Yoga, movies, music, going to the beach, dim sum, afternoon tea time, cooking, public libraries cus books are expensive, chillaxin at coffee shops and reading a book, cuddling with my hubby, talking to my Mom and listening to her laugh
Stephen Hawking- Yea, I know its a little freaky to listen to someone speaking with a computer voice synthesiser, but when your principal areas of research are cosmology and quantum gravity and your major contributions to the field of research are on the relationship between black holes and thermodynamics? Then you're a BAD ASS in my book, wheelchair and all.Oprah- "Unless you choose to do great things with it, it makes no difference how much you are rewarded, or how much power you have." I knew how much I loved and admired this woman after I heard her say this.Eric Bena- Wonderful Actor and so freakin sexy!!Marc Jacobs- Great designer that makes army boots and floral prints work well together.Monica Belluci- She makes me feel so gay.Ken Watanabe or Kensaku Watanabe- Sexy DADDY type. Loved him in THE LAST SAMURI.
Everything from opera to drum and bass and everything else in between.
Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
Two people that always told me that- A DREAMER LIVES FOR AN ETERNITY. MY LOVELY PARENTS