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The darkness is what I require to survive. It allows me to do as I please.

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You scored as Nightwing. After Batman fired him from his position as robin, Dick Grayson moved to Bludhaven and fought crime as nightwing, drawing the name from a Kryptonian crimefighter long dead. Dick is a born Leader, leading the Teen Titans, the Outsiders, and even the JLA once. He's had relations with Starfire, Batgirl and Tarantula, but recently preposed to Barbara Gordan. Dick was raised in a circus as part of a trapeze act, the "Flying Graysons."





Manitou Raven




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Plastic Man


Martian Manhunter


Flash (Wally West)





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My Nightwing's Info and Why I Picked Him:
A little something for you all to know. I picked Nightwing because he is, to me, the most like myself out of all the DC characters I have every followed. Nightwing is not a teen but a young adult as I am. He has lost friends dear to his heart and at times felt like he was destined to fail. His father made him feel as though no matter what he did he was never appriciated but yet in the end he was told differently, though he only believed it to a point. Nightwing has become his own man and though he has no special powers her deafeats all of his opponents with his brain and his combat training.
Through all her trials and tribulations he still remains together and still has the ability to lead far greater than others. His skills held together more than one team and even when he was about to snap his friends aided him regain his grounds.
One last thing. I know everyone loves the Starfire/Robin and Starfire/Nightwing relationship but the Fan Fic I have based my Nightwing on, a fan fic of my own making, leaves my Nightwing loving Raven far more. And the main reason for this would be because if I were Nightwing I would choose Raven over Star any day. So all the Ravens who wish to have a good friend and I mean all please feel free to add me.
As for the rest of you Titans out there gather around for the war against Darkside and many others is upon us and only together can we make it out of this alive.
Full Name: Richard (Dick) Grayson
Known Relatives: John and Mary Grayson (deceased), Bruce Wayne (adopted guardian),
Birth Date: March 21st (The First Day of Spring)
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 175lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Occupation: Vigilante, He use to work in Bludhaven as a police officer
Residency: Formerly Gotham City, Formerly Bludhaven (a city just south of Gotham), now he resides in New York
Publisher: DC Comics
First Appearance As Robin: Detective Comics #38 (April 1940), As Nightwing Tales of the New Teen Titans #44 (July 1984)
Created By: (As Robin) Bob Kane, Bill Finger and Jerry Robinson, (As Nightwing) Marc Wolfman and George Perez
Affiliations: Batman Family, Outsiders
Previous Affiliations: The Titans, Justice League, The Society Earth Two: Justice Society of America, All-Star Squadron
Notable Aliases: Robin, Nightwing, Batman, Moon Knight,
Notable Powers: Dick Grayson has peak human level athletic/acrobatic ability, he is a master of many forms of martial arts, strategist and leadership abilities, he is also an exceptional master detective and has access to hi-tech gadgets and weapons.
For many years, Grayson served as Batman's sidekick, Robin. He was first introduced in Detective Comics #38 (1940) by Batman creators Bill Finger and Bob Kane. The debut of Robin was an effort to soften the darker character of his mentor, originally a dubious, nightstalking vigilante. DC Comics also thought a teenaged superhero would appeal to young readers, being an effective audience surrogate. The name "Robin, The Boy Wonder" and the medieval look of the original costume are inspired by the legendary hero Robin Hood, as well as the red-breasted American Robin, which parallels the "winged" motif of Batman. Dick Grayson is born on the first day of spring, son of John and Mary Grayson, a young couple of aerialists. His mother nicknames him "little Robin"; little she knows how prophetic this term of endearment would be in her son's life.
Pre-Crisis Dick is an eight year-old half-romany circus acrobat, the youngest of a family act called "The Flying Graysons" of the Haly's Circus. He joins the act at a very young age, having been trained in acrobatics while still a toddler. Before one appearance in Gotham City, in which The Flying Graysons are the main attraction, they are ask to pose for a photo opportunity with the Drake Family, including their young son Tim Drake. From that time on, Tim's one and only hero in the world is Dick.
While preparing for a performance, Dick overhears Anthony "Boss" Zucco, a well-known and feared crime-lord, threaten the performers unless the circus's owner pays extortion money. The owner refuses, and that night young Grayson watches in horror as his parents' high wire snaps, sending them hurtling to their deaths, all while many of Gotham's elite watch on. Dick feels responsible, because he doesn't warn his parents in time.
