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Sergio Michel

Sergio Michel

About Me

Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. Giving his life to Jesus Christ in the early summer of 2006, things really started to change for Sergio Michel. Since that time, a thirst to serve God, and a desire to help others has matured. During that time; as The Lord does to those He loves, of course; Sergio was tried again and again, tested, sifted of all the relationships, and affiliations that were harmful to him, and ultimately put on the path to a better life in service of The Lord. Through the pain and sometimes overwhelming circumstances, Sergio held on to his love for God, learned from his many experiences and is truly thankful for all of them. Sergio has been on a quest to find whom The Lord has called him to be, and happily, he now sees a much clearer picture of who exactly that is.Sergio is a multi instrumentalist, whom is an official artist endorsee with Dean Markley Strings, and CAD microphones. He will soon start work, as an advocate for World Vision; a child sponsorship organization, which feeds, shelters, educates, and introduces Christ to starving and AIDS stricken children and communities world wide, sponsoring a child in Africa himself. Besides musically related activities, Sergio is also a writer for Grace and Mercy Magazine, and most recently for the new men's magazine, The Gladiator. Sergio enjoys going on local mission assignments, which include the preparation of Thanksgiving boxes for needy families, and even just passing out free water at the county park, all through his home church, The North Jersey Vineyards, where he also works caring for toddlers. His new servant heart, and newly embraced humility, have opened doors for Sergio, allowing peace in his life, which gave him the ability to record the Cry Out EP, raise a child in a single parent home, and help others with their struggles, while overcoming his own.Sergio gives all glory and thanks to God for everything in his life; good, bad, ugly, and beautiful. For those whom trust in The Lord, all things work out for their greater good, even if times are scary, and seem dark; and that is exactly what Sergio would tell you if he met you. Having a desire to share what he has found with others, Sergio is not shy about confessing the name of Jesus Christ in any type of social environment; happily speaking to others about how Christ changed his life, and pointing out the validities and relevance of God's Word, and how they can achieve this peace through Christ in their own lives. Thank you for your support. Peace and Grace be with you, and thanks for coming by!Testimony:Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose. Sergio Michel was a child of neglect, never knowing his father; only seeing him through pictures and hearing his voice through phone conversations, seeing him once or twice in his life. The victim of verbal and spiritual abuse from a young age, Sergio was also victimized by other's control issues. With an outgoing and bold personality, Sergio usually found himself looking for completion in all the wrong places. During his college years, Sergio hosted a morning talk show, and started to seriously consider music as a full time endeavor, and found fulfillment in fronting a local metal band. The downside, was he fell into the temptations of popularity, promiscuity and a puffed up ego. Those years were full of wild drinking parties, fly by night relationships, which led to him never completing college. Eventually, getting to go on a very small national tour, and getting some recognition via online outlets, things got even more out of hand. During this time, Sergio attended trade school, and received a degree in recording engineering, which he excelled at. Sergio trained for a couple of months, and tried his stint at bodybuilding. At that point, being in a popular band, being a bodybuilder, and having an entourage was all Sergio knew.Sergio then moved to FL, and quickly, the group disbanded, and his body shrunk due to lack of exercise and poor diet. There, Sergio wound up starting a dysfunctional and abusive relationship with a woman he had met on the internet. During the first few days in this relationship, Sergio wound up seeing The Passion of The Christ in theaters. A profound sorrow and pity for Jesus, that had never been felt by Sergio before was felt for the first time watching the movie. That is the very first loud knock on Sergio's heart, calling him to repentance, and to turn from his sinful ways. It would take almost 4 years before that knock was answered, and that door would be opened. This on and off relationship landed him in jail, close to homeless many times, and out on the street every other moment.During that time, Sergio wound up working for Sebastian Bach, formerly of Skid Rowe, because Sergio was a guitar tech for Metal Mike Chlasiak of Pain Museum, whom at the time was Sebastian Bach's guitar player. Sergio also started working with a talent agency in South Beach, whom had affiliations with the now deceased, Anna