My name is Lahryssa.
I'm not interested in your gross fucken penis
But I would love to be your friend
I don't have many, but thats because I'm like a hoppy beer.
You either love it or hate it.
And most people are too much of a pussypooh.
I'm sorry that I wont work at McDonalds
apparently it's childish that I wont support the mass slaughter of animals
and poisoning peoples bodies.
I'm sorry that I have morals
That prevent me from living the in you're "conventional" ways
I'm sorry I dont like buying clothes from corperations
who promote child labor underpay their workers
only to move on to a cheaper place.
Actually, NO!
I am NOT sorry.
I'm only sorry that most people think I should be.
It's impossible to sum someone up in a small little section.
Except for this:
i eat. i poop. we die
Yeah, that pretty much does it
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