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Love The Constitution


About Me

I used to spend a lot of time fighting the good liberal fight, but I haven’t been fighting that good fight for too long. Now I'm fighting it again because I must speak up against the Bush criminal organization and I have a way to help others express their outrage (more on that later).

The Bush administration and the right wing have shown a blatant disregard for the Constitution and the laws of our country. I produced this video to express the real damage Bush is doing, he's murdering the Constitution.

The list of violations is long - and it is serious. Starting with electoral fraud in 2000, then issuing signing statements that justify the president breaking new laws, providing false testimony to congress, manipulating the justice system for political purposes, torturing, breaking international treaties, suspending Habeas Corpus, illegal wiretapping, using the executive branch to further Republican electoral interests, outing a CIA agent, lying to a federal prosecutor, coverups, etc, etc, etc.

I've saved the worst for last - lying about the justification for war. Possibly several hundred thousand dead, many more injured and millions of lives and the American military shattered as the result of a lie! This is one of the most heinous crimes of our times.

And then this crime family has the nerve to question the patriotism of those who question them. They use nationalism and patriotism as a cudgel in the same way that the fascists in Europe did last century. They claim to support the troops but won't bring them home from an unwinnable lie. They won't even provide our troops with the equipment needed to minimize the loss of life and injury.

This used to be the 'America, love it or leave it crowd'. They stifle dissent while parading the flag. To me that's the final insult - glorifying a symbol in the cause of marginalizing the Constitution. As a consequence they’ve degraded that symbol – the American Flag – so that it represents a false patriotism. Well it’s time to take the flag back and remind the world that the flag symbolizes principles established by that most magnificent of ..s, the U.S. Constitution.

What’s in a symbol? Barak Obama hit the nail on the head when he said that the flag lapel pin has become “a substitute for … true patriotism”. No lapel pin or other object is a substitute for true patriotism. Our Constitution Before the Flag lapel pin and T-Shirts are for those who want to demonstrate American pride without being tarnished by the misbegotten form of patriotism promoted by Bush and his ilk.

1" Lapel Pin
Constitution Before The Flag

Yes – love the Constitution. Go to if you want more details.

My Blog


I've been working hard. I turn around and all of a sudden it's November. That puts me a couple of months behind schedule. I guess that's a schedule in my own mind, but nobody else's. The wait has been...
Posted by Love The Constitution on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 04:27:00 PST