I enjoy eating out with the company of just one other person. I am KING in pool. I like to shoot guns..bang bang bang! I like having intresting conversations, but not over the phone. I find the ocean/lakeshore very relaxing. Hanging out with people i care about. I shop when im mad.
Nice people!
I am open to almost all music. Country is kinda hard to enjoy. My main stream of music is Hip Hop, R&B/Slow Jams, Alternative, Rock and etc.
Hamburger Hill, Scarface, Saving Pvt. Ryan, Dae Gu ki, Chingu, and im sure theres a tons more. I really enjoy army movies and gangsta movies.
Errr...i dont watch too much TV. But i like MASH, My Wife and Kids, COPS, Simpsons, blah.
I only read when im sitting on my throne - bunch of magazines.
My father has always been a hero in my life. He works so hard to provide for his family. I seen his blood sweat and tears put into this family...and that is great inspiration.