Shortly after the tragedy, the millionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne rescues Dick from an uncaring juvenile services system. Frustrated by the lack of attention from his new guardian and the mystery still surrounding his parents' death, Grayson sneaks out of Wayne Manor one evening to solve the crime on his own - only to stumble into Batman, who is also investigating the murder. They succeed in revealing Zucco's complicity, but he dies of a heart attack before his arrest. Seeing a reflection of himself in Dick; first as a sharp-minded athlete, and most importantly, that young Grayson could temper compassion with a thirst for justice, Batman not only reveals his identity as Bruce Wayne to the boy, but also makes the young orphan the offer of a lifetime: the chance to become his crime-fighting partner. Dick chooses the name Robin, and his training begins.
Robin's origin has a typological connection to Batman's in that both witness the crime-related deaths of their parents, creating an urge to battle the criminal element. This provides a brotherly bond and understanding between the two. Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, DC Comics portrays Batman and Robin as a team, deeming them the "Dynamic Duo", rarely publishing a Batman story without his sidekick, although stories entirely devoted to Robin appears in Star-Spangled Comics from 1947 through 1952.
Later on, it was revealed that the "Earth-Two Dick Grayson" grew up to become a lawyer, raised a family, and eventually became the successor of Batman. He died in the Crisis of Infinite Earths, an event which would reboot DC continuity and erased this version of Dick Grayson altogether
Post Crisis Dick Grayson:
Following the Crisis, Dick's origins, like Bruce Wayne's, were relatively unchanged, save for a few minor details. He was now a twelve-year old acrobat who witnessed the murder of his parents, an event which was further expanded upon in future comics. In Legends of the Dark Knight #100, he angrily confronted the man who cut the ropes that led to his parents' deaths, only to get struck violently across the face. Batman, who was investigating the crime at that time, saved the boy and attacked the assassin in front of his future-sidekick, in awe of the Dark Knight yet repulsed at his crime-fighting techniques. After passing out to a mild concussion, Dick was treated at the hospital and moved to a Catholic orphanage, as explored in Batman: Year Three. Shortly afterwards, Bruce Wayne, now feeling sympathy for the boy whose loss he had witnessed, had Dick removed from social services and placed as his legal ward. The latter parts of Batman: Dark Victory revealed his discomfort and lack of belonging at Wayne Manor, as an investigating Bruce was never around much, leaving Alfred Pennyworth as the main caregiver.
All these comics, as well as the Batman: The Animated Series episode Robin's Reckoning, all told the same story in that Dick ran off from Wayne Manor to seek the killer behind his parents' demise. Dark Victory revealed he traced Zucco's whereabouts, fought off his guards, and confronted them with force, only to get beaten before Batman showed up just in time. Upon regaining his senses, Dick learns he is in the Batcave with Batman, who reveals his identity as Bruce Wayne. Praising the boy for his skills, bravery, and cunning, despite his foolishness, Bruce offers the boy the job of being his sidekick Robin. By a candlelite oath of justice and perseverance, Dick readily accepts the offer.
Bruce teaches Dick fighting techniques and detective skills for a grueling three months, all the while helping him on the streets at night as Robin. Finally, he had to pass one final test: "The Gauntlet". Dick had to elude The Dark Knight on the streets of Gotham for one full night (from sundown to sunrise) without any outside help at all. He eventually did succeed, simultaneously bringing rising Gotham gangster Joe Minette to justice. Grayson takes to the streets as Batman's full-fledged partner in crime-fighting: Robin, The Boy Wonder. Together, they stopped Two-Face, The Hangman and brought Tony Zucco to justice, all this at the age of twelve.
Dick enjoyed his first year as Robin, regarding the job as an adventure until a confrontation with Harvey "Two-Face" Dent serves as a rude awakening for the young hero. The villain captures the Judge Lawrence Watkins and Batman, and has each suspended from a hangman's noose in a "double gallows death-trap". Robin, trying to save the judge, convinces Two-Face to flip on whether or not Watkins would hang. Robin wins the flip, but Two-Face "honors" the deal by drowning the judge instead. Robin is unable to prevent Watkins' death, and receives a beating at the hands of Two-Face; a beating that Batman witnesses, still tied up on the platform. Eventually, Batman is able to free himself and apprehends the villain. This event, however, emotionally scars the young crime-fighter, and still haunts him even today. Rather than see Dick be further endangered, Batman "fires" his partner, sidelining The Boy Wonder for awhile, only to bring him back shortly afterwards.
Teen Titans:
The 1964s The Brave and the Bold #54 introduces a junior version of the Justice League of America; an all-star superhero team of which Batman was a part. This team is lead by Robin, and includes other teenaged sidekicks, such as Aqualad (sidekick of Aquaman) and Kid Flash (sidekick of The Flash). Together, they stop the menace of Mr. Twister.
Later, the three sidekicks join forces with Speedy and Wonder Girl in order to free their mentors in the JLA from mind-controlled thrall. They decide to become a real team: the Teen Titans. By virtue of the tactical skills gleaned from Batman, Robin is swiftly recognized as leader before the Titans disband some years later.
