to give them what they DIDNT know they needed! to have- POWER, SOUL, BEAUTY, and SEX
for this....I pray.
Name: Christina DeNee' Reilly
Birthday: May 7th
Birthplace: North West Side of Buffalo, New York
Current Location: Buffalo, New York
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black/Dark Brown/or whatever
Height: 5'8"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Left handed when I write; i do everything else with my right
Your Heritage: Mother was Sicilian and American Indian, father is Indian, Irish, Portuguese and English
The Shoes You Wore Today: None... i have been barefoot and freezing all morning
Your Weakness: pizza
Your Fears: pizza
Your Perfect Pizza: light cheese, mushroom, peppers and my b and I in a hotel room eating with wine... as ghetto cheap as you get
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: For Breakerbox to take over the world...
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: LOL, and Instant Messanger in GENERAL! There are some people in "the business" that I will NEVER actually speak too.
Thoughts First Waking Up: Oh god... i have to get up.
Your Best Physical Feature: my mothers eyes
Your Bedtime: when i pass out from exhaustion... or whatever else.
Your Most Missed Memory: when I would have a cold, my mom would tuck sheets into our 70's pleather couch and make me Campbells vegetable beef soup and grilled cheese and watch I LOVE LUCY with me.

Or smoking a cigarette in the summer listening to loud music driving to the park with my friends (circa age 15), it was very NOT STRESSFUL! and the world seemed limitless; still does.

Pepsi or Coke: Diet Pepsi only, regular Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King: Burger King ... but, I can't eat that anymore... I would be 400 pounds...
Single or Group Dates: Single... even in a relationship, don't dig the couple thing
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Sugar Free Lipton ICED TEA is crack!
Chocolate or Vanilla: It depends... Chocolate milkshakes are THE BEST THING!
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffeee... normal fucking coffee *TIM HORTONS to our Buffalo readers
Do you Smoke: no... used to for 10 years... now I just look at them and cry...
Do you Swear: way too much
Do you Sing: all the time
Do you Shower Daily: sure
Have you Been in Love: i finally know that I am
Do you want to go to College: someday... maybe, I would love to really just further my mind, without sweating it so much
Do you want to get Married: maybe someday... its not important to me.
Do you belive in yourself: as much as I can
Do you get Motion Sickness: don't think so... unless I am on a boat.. but, I have only been on one once... so i dont know!
Do you think you are Attractive: I am getting better at it
Are you a Health Freak: I am getting better at it...
Do you get along with your Parents: I am getting better at it... my dad and I share one thing, a sense of humor; so we will always be good.
Do you like Thunderstorms: YES YES YES... my dad and I used to sit on our front porch and count the space between the lightning and thunder
Do you play an Instrument: A few
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yes
In the past month have you Smoked: yes ( i cracked okay!)
In the past month have you been on Drugs: no
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: no
In the past month have you been on Stage: yes yes yes... thank GOD
In the past month have you been Dumped: no.
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: NO ( i live in Buffalo)
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Yes... yellow paper from Kinko's cause they kept FUCKING UP our flyers
Ever been Drunk: god yes
Ever been called a Tease: not in a long time (ha ha)
Ever been Beaten up: Yes... but I have whooped some ass myself
Ever Shoplifted: Yes... got busted by my stepmom for tweety underwear when I was 13
How do you want to Die: Surrounded by people who love me; knowing GOD
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Exactly what I am...
What country would you most like to Visit: Brazil.
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Doesnt matter... but my b has deep almost grey brown eyes
Favourite Hair Color: Dark hair
Short or Long Hair: shaved almost, short hair
Height: i gotta say... 5'6" is pretty fucking hot~
Weight: Whatever they are the healthiest at
Best Clothing Style: THeir own
Number of Drugs I have taken: ENOUGH
Number of CDs I own: Alot!... the best got stolen out of my car years ago... and I just can't seem to get them back!
Number of Piercings: Had a few for a while... now, just two.
Number of Tattoos: none... not till we go platinum!
Number of things in my Past I Regret: too many, but I believe that I wouldnt be who I am without them... unfortunatly they needed to happen!

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Still Auditioning Bass & Guitar for Showcasing/Festival/Touring

NOW AUDITIONING BASS&GUITAR Label Showcasing/Tour Heavy, aggressive rhythm guitar player- also able to show versatility. A mix of Machine Head and Prince- who understands song and how to acc...
Posted by Christina of BREAKERBOX on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 09:17:00 PST

The Rainbow- and my grandma-

This week was a hard week for me and  my family- my grandmother who, with my grandfather- pretty much raised me- I've lived with them on and off since I was about 15 and they have always supporte...
Posted by Christina of BREAKERBOX on Sun, 04 May 2008 08:00:00 PST

To people asking about a Breakerbox Tour-

Hey everybody- I got a couple comments asking how our tour was going- but, unfortunatly- Breakerbox is not on tour right now- we just finished recording our EP with Corey Lowery- and we are getting ev...
Posted by Christina of BREAKERBOX on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 09:30:00 PST

Going to ATLANTA!!!

Hey everybody- we just confirmed the dates- Breakerbox is heading to Atlanta, GA to complete last 4 tracks of our EP with Corey Lowery- so pumped to not be in Buffalo for most of January!!! We ha...
Posted by Christina of BREAKERBOX on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 09:18:00 PST

New Song "SOUL TO LIFE" w producer Corey Lowery

Hey everybody-   We just posted our new song "Soul to Life" that we just completed with producer Corey Lowery (DarkNewDay/StereoMud) on myspace- come check it out! We would love to hear what you...
Posted by Christina of BREAKERBOX on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 05:22:00 PST

Be sure to ad CREILLYART!!! My new art business- come check it out!

Hey guys- those of you who know me well- know that I have been doing free-lance charicature and portrait art for like 8 years in and around the area- my business has really picked up and I would love ...
Posted by Christina of BREAKERBOX on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 12:21:00 PST

Breakerbox is not dead- and neither am i (lol)- a little update-

Hi Friends-   Just letting you guys know whats up with the band and everything- I know alot of you have been emailing me asking whats up with Breakerbox and the "new music"- well- its definetly c...
Posted by Christina of BREAKERBOX on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 09:31:00 PST

I will be at Buffalo Bills Season Opener Sept 9th- Drawing Pre-Game in the DOME!

For those of you who know me- know that aside from music- I have a budding free-lance charicature business (its all a trade off- im stumped by long division- ha ha)- anyway- I will be drawing FREE cha...
Posted by Christina of BREAKERBOX on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 12:21:00 PST

A little rant about the VA shooting.

How much more are they gonna give that crazy fuck what he wanted by putting his pictures all over CNN? Anyone else agree with me on this? Obviously, he wanted to get attention and go down in history f...
Posted by Christina of BREAKERBOX on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:15:00 PST

A little about our music

So. Breakerbox has been in hiding for about 2 months now. We needed to get focused and get down to writing new music- demo-ing and recording our EP. FINALLY!!! We have been busy playing, and trying to...
Posted by Christina of BREAKERBOX on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:14:00 PST