Music, Theatre, Books, Movies, Swimming, Mountaineering and having a luxurious sleep and Internet!!!!!!! I cant live without my computer i swear!!!!! (ehehe...)
R Respectable
O Organic
B Beautiful
E Emotional
L Little
L Loving
E Emotional
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
Your Love Situation
by Amberishjewel
Your Love Is... Gentle
During Lovemaking You Act... Like a child, always playing
Your Partner Is... Your support
Your Partner Has Said That You... Are extrodinary
Your Love is Summed Up In A Quote. "One must know how to seduce"
Quiz created with MemeGen !
LInkin Park, Yo yo Ma Obrigado Brazil, Rites of Spring by Stravinsky, Mask Dance, Round Song, Beyonce Knowles, Eminem, Missy Elliot, Linkin Park, Chicago the Movie Sountrack, Carpenters, Jennifer Paige, Jars of Clay, Sixpence None the Richer, Michael Lerns to Rock, Jars of CLay
The Passion of the Christ, Troy, Sen to Chichiro Kamikakushi (Spirited away), Hero, Speed 1, LOTR trilogy, H. POtter, Armageddon, Shoes of the Fisherman, The Score, Italian Job, Tarzan, Pocahontas, Kill Bill 1 and 2, Spiderman, XMen 2--- andami pa!
totooTV, Alias (dati), Spongebob, Crayon Shin-Chan, Probe Team, Sex and the City Doreimon, One Peice
Nightmares and Dreamscapes (stephen King), Running Man (S. KIng), Bible, Danielle Steel novels, Harry Potter, Anne Mather novels, Shakespeare
--- anton juan--- adel and macky---- dad and mom=== anton chekhov---- steven spielberg--- william shakespeare