In 1969, still in the Pre-Crisis continuity, writer Dennis O'Neil and artist Neal Adams return Batman to his darker roots. One part of this effort is writing Robin out of the series by sending Dick Grayson to the Hudson University and into a separate strip in the back of Detective Comics. The by-now Teen Wonder appears only sporadically in Batman stories of the 1970s.
In 1980, Grayson once again takes up the role of leader of the Teen Titans, now featured in the monthly series The New Teen Titans, which become one of DC Comics' most beloved series of the era.
Dick continues his adventures with Batman, and begins attending college at Hudson University. Robin starts to take on solo missions as well, and finds himself to be a capable crime-fighter. Shortly afterward, the mysterious Raven summons Dick Grayson and several other young heroes to form a new group of Titans. Robin assumes leadership, and moves out of the shadow of his mentor.
Dick, now 17, realizes at that point that he has grown up: he no longer relies on Batman, and he and the Dark Knight disagree on crime-fighting methodology. Robin's newfound independence and Titans' duties in New York leave less time for his former commitments in Gotham. He also drops out of Hudson after only one semester. Dick also rediscovers his self-worth among the Titans. Batman, however, is less than pleased. He informs Grayson that if he no longer wants to be his partner, then Dick would have to retire as Robin. Furious, hurt, resigned, and confused, Dick Grayson left Wayne Manor--but not for the last time. Helping him through this difficult time are his fellow Titans, including Starfire, a beautiful alien Dick falls in love with. He hands over leadership of the Titans to Wonder Girl, and takes a leave of absence from the team. (In pre-Crisis continuity, the "parting" between Dick and Batman is entirely amicable. Dick passes the mantle of Robin over to Jason Todd voluntarily, in a memorable scene wherein he states that "Robin will always be the second part of Batman and..." Bruce gives every impression of being pleased with his ward's coming of age, and maintains this attitude until the post-Crisis retcon that rewrites the origin of Jason Todd and the circumstances of Dick's departure from the role.)
“Year One”
In pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths continuity, the maturing Dick Grayson grows weary of his role as Batman's young sidekick. He renames himself Nightwing, recalling his adventure on the Kryptonian city of Kandor, where he and Batman meet the local hero of the same name.
Nightwing: Secret Files & Origins #1 and "Nightwing: Year One" tell the full post-Crisis version of how Dick Grayson gives up his identity as Robin and is inspired by the legend of an ancient Kryptonian hero named Nightwing. This tale retroactively erases the notion that anyone else before Grayson and Bette Kane ever held the titles of Nightwing and Flamebird, except for the birds and the legendary figures named after them.
Uncertain what to do with his new-found independence, Dick considers giving up fighting crime to study law, but he couldn't imagine his life any other way. Turning to someone he knows would understand, Dick asks Superman what he should be, if not Robin. In reply, Superman tells a tale of long ago on Krypton, about a man who is cast out of his family, just like Dick. He dreams of a world ruled by justice, and set out to protect the helpless as Nightwing. Dick then decides to honor the legendary Kryptonian by renaming himself Nightwing.
In an adventure in which all of his Titans teammates are captured by Deathstroke the Terminator, and delivered to the H.I.V.E., Dick reveals his new identity of Nightwing and helps to free them with the help of Jericho. Grayson finally moves out of the shadow of the Bat, and would lead the Titans through some hard times. He endures brainwashing at the hands of Brother Blood, his relationship with Starfire would suffer due to her marriage of state, he would be deeply affected by the fact that Batman trains a new Robin (Jason Todd) only for him to be killed at the hands of the Joker (see also: "Batman: A Death in the Family").
Feeling hurt and betrayed, Bruce and Dick would remain at odds with each other for some time. While serving with the New Titans, he is searched out by a now-teenaged Tim Drake, who has only one goal on his mind, for Nightwing to return to reprise the role of Robin. Dick flatly refuses, as he feels he can't take a step back to a position he has outgrown. It is Dick's refusal to return to the role that starts Tim down the road toward becoming the new Robin. After weeks of persuading and proving his potential, Grayson returns to the Batman to plead Tim's case, with help from Alfred. Due to their arguments and the realization that the Batman needs a Robin, Tim Drake becomes the third Boy Wonder
Later on, various members of the Titans are abducted by a rogue Jericho and the Wildebeest Society. This adventure affects the team immensely. The group enter into tumultuous times, where members come and went, longtime friends are maimed or destroyed; although Dick perseveres through it all, remaining as the heart and center of the team. After these events, Nightwing adopts his second costume.
However, his relationship with Starfire becomes strained, and problems in Gotham demand Nightwing's attention. Impulsively, he proposes marriage to her. The two wed, but the ceremony is interrupted by Raven, now reborn as an evil avatar of her father, Trigon. Her brutal attack on Starfire triggers changes in Dick and Kory's relationship. She is implanted with a demon "seed" which causes her to leave Earth and go on a spiritual journey.