Nicole Smith, The Miami Heat, and other popular international celebrities / organizations. Sergio had access to many big clubs and inner circles in South Beach, and frequented with the local scene's movers and shakers. Getting into clubs like Mansion, Prive, and Opium, and exclusive private parties due to his affiliations with producers and agents, Sergio found himself in the circles of Univision TV personalities, wealthy investors, nightlife promoters, modeling professionals, and martial arts experts. Having all these connections, and affiliations yielded nothing. He quickly discovered rubbing elbows with billionaires and celebrities will not bring you happiness. He knew all the right people, had all the connections, all the ability, but nothing happened. He did not know at that time, that The Lord had a purpose for him, and had blocked the roads to total destruction.Being in an abusive relationship, expecting a child, and wandering from party to party, practically homeless was no way for a man to live. Seeing his despair, a friend he had made in FL, whom happened to be Yngwie Malmsteen's luthier, Larry Lashbrook invited him to a bible study at his home. There, Sergio was introduced to The Book of Proverbs, and God had him hooked. This book, appealed to Sergio's nature, and really had him thinking and analyzing himself and his life. No one had ever explained let alone showed him the scriptures this way, as Pastor Jeff Boer, of Sharon OPC in Miami Gardens did. The scripture came alive, and Sergio unknowingly, was being prepared for the greatest challenge and test of faith of his life.At that point, things in his relationship really hit a bad point, and Sergio was not allowed to visit his child. Larry Lashbrook then offered Sergio a job at his guitar shop, to help Sergio financially. One day, Larry's son David, a missionary to Africa through The Vineyards Church in Jacksonville, FL, gave them invitations to come to a men's conference, in Starke, FL. This conference was based on a book named, Wild At Heart. It's aim was to teach men, that true men of God are to be brave and heroic, and how to apply it in their lives. Unbeknownst to Sergio, that would be trip that changes his life for ever. At this meeting, such a wonderful thing happened. The fellowship there was genuine, the speaker was intelligent, and well informed, presenting the scripture with relevance to his course material. He took excerpts of movies like Brave Heart, Lord of the Rings, and Last of The Mohicans, explaining how Christ like characteristics were found in the protagonists, and how God has called Christian men to be that way in their lives. After a wonderful presentation, an alter call was made. "If you've never talked to God, go outside, and do so now.", said the speaker. So, Sergio went out into the forest of Starke, FL by a lake, and asked God to reveal himself, and there, in the shade, The Lord gave Sergio a sign, and Sergio confessed his sins, and asked to be forgiven. At that moment, Christ entered Sergio's heart, and changed his life forever.Sergio then attempted to mend his broken relationship, and then moved to NJ. During that time, Sergio continued music, even getting various endorsements with musical instrument manufacturers, clothing manufacturers, appearances on radio, print and song writing with Joe Lynn Turner formerly of Deep Purple. At this time, things at home deteriorated, and Sergio found himself a single father. The ensuing months were a series of tests, trials, and sufferings the likes of which Sergio never knew, yet, through all the pain and suffering, loneliness and heartache, Sergio held on to God, and has learned many priceless lessons. Sergio now sees that every experience, every pain and torment, was pointing him to Jesus Christ. Today, Sergio thanks The Lord for everything that has transpired in his life. The absolute transformation of Sergio Michel is testimony enough, that God can change any man whom will turn to and have faith in Jesus.

Recent Highlights: + Featured Artist on Faith It Up + Featured Song, Cry Out, on Unsung Hero Revolution + Official Artist Endorsement with CAD Microphones + Official Artist Endorsement with Dean Markley Strings + Artist Interview on The Christian Music Network

My Interests


Member Since: 7/11/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Sergio Michel - Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Percussion
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Udated Songs!

Hello,I have uploaded newer remastered versions of the songs on Cry Out.  They are louder, fuller, and sound a lot better and have better bass response. Below is a description of each song, and w...
Posted by Sergio Michel on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 08:33:00 PST

Forgiveness. An Article

Forgiveness Part 1 Freely Forgive By Sergio Michel The Lord teaches us to love our enemy. When we let go of the ways of this world, and honor others, more than we do ourselves, forgiveness of other'...
Posted by Sergio Michel on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 02:28:00 PST