I am a militant agnostic, so please, if you wish to preach some religion, find somewhere else to do it because I WILL hurt your feelings. 8} You have been warned. I believe very strongly in the first amendment and the bill of rights, but this is MY space. For those that wonder, I believe in the pro-choice perspective, as well as promoting father's rights. I am not gay, but I stand by advocates of gay & lesbian rights, as well as the rest of the LGBT community. I believe in polyamory...this is the fun one seeing as how our society is so entrenched in Judeo-Christian religion. For the last 7 years we have been actively seeking a female third party to join our existing family. No, it's not because I just dig watching chicks make out or having threesomes (not that I mind), but moreover because I am married to an individual who is bisexual and is seeking a permanent female counterpart. I am very much into anything reptile and amphibian, or herpetologically, related. I believe in the preservation of our natural world, as well as the preservation of native ecosystems.
I believe very strongly in being tattooed as a form of self expression and self realization. Most of what you will find on this page are things that interest me, or are things I am involved with or support, if you are easily offended, GO AWAY!
Oh yeah, sometimes I'm a photographer too. Follow the links below for examples of my work:
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