“Knights End”
Meanwhile, in Gotham, Bruce Wayne leaves the mantle of Batman to the unstable Jean Paul Valley (Azrael). Nightwing was angry and hurt that Bruce did not ask him to fill in while instead choosing the "nut job alter boy", but Bruce claims to have chosen Valley because he figured Dick was now his own man and would not willingly take the responsibility. In truth, Bruce simply did not want Dick to have to face Bane. Dick intervenes with the new Robin Tim Drake, and when Bruce returns to Gotham, he brings Valley down and reassumes the mantle of Batman. When Grayson returns to the Titans, he finds there to be changes. The government intercedes, placing Arsenal, the former Speedy, as leader of the team. Nightwing steps aside and leaves the Titans, concentrating on problems in Gotham City.
Still recovering from his broken back, Bruce asks a reluctant Dick to substitute him as Batman for a time. He accepts. During this time, Dick is able to confront Two-Face and lay some demons to rest. He also establishes a friendship with Tim Drake, whom he later considers a little brother figure and friend. Bruce eventually returns to Gotham to reclaim his role as Batman. For the first time in years, Bruce and Dick begin to heal their strained and tensed relationship. Bruce's respect and admiration for Grayson is at last obvious.
Nightwing Series:
Based on Nightwing's increasing popularity, DC Comics decides to test the character's possibilities with a one-shot book and then a miniseries.
First, in Nightwing: Alfred's Return #1 (1995), Grayson travels to England to find Alfred, who resigns from Bruce Wayne's service following the events of "KnightSaga".
Before returning to Gotham City together, they prevent a plot by British terrorists to destroy the undersea "Channel tunnel" in the English Channel.
Later on, with the Nightwing miniseries (September 1995 to December 1995, written by Dennis O'Neil with Greg Land as artist), Dick briefly considers retiring from being Nightwing forever before family papers uncovered by Alfred reveal a possible link between the murder of the Flying Graysons and the Crown Prince of Kravia. Journeying to Kravia, Nightwing (in his third and current costume) helps to topple the murderous Kravian leader and prevent an ethnic cleansing, while learning his parents' true connection to the Prince.
In 1996, following the success of the miniseries, DC Comics launches a monthly solo series featuring Nightwing (written by Chuck Dixon, with art by Scott McDaniel), in which he patrols Gotham City's neighboring municipality of Blüdhaven. This allows him to be close enough to Gotham to be part of the Batman Family, and far enough as well to have his own city, adventures and enemies. He worked for a few years on the police force, as well as a bartender to provide him with information and rumors of criminal activity.
At Batman's request, Dick journeys to this former whaling town-turned-industrial center to investigate a number of murders linked to Gotham City gangster Black Mask. Instead, he finds a city racked by police corruption and in the grips of organized crime consolidated by Roland Desmond, the gargantuan genius Blockbuster.
With a defenseless city to call his own, Nightwing decides to remain in Blüdhaven until Blockbuster's cartel is broken. He takes a job as a bartender to keep his ear to the ground and works closely with Oracle (Barbara Gordon) in an effort to clean up the town. Blockbuster places a sizable contract on Nightwing's head shortly thereafter, while Grayson plies the unscrupulous Blüdhaven Police Inspector Dudley Soames for information on the kingpin's dealings. Also during his time in Blüdhaven, Nightwing helps training a violent but enthusiastic street fighter called Nite-Wing.
Titans Reunited and “No Man’s Land”
After Nightwing settles in Blüdhaven, a galactic threat comes to Earth, reuniting former members of the Titans together to save their friend Cyborg, and prevent him from putting the Earth in jeopardy. They enter into conflict with their mentors and friends in the Justice League, but are able to come to a truce and save Cyborg while preserving the safety of the planet. After this adventure, the group decides to re-form, with Nightwing returning to the role of leader.
Meanwhile, Dick joins the Blüdhaven Police Department force in efforts to rid the city of its corruption from the inside. On the personal side, Dick and Barbara's once flirtatious Robin/Batgirl relationship is changing. When Gotham is quarantined from the rest of the United States and becomes a virtual "No Man's Land", Nightwing is sent to secure Blackgate Prison. Afterwards, Dick recuperates at Barbara's clock tower, and the two grow even closer, entering into a romantic relationship.
Some time after "No Man's Land" ends, the JLA disappears on a mission to locate Aquaman and Atlantis. Before they vanish, Batman instigates a contingency plan, in which a handful of heroes would be assembled to create a new JLA. Nightwing is chosen to be leader until the original JLA are found, and Dick returns to the reserve list.
Graduation Day and the Outsiders:
For several years, Nightwing leads various incarnations of the Titans and becomes the most respected former sidekick in the DC Universe. However, in the Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day crossover, a rogue Superman android kills Lilith and Troia, an event that tears apart both Young Justice and the Titans. At Troia's funeral, Dick declares he is tired of seeing friends die and disbands the team, officially ending the Titans. A few months later, Arsenal persuades Nightwing to join a new pro-active crimefighting team: the Outsiders, who would hunt villains, acting as co-workers rather than an extended family. He reluctantly accepts.
