Avast ye all, pirates and wenches, scallywags and ner'er-do-wells, gentlemen and ladies 'o fortune, buccaneers and salty dogs, all!
We be welcomin' ye to the Pirates Next Door, for it be a fine place for all yer ilk, it be - a place 'o confederacy for all those who may secretly live their lives under such bedeviled circumstances, their action, dress, and mindsets be unknown ta' those they call family or coworkers.
How'ere here we be, ready, at any moment to spring forth, loose upon th' towns an' cities un which we live, for th' purposes 'o drinkin', wenchin', pillagin', drinkin' plunderin', an' drinkin. So join th' crew now, and discover tha' the next pirate you meet may just be next door!