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freshie & zero

Get Hammered! handmade hammered jewelry by Freshie & Zero

About Me

Hello. My name is Beth but most folks call me "Freshie". I make hammered jewelry by the name of Freshie & Zero and you can buy it .. at etsy , or you may purchase directly from my website . If you would like to see it in person, please visit my stores page on my website to see if I'm in a shop near you! If you're in the Southeast, check out my events page - I'm at craft shows all the time!
I'm a big fan of all things paper - especially notebooks and letterpressed cards. I love walking to Whole Foods, Law & Order marathons, networking with crafty people, and traveling with my husband and trying new beers & restaurants. I hate cigarettes, cancer, and fast food. I am leery of facebook and am trying not to drink their kool-aid.
Below is a link to my website - you should go there. Like right now. And buy some jewelry. You need some. Your friends need some. Your girlfriend needs some. They're practically begging for necklaces and earrings... I'm just saying...
Sign up for email updates!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Other crafty entrepreneurs who like to chat! Especially if you live near Nashville - I am feeling a serious lack of crafty sisterhood/brotherhood here and would love to meet some peeps in the same d.i.y. boat...

You can read about my crafty adventures on my

Below is a video from Stitch in Austin, TX, 2007. Vickie Howell interviews several vendors including me! My little segment starts at 1:05:
Here are some items currently in my etsy shop:

Buy Handmade


cansei de ser sexy, death cab for cutie, the radio dept, interpol, beck, metric, radiohead, annie, the features, the talking heads, david bowie, wolfmother, the knife, iron & wine, yeah yeah yeahs, jose gonzales, beirut, and countless others


I'm not a big movie goer, but a few favorites are Knocked Up, Down with Love, Marie Antoinette, the Incredibles


South Park, Law & Order, ANTM, Project Runway, Aqua Teen Hunger Force


Einstein's Dreams, anything by Carl Hiassen or Marianne Keyes, Calvin & Hobbes, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy, Self-Promotion for the Creative Person, Crafts and Craft Shows


Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Angela Adams, Kathy Griffin, Andy Warhol, Chuck Close, Claus Oldenburg, Roy Lichtenstein, Peter Goodwin, Amy Meadows, people who can craft for a living!

My Blog

Renegade Craft Fair NYC Adventure!

I just got back from New York and I'm finally starting to catch up! Greg & I spent two days cruising around New York and two days at the show, plus about three days of driving. Here are some photos f...
Posted by freshie & zero on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 08:41:00 PST

Spring Forward with these cool clocks!

In honor of the time change today, I've found some really fun clocks - one of my favorite house hold accessories!1. This handmade clock is constructed with a computer hard drive! Made by Pixelthis on...
Posted by freshie & zero on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 09:16:00 PST

Lucky Pup is having a dog fashion show! Who’s going with me???

This sounds so cute I can't stand it. I am so there!From: Lucky PupDate: Mar 8, 2008 3:40 PMCome join us for our Grand Opening CelebrationSaturday, March 15th, 4:00 Sharp!Fashion Show Featuring Adopt...
Posted by freshie & zero on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 07:40:00 PST

Featured in Nashville Lifestyles Magazine!

Cool! Thanks to Joseph Cassell, a super nice stylist about town, my Simple Post Earrings appear in the March 2008 issue of Nashville Lifestyles! I even get credit in the side lines, with my name spe...
Posted by freshie & zero on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 07:42:00 PST

Yellow Fever

I don't know what it is lately but I cannot get enough of yellow! Maybe it's all the dreariness of gross late winter weather that has my psyche begging for some sunshine, but I've been cruising aroun...
Posted by freshie & zero on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 09:23:00 PST

contest time!!!

In honor of my website makeover (which I am still finding mistakes on, so bear with me) and Valentine's Day (I adore seeing all the pink & red products on display everywhere!), I am having a CONTEST! ...
Posted by freshie & zero on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 08:55:00 PST

news from freshie & zero

Did you know...I have a side project called Charm Star? It's a jewelry line made with cute and fun charms on earrings & necklaces. Why? Because charms shouldn't live their lives on bracelets! I've j...
Posted by freshie & zero on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 03:56:00 PST

New blog up!

It's a miracle! I've found an hour of free time, so I posted a couple of new blogs! Go check 'em out!!!CLICK ME!
Posted by freshie & zero on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 08:18:00 PST

Stitch 2007 photos!

Stitch was totally awesome for the second year in a row! Added to the fun this year was a presentation from Bradley from Project Runway, and a pre party. There was an after party, too, but we were to...
Posted by freshie & zero on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 10:49:00 PST

Lots of new bloggity blog posts

New blogs finally! I've been motivated to do some more blogging lately due to a generally positive mood overall. I keep retroactively adding blogs so if you check back again, don't be afraid to go b...
Posted by freshie & zero on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:43:00 PST