Outsiders writer Judd Winick takes a more Batman-like approach with Nightwing as team-leader, making him refuse any other kind of relation with his teammates than the direct work. This decision is justified by Dick's being frustrated about "sending friends to their deaths".
Death of Blockbuster
Dick had a key role in exposing the corruption in the Blüdhaven P.D. Despite reaching his original goals, Dick continued as a police officer during the day while spending nights as Nightwing, pushing himself to his limits and straining his relationships. The line between his police work and as vigilantism began to blur, and ultimately Amy Rohrbach (his friend and superior officer, who knew his secret identity) fired him rather than let him continue using questionable methods.
Wrongfully blaming Nightwing for the death of his mother, the mob boss Blockbuster began a vengeance campaign. Knowing Nightwing’s secret identity, Blockbuster arranged a lethal fire at the Haly's Circus after luring Dick there, then bombed Dick Grayson's apartment complex, killing most residents. Blockbuster confronted an exhausted Nightwing, promising to continue killing anyone to enter Dick’s life. The vigilante Tarantula arrived at that point, and shot the villain dead at point blank range. Nightwing could have stopped her but did not act. Suffering a panic attack, Dick broke down, begging for Bruce's forgiveness. Tarantula attempted to console Nightwing with her body, although Dick was an unwilling participant in this act. At length, Nightwing shook himself from his depression and took responsibility for his inaction, realizing that Tarantula's desire to be a hero and occasional heroics merited some degree of mercy, but did not excuse killing Blockbuster. He gave Tarantula a chance to turn herself in, but she tried to escape, and Nightwing had to apprehend her. Wanting penance for his part in Blockbuster's death, he turned himself in to the police as well. However, Amy Rohrbach felt that the world needed Nightwing free, and falsified a cover story that prevented him from being charged.
Dick had destroyed the police corruption and removed the greater part of organized crime from this city, but his role in Blockbuster's death was still a source of tremendous guilt for him. He left the role of Blüdhaven vigilante, apparently for good, with Robin and Batgirl as his replacements.
Grayson moved to New York, where he worked closely with the Outsiders. However, after an event in which "insiders" threatened both the Outsiders and the newest incarnation of Teen Titans, Nightwing deemed that the team has gotten "too personal" and quit.
Infinite Crisis and 52:
Still in a crisis of conscience, Dick adopts the new villainous persona of Renegade in order to infiltrate Lex Luthor's Secret Society of Super-Villains. He allies himself with his long-time enemy Deathstroke in order to keep the Society's hands away from Blüdhaven. He also begins training (and converting) Deathstroke's daughter Ravager.
Deathstroke betrays Nightwing when Blüdhaven is destroyed by the Society. They drop the supervillain Chemo on the city, killing 100,000 people. Dick tries to rescue survivors, but is overcome by radiation poisoning, only to be rescued himself by Batman. Nightwing confides that he let Blockbuster die and Batman tells him that he has to move beyond that. Inspired by his former mentor, he proposes to Barbara Gordon, who accepts with a kiss. Batman then entrusts Nightwing to alert other heroes about the danger that the Crisis poses. Dick flies to Titans Tower, but the only hero who answers his call is Superboy (Conner Kent). Together, they locate and attack Alexander Luthor's tower (the center of the Crisis), only to be repelled by Superboy-Prime. Prime is ready to kill Nightwing when Conner intervenes, sacrificing himself to destroy the tower, ending the destruction of the Universe. During the Battle of Metropolis, Nightwing suffers a near-fatal injury from Alexander Luthor when he attempts to save Batman's life. Originally, the editors at DC intended to have Dick Grayson killed in Infinite Crisis, as Newsarama revealed from the DC Panel at WizardWorld Philiadelpia.
“It was again explained that Nightwing was originally intended to die in Infinite Crisis, and that you can see the arc that was supposed to end with his death in the series. After long discussions, the death edict was reversed, but the decision was made that, if they're keeping him, he would have to be changed. The next arc of the ongoing series will further explain the changes, it was said.”
Following the Infinite Crisis, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, and Tim Drake spend time retracing Bruce Wayne's original journey around the world in his quest to become Batman.
“One Year Later” One year later, Dick Grayson returns to New York (his previous homebase with the Teen Titans) in order to find out who has been masquerading as Nightwing. The murderous impostor turns out to be the former Robin Jason Todd. It is still unknown why, but apparently Grayson and Barbara Gordon split up (see Personal life below). Grayson is the leader of the Outsiders once again.
