Reflections of 2007, so far...
Wow what a year and its not even over. Dave and I had our first child this year.Annika Rose Erbele
She was born 2/22/07 at 7:31pm. When she was born she weighed 6 lbs. 4 oz. and was 18 3/4 in. long. She is healthy and happy. Dave and I are proud parents! Our family and friends are rejoicing in her arrival.Before she was born Dave and I wondered what color her eyes were going to be. She has my eyes gray/blue. She nows weighs 15 lbs and is rolling over quite easily. She is also getting two teeth. Becoming a parent is something no one can prepare you for. After all the classes we took and after all the advice we received we are still in shock of how wonderful this little blessing is. It was a very emotional day for both of us and we are still trying to adjust to life with Annika.Ok so...What do I want in life. Ill tell you Happiness, Health, Satisfaction, Love, Companionship, Trust, Hope, Laughs (Belly laughs, the kind that hurt), kindness, Beauty, Charisma, Intuition, and oh did I mention DAVE? Thats not asking too much is it? I believe in rejoicing new found happiness.
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Ok - so I made it to Vegas. Here are a few shots of a perfect night in Paris with my papa.