Red Iguana Sound profile picture

Red Iguana Sound

I'm A Rocker....Do U Love Me ?

About Me

After one year of trial Mario Dread starts to play music as a resident selecta in the “Bunny’s Rock Pub” in Rome in the march of 2000. It Was a very nice place to stay as a dj , friendly and good green smelling (…) ; also known as “the red door” because of the door between the reality of that place and the reality of Italy…. From 2000 to 2005 Mario dread continued the activity increasing his passion into the “Bunny’s” ; playing also every Friday for the last years. Like Keith And Tex use to say….it’s Friday evening , the people dem tired of working!...... So the first characteristic of the Friday night was the sweet reggae music….. 2005 was a very special year because of our presence in the “Radio Torre” experience (in the summer) and Don Carlo Joined the crew (in October). Since that year we seriously started to play out of our club , in all the situations that we wanted ; inside different squats and clubs , on trucks during the manifestations….Always with Don Carlo as a selecta and Mario Dread MC. Unfortunately at the beginning of the 2006 babylon closed the “bunny’s rock pub” , but we continued to play constantly all around Italy (salento , bologna , brescia , perugia , molfetta ecc…) with so many friends , sounds (cool runnings , yaga yaga , kinky sound , blessline , baracca , daje pure te , big bamboo , duppy conquerors , frisco sound , la centrale , pier one, vigna massive , soul roots , bababoom time , fire chant , hotta fire , ecc..) ; in clubs and squats like villaggio globale e forte prenestino here in Rome ; promoting events like our last birthday bash longside the original veteran Ranking Joe (jan 2k8 , look the pictures) , on the radio……everywhere ! In December 2007 (after so many dances done togheter) Rudebeat joined the crew (look in the top friend list) , listen from the audio the speeches of the joining! Welcome abroad selecta!! Squeeze another tune! Bless & Guidance , Don’t Give Up The Fight. Mario Dread.WHO JAH BLESS NO MAN CURSE , AS I BELONG TO MY FATHER , MY FATHER WILL BELONG TO ME

My Interests


Member Since: 7/11/2007
Band Website: Coming soon..
Band Members: Mario Dread ( MC ) , RudeBeat ( Selecta )
Influences: Sweet Roots & Foundation , 80's DJ Style , Conscious Vibrations
Sounds Like: Dall'Album Dei Compleanni Della Crew....Red Iguana 3rd Bash

Flyer vari..

Foto varie :)

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Check It Now! Download The Rec. Of Our Last Danz "Stile Bisestile"!

check It Now! Download The Rec. Of Our Last Danz "Stile Bisestile"!So Roots! ;parte due  ;...
Posted by Red Iguana Sound on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 06:14:00 PST

30 Maggio 2k8 MICHAEL PROPHET @ Villaggio Globale

Red Iguana proudly presents&..Stanotte per la prima volta sotto le stelle di Roma la leggenda del Roots singing style su sound system: MICHAEL PROPHET (Kingston, Jamaica) Pronti massicci per un'incred...
Posted by Red Iguana Sound on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 09:53:00 PST

Bio sound

Dentro la mia testa il ricordo è nitido ; a fine 1998 attraversai quella porticina rossa&alcuni amici me ne avevano parlato ma io ancora non ci avevo messo piede : il Bunny's Rock Pub in via ostiense ...
Posted by Red Iguana Sound on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 09:39:00 PST