New writer Bruce Jones is working in Grayson's "new life", with a new city to protect, new enemies like the Pierce Brothers, and new love interests. Also, writer Marv Wolfman (co-creator of the Nightwing character) and artist Dan Jurgens are currently working on a four-part story arc, starting with issue #125 of the ongoing series.
Personal Life:
Dick's personal life has always been subordinated to his duty. He has several good friends, like his fellow Titans Roy Harper, Garth, Wally West and Donna Troy, and acts as an older brother figure to the third Robin, Tim Drake. Having been in the capes-and-tights game since childhood, he has either befriended, led, or made acquaintance with nearly every costumed hero in the DC Universe.
His relationship with his adoptive father Batman has been a rocky journey, often seeming to hit bad patches more often than good ones, but in crucial moments, it is always clear that Dick's loyalties lie with Batman and vice versa, and there is a deep respect between the two. Dick's parents left him a trust fund that Lucius Fox later turned into a small fortune. Although it is not comparable with Bruce Wayne's wealth, it has been enough for maintaining his Nightwing equipment; for purchasing the rights to Haly's Circus, saving Dick's former home from financial troubles; and for secretly buying the apartment building at 1013 Parkthorne Avenue. This address is also the home of the retired hero Tarantula (John Law). Although DC Comics has never stated Grayson's religion so far, the Nightwing comic books have shown dc Talk CDs and a New International Version Bible in his quarters, evidences that suggest he may be a non-practicing Christian.Grayson is stated to be of a Roman Gypsy descent on his father's side
Dick's good looks and sensitive nature have always made him prolific in matters involving women. As a teenager, he maintains a tenuous friendship with Flamebird (Bette Kane), despite her unrequited feelings for him. Donna Troy, the original Wonder Girl, has also known him since childhood, and the two are particularly close and not afraid to admit that they love each other as family. As a student at Hudson University, he has a relationship with fellow undergraduate Lori Elton; years later, when he goes on to live in Blüdhaven, he dates Bridget Clancy, a Chinese girl with an Irish name from his neighborhood. He also has a very brief affair (more like a one night stand, along with other few lingering instances) with the Huntress, Helena Bertinelli, and a controversial encounter with the femme fatale Tarantula.
Dick's longest romantic relationship is with the alien princess Starfire (Koriand'r); they are a couple for several years and are even engaged to marry, but due to their teammate Raven's sinister transformation, their relationship dissolves. After leaving the Outsiders, Grayson briefly rekindles his affair with Kory, spending a night with her. In the "Titans Tomorrow" storyline, the future Batwoman tells Starfire that she would have a wonderful future with Nightwing.
Despite all of this, Dick has always had strong romantic feelings for Barbara Gordon (Oracle, this world's first Batgirl), whom he has also known since he was a child. After years of flirting, they finally start dating, but the relationship falls apart due to Nightwing's increasing insensitivity and other more subtle reasons. The two remain close friends with instances of lingering romantic tension. Recently, Grayson and Barbara reconcile, and Dick punctuates the moment by dropping to one knee and proposing to Barbara. She slips the ring on her finger and gives him a tearful kiss.
However, as revealed in the "One Year Later" storyline, Dick ends up in New York and the two have apparently separated. This is made more clear in a scene in which Dick wakes up (after his first night in the city) with Cheyenne Freemont, a closet meta-human famous fashion designer with an equally famous reputation for her romantic liaisons. The pair begins a casual and purely sexual relationship, which clearly has a 'no strings attached' agreement.
Skills and Abilities:
Dick Grayson possesses the peak athletic strength and endurance of a 5'10", 175-pound man who regularly engages in intensive physical exercise. His detective and martial arts skills are second to Batman's, making him one of the greatest crime fighters alive. He is a master of a half dozen martial arts disciplines with an emphasis on Aikido and Escrima, and was rigorously trained by the Dark Knight in everything from escapology to criminology, fencing, stealth, disguise, and numerous other combat/non-combat disciplines.
Grayson is a prodigious natural athlete, possessing a peak human level of agility/acrobatic skills, and is the only person on Earth who can do the quadruple somersault (formerly one of three, the other two being his parents). Having had the finest education as Bruce Wayne's ward, he speaks with fluency in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin and Cantonese, and has some knowledge of Romany. He is also a brilliant and experienced strategist with superlative leadership skills, having served as leader to the Titans, the Outsiders, and even the Justice League. Additionally, Dick's efforts to remain in contact with other heroes makes him a master at rallying, unifying, and inspiring the superhero community, a skill in which he has surpassed his mentor.
Nightwing's current costume is made of a version of the Nomex fire-resistant, triple-weave Kevlar-lined material. It is an excellent protection against damage, and it's also electrically insulated. Instead of a black cape for stealthing, the suit is light sensitive, darkening when there is more light in the area. The mask, in the form of his symbol, is fixed in place with spirit gum, and includes a built-in radio transmitter/receiver and Starlite night-vision lenses.
