JBPSTUDIOS1 profile picture


Moments are wut i live 4 n wut i live 4 i LOVE. (hit meeh UP!! some time lets chat JBPSTUDIOS on YAH

About Me

SENSUAL ...ARE YOU?......................Look in the dictionary for a definition of sensuality, depending upon the version and maker, varying definitions exist. Ask any person to define sensuality, and still more interpretations. Sensuality in it's truest form is not to be confused with SEX. Sensuality means to be aroused by things of beauty, luxury and refinement, to be aware of and explore the world, life and love with all the senses. To be sensual is to be aware of and appreciate the natural, ecstasy that can be found in the sensuous, passionate world of feeling, inhabited by poets, artists, song writers and dreamers. Being sensual brings to us a life felt through our senses, seen only in the world of spirit.Living a sensuous life, your world is enhanced by awareness. Appreciation and acceptance for who and what you are. A passion for life and love. Sensuality is a world that virtually weaves itself in a rich tapestry of beauty, of intense arousal and passion where even the simplest touch of a finger drawn lightly across the