We are veterans (and friends of veterans) that support Bill Gillespie who is running for Georgia's First Congressional District. We want change!Please join our mission in sending a fellow veteran to congress. Bill stood up and answered our nation's call. Now is the time for every Soldier, Sailor, Airman, and Marine to stand up and send Bill to fight for us. He won't let us down.
Bill Gillespie is our choice for Representative. We are tired of Washington politicians who don't truly support the troops. Bill Gillespie is a retired Army Lt. Colonel and a Democrat who will certainly put people, and the troops first. Gillespie served 23 years in the Army, retiring this year as a Lt. Colonel. In 2003, he served in Iraq as Senior Logistician for the Third Infantry Division, earning a Bronze Star. Some other positions Gillespie has held in the military include: Inspector General, West Point professor, Operations Director of the Army Ordnance Center, and Chief of Leadership and Tactics at the Army Ordinance Center.