His gauntlets and boots each contain eight compartments in which he can store items. They have a self-destruct feature built into them, similar to the ones in Batman's utility belt, and, as another security measure (especially when the hero is unconscious), the suit contains a one-use-only taser charge, which automatically emits a high-voltage electrical shock when someone attempts to tamper with either the boots or gauntlets. Each gauntlet's sections can contain a wide array of equipment, such as sonic or smoke pellets, modified batarangs ("Wing-Dings"), knockout gas capsules and throwing tracers. The right gauntlet is also equipped with a 100,000-volt stun gun. Like the gauntlets, his boots can carry vital elements like flares, a rebreather as protection against any airborne noncontact toxins, a mini-computer equipped with fax, modem, GPS and a minidisk rewritable drive. Other items are lock picks, a first aid kit, a mini-cellphone, flexi-cuffs, antitoxin assortment, signal flares, wireless listening devices and a small halogen flashlight. Held in spring-loaded pouches in the back of his costume, Nightwing carries a pair of Escrima sticks made from an unbreakable polymer that are wielded as both offensive and defensive weapons. Some depictions have displayed these tools with the mechanism to shoot a grappling hook attached to a swing line (like Daredevil's billy clubs), while, in other instances, he is seen using a "line gun" like the one Batman currently uses.
Nightwing Bibliography:
After a 4-issue miniseries, and as commented above, in 1996 DC launched a monthly solo series featuring Dick Grayson as Nightwing, that still continues as of 2006. He has also starred in several miniseries and one-shots. This material as been collected as follows:
Title Material collected
Pre-series graphic novels
"Ties That Bind" Nightwing: Alfred's Return #1, Nightwing #1-4 (miniseries)
Regular series graphic novels
"A Knight in Blüdhaven" Nightwing #1-8 (regular series)
"Rough Justice" Nightwing #9-18
"Love and Bullets" Nightwing #1/2, 19, 21-22, 24-29
"A Darker Shade of Justice" Nightwing #30-39, Nightwing Secret Files & Origins #1
"The Hunt for Oracle" Nightwing #41-46, Birds of Prey #20-21
"Big Guns" Nightwing #47-50, Nightwing Secret Files & Origins #1, Nightwing 80 Page Giant #1
"On the Razor's Edge" Nightwing #52 & 54-60
"Year One" Nightwing #101-106
"Mobbed Up" Nightwing #107-111
"Renegade" Nightwing #112-117
Other graphic novels
Nightwing/Huntress Nightwing/Huntress 4-issue miniseries
Prestige one-shots
• Nightwing: The Target
• Batman/Nightwing: Bloodborne Ongoing series writers
• Chuck Dixon, from 1996 (issue #1) to 2002 (issue #70) [also 2005 Nightwing: Year One arc with Scott Beatty, issues 101-106]
• Devin Grayson, from 2002 (issue #71) to 2006 (issue #117) [excepting issues #101-106, written by Dixon and Beatty]
• Bruce Jones, from 2006 (issue #118) to current date.
Titans Quiz
When did the Titans first appear in DC? July 1964 in The Brave and the Bold.
Who were the original members? Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad (Davy Jones).
Where are three locations of the Titans bases? New York, San Francisco and Metropolis.
Who created the Titans? Robert Haney and Bruno Premiani.
What comic carrier are the Titans printed by? D.C also known as Dark COmics.
Who are three of the honorary members of the Titans? Aqualgirl, Gnnark and Loren Jupiter.
Name three members who have changed their code names. Robin, Aqualad and Speedy.
Which two Titans had their wedding ruined? Robin and Starfire.
Why did Robin leave the Titans? Stress from his disappointment due to the deaths of a fellow Titan.
What was the bout about between Batman and Robin? Batman was angered because Robin hardly had time for him now that he was fighting along side the Titans.
Who do you believe would make a good couple in the Titans? Nightwing and Raven.
Why did you pick this couple? Both of their lives have been most difficult so I think they coud understand one another thus giving them a solid relationship.
What team did Nightwing lead after leaving the Titans? Outsiders.
How many identities has Robin taken with in the years of his introduction? Five.
What are the Titans real names? Dick Grayson, Garth and Wally West
Which Titan other than Robin stuck around the longest? Raven.
What team recruited the Titans for later missions? Justice League of America.
What other affiliations has Robin been affiliated with? The Society, Justice Sciety of America and All-Star Squadron.
Which other Robin took lead of the Titans? Tim Drake.
Who created the original Robin? Bob Kane, Bill Finger and Jerry Robinson.
Which two men were responsible for the creation of Nightwing? Marv Wolfman and George Perez.
What is Nightwin'gs alter ego? Richard John "Dick" Grayson.
What are three of the animated series Nightwing has appeared in? Justice League Unlimited, Batman Beyond and Teen Titans Go.
Who helped Nightwing get his name? Superman.
What was Nightwing's old perfession when he was young? Acrobat.
What side job did Nightwing take on while living in Blud Haven? A city cop.
How many times has Nightwing switched costumes? 3 or 4.
What happened to Nightwing's Robin costume? Batman made him return it when he resigned as his partner.
What role did Nightwing play when Bruce Wayne suffered a broken spine thanks to Bane? He played Batman.
Who began his own form of justice while Batman was injured? Azreal.

