About Me
Otherworldly OriginsKoriand'r is the second of three children born to Tamaran's ruling family. Komand'r, her older sister, was born deformed by Tamaranean standards. Unable to fly, she was deemed incapable to eventually rule the world as its Queen. The royal line was instead handed down to her younger sister, Koriand'r.Komand'r resented Koriand'r's eventual ascension and hated her sister. A deep rivalry grew between the two with Komand'r plotting to harm her sister in any way possible.In time, the sisters were sent for training to the Warlords of Okaara. There they would learn not only the art of combat, but the rules for governing. Tamaran was a planet of conflicting emotions. They embraced peace and love, but were quick to anger and fierce in war.The conflict between sisters grew, and Komand'r finally left Tamaran and joined with her planet's greatest enemies, the Citadel. The Citadel already ruled the other 21 Vegan worlds, and only Tamaran was permitted its freedom. Until now.The Citadel invaded peaceful Tamaran and quickly crippled its defenses. They demanded that King Myand'r turn over his daughter, Koriand'r, to the Citadel in exchange for peace. Myand'r accepted. His daughter would be sacrificed, but the paradise that was Tamaran would endureKomand'r banished her sister into humiliating slavery for six harsh years. But during it all Koriand'r never gave up hope.Raven gathers the team in NEW TEEN TITANS #1 [1980].
A classic kiss in NEW TEEN TITANS #2 [1980].
Eventually, Koriand'r and Komand'r were captured by the Psions, a race of soulless alien scientists who experimented on living beings. In an effort to see how much solar energy the body would endure before being destroyed, the Psions subjected the two sisters to endless grueling experiments. Unknown to the Psions, the Tamaranean body was capable of absorbing solar power - which gave them the ability to fly. Instead of destroying their captives, the Psions gave the sisters the ability to absorb the energy and then expel it in ferocious destructive blasts called Starbolts.Enter: The New Teen TitansThe sisters escaped and Koriand'r eventually made it to Earth where she was found by a group of young heroes who would come to call themselves The New Teen Titans.Komand'r and Starfire battle to the death in NEW TEEN TITANS ANNUAL #1 [1982].
The newly formed group traveled to Tamaran and vanquished the Citadel and Psions, freeing Tamaran. Koriand'r returned to Earth with Robin, the leader of the Teen Titans and the man she came to love.A Marriage of StateLater, Koriand'r was returned to Tamaran to learn that the planet was about to be plunged into a civil war. In order to keep peace between me ruling houses of Tamaran, Myand'r pledged that his daughter would marry Karras, heir to the ruling Southern continent. This would be a political marriage as both Koriand'r and Karras loved others.Koriand'r went through with the marriage although it put a strain on her relationship with Dick Grayson, now the hero known as Nightwing. During this time, Koriand'r's sister Komand'r also seized control of Tamaran, with Koriand'r's parents acting as her advisors.Karras and Kory prepare to marry in NEW TEEN TITANS [second series] #17 [1986].
Koriand'r returned to Earth, and began to mend her relationship with Dick Grayson. Later on another trip to Tamaran, Karras was killed while trying to stop a group of terrorists.The Titans HuntShortly after this, current and former members of the Titans were hunted and captured by the Wildebeest Society. Deathstroke, Nightwing, Troia, Pantha, Phantasm, Arella and Red Star joined forces to track them down. Upon locating the captured Titans, the heroes were shocked to learn the identity of the leader of the Wildebeests was their own teammate, Jericho, who was now corrupted by the tainted souls of Azarath.During the final showdown with the Wildebeest Society, Jericho and Raven were seemingly slain; Raven's mother Arella and Danny Chase died and merged with the purged souls of Azarath to become Phantasm.Soon after, an evil version of Raven emerged; Her evil consciousness survived, and she found a mortal vessel to house her form. Raven was intent on planting the seeds of Trigon's unborn children into new vessels.
The Evil Raven disrupts Kory and Dick's wedding plans in NEW TITANS #100 [1993]
A Wedding DisasterAfterwards, the Titans entered into tumultuous times; Members came and went, longtime friends were maimed or destroyed, as Dick tried to hold the team together. But his relationship with Starfire became strained, and problems in Gotham demanded Dick's attention. Impulsively, Dick proposed marriage to Starfire. The two almost wed, but the ceremony was interrupted by the dark incarnation of their former teammate, Raven. Her brutal attack on Starfire triggered changes in Dick and Kory's relationship. Starfire was implanted with a Raven "seed" which caused her to leave Earth and go on a spiritual journey and later, back to Tamaran. Unknown to Starfire, she was actually implanted with the ‘seed' of the good Raven, who influenced Starfire to leave earth – away from the clutches of evil Raven.Ph'yzzon reveals his marriage to Kory in
NEW TITANS #129 [1995]
A New LifeWhen Starfire returned to Tamaran, she met and fell in love with a man named Ph'yzzon, a brave general. After a quick courtship, the Koriand'r and Ph'yzzon got married.Meanwhile, Cyborg had merged his consciousness with the alien race known as Technis in an effort to save the dying race. Vic - now known as Cyberion - was reunited with his former teammates as an evil version of Raven tried to destroy her good self (which lay dormant in the body of Starfire). To ferret out Starfire, evil Raven incited a conflict in the Vegan star system. As a result, Tamaran was destroyed along with the Technis.The Titans were able to destroy evil Raven utterly, and restore good Raven into a new spiritual golden body. Starfire decided to rebuild her culture on a new planet; many Tamaraneans were off-world during the explosion – enough to settle on a new planet dubbed New Tamaran.Bye, bye, Tamaran! The unlucky planet gets destroyed in NEW TITANS #128 [1995]
When the Sun Eater ravaged the galaxy, the planet of New Tamaran lay in its path. An alien woman tried to warn the Tamaraneans, but Queen Komand'r was too short sighted and xenophobic to listen. Starfire believed the woman and tried to warn her fellow Tamaraneans. Komand'r labeled her sister Koriand'r a traitor and banished her. Starfire left the planet and was unable to prevent its destruction. New Tamaran was destroyed by the Sun Eater – along with many of the remaining Tamaraneans and Koriand'r's new husband, Ph'yzzon.ReunitedStarfire aided the Titans again during the Technis Imperative conflict, which involved the Justice League as well as all Titans, past and present. The two teams eventually worked together to save the earth and former Titans teammate, Cyborg. After this adventure, the group decided to reform, and Starfire became a full time member of the Titans once again.Dick and Kory reunite in
JLA/TITANS #3 [1998]
Starfire often found herself at odds with her fellow teammates. As in the past, her warrior ways conflicted with the group's ideologies. She was also very tentative around Dick Grayson, as they never had closure to their relationship.Starfire received an urgent summons from her brother Ryand'r. Starfire and her fellow Titans became embroiled in a struggle between the remaining Tamaraneans and their hated enemies, the Gordanians, for possession of the planet, Karna. Tempest - using his ambassador skills - offered a solution: the Tamaraneans and Gordanians could share the planet of Karna. The Gordanians would allow them to stay; in exchange, the Tamaraneans would teach them new trades outside of slavery, and bolster their reputation in the galaxy. Both races agreed to these terms.Koriand'r elected to remain on Karna and rebuild the culture of her people as Princess. She was able to bid a tearful farewell to Dick Grayson via a communiqué relay – telling him she would always love him.Our Worlds At WarShortly afterward, tragedy struck. During the "Our Worlds At War" crisis, a series of Imperiex probes destroyed Karna. This marks the third Tamaranean home planet that was destroyed. At that time, Starfire returned to earth.Teen TitansStarfire learns her future looks bright in
TEEN TITANS (third series) #19 [2004].
Soon after, a conglomerate known as Optitron offered to sponsor the Titans and Young Justice after summoning them to San Francisco. Before any decisions could be made, a mysterious cybernetic girl known as Indigo emerged from the future. Unwittingly, she somehow activated a rogue Superman android, seemingly resulting in the deaths of Troia and Omen. At Troia's funeral, Nightwing disbanded the Titans.Members of Young Justice, especially Wonder Girl, felt responsible for the tragic deaths. This led Wonder Girl, Robin, Impulse and Superboy to form a new group of Teen Titans under the guidance of the more experienced Cyborg, Starfire and Beast Boy.Starfire later left the Titans and joined the Outsiders at the request of Jade. When Troia gathered together a team of heroes for a space mission during the Infinite Crisis, she recruited Starfire. Although the mission was successful, Starfire was lost in space with Adam Strange and Animal Man for almost a year.Koriand'r's Tamaranean heritage allows her to absorb solar energy and convert it to the power of flight. The Psion experiment gave her the destructive Starbolt force. Starfire is also incredibly strong, as powerful as a dozen Earth men. She is a skilled warrior whose powers and emotional intensity make her a fearful foe.Sources for this entry: DC Who's Who Series, DC Who's Who Binder Series, The Official Teen Titans Index [published by ICG in 1985], The New Titans Sourcebook [Mayfair Games, 1990], DC Universe Role-Playing Games: Sourcebooks and Manuals [ West End Games], DC Secret Files, supplemented by titanstower.com