My Interests

I am highly into anime and art I love to draw although I have been slightly depressed and stressed lately so I haven't drawn anythign for my college for sometime now.
I also love a good rpg video game or a good fighting game.
And I love horror movies and I love to meet new people and take care of my girl.
I like to go places and see new things as well as work on my site and see how it looks each time I complete a new section.
When I assumed the identity of Moonwing.

I'd like to meet:

As far as a girl is required I have what I need in that aspect but friends are somethig you can never have enough of so I will list good qualities in a friend.
Friends I would like to meet:
Nice and understanding.
Someone who listens.
One who isn't afraid to give an opinion even if it might be bad.
I like open minded people and people who can take a joke.
They have to like to laugh cause I am damn funny.
I use to be a hard core Goth but things change when you have a kid on the way but I will converse with any style of person because 9 out of 10 I have been in your place atleast somewhat.
I would like to meet anime lovers and people who can make websites who can maybe either give me a hand with mine or just chat with me about coding.
Thats about it for now I will add more later.


You might not believe this but I listen to everythig from Hard Core Death Metal, Smooth Rock, Classic 80's Rock, Jazz, Musicals, Country, Rap, Pop anything with a good beat I will listen to it I would say the only thing I never got into would be Techno.
Here are a few more moments of my life.


Favorite movies of all time include the following nad some I haven't listed:
Phantom of the Opera
The Mask of Zorro
The Princess Bride
Interview With A Vampire
Queen of the Damned
Here I will show you some its easier.
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I hate Blade the series!
Hmm as far as watching I am not much of a watcher but here are a few I do watch and or own:
The Adventures of Lois and Clark
Robot Chicken
The Grim Adventures Billy and Mandy (That shit is funny as hell.)
Ed, Edd and Eddy (Its decently humarous.)

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Now here I do not actually read alot so I will say the hard back copy of The Life and Death of Superman.


My heroes are the men who risk their lives daily to save ares such as the ones in the military and the officers of the law who are always there and try to be there when you need them the most.

Pics of some of my of my costumes.
And my number one hero no matter how much you hate me for it is God he has saved me alot and has helped me through some tough times and even if you do not believe in him I know when I pray my prayers are always answered maybe not as quick as I wanted them to be but they are soon enough.
This is for icebird45, icebird45 also known as Chris is a guy who mistreats women highly by threatening them and trying to force them to do as he says, which he does with either threatening to kill himself or other means he has to get what he desires. He constantly posts and writes things about killing himself in attempts to make those he knows and doesn't know to feel sorry for him so here you go bird.
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My Blog

Lost and Hurting

So alot of you wonder why this would be titled something so weird for me I bet. Well I'll tell you. My girl left me for life I suppose and took our child with her. She has no want to talk to me and lo...
Posted by Nightwing on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 11:56:00 PST

A word from the dark.

Well it would seem as if I had fallen off the face of the Earth once again, well to all you Yahoo lovers anyway. But nay I have not. I have been revamping alot of new rp characters for those of you wh...
Posted by Nightwing on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 07:52:00 PST

A quick preview of my new story.

Lately the world has seen nothing but chaos. And for some people the world seemed destined to bring them pain and suffering. But then a new age was brought forth, the Age of Heroes. Many men and wome...
Posted by Nightwing on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 02:31:00 PST

Wow I'm Back!!

Yes damnit I have returned to the world of the internet. Man I have been gone for what, 2 months. Hell if I know. Sometimes you just have to get away. Well now that the insanity of my life is coming t...
Posted by Nightwing on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 12:21:00 PST


Girls are a species that very much make my head hurt. But as they say, "You can't live with them you can't live with out them", well I beg to differ. I say girls are not necessary for all they do is c...
Posted by Nightwing on Tue, 30 May 2006 08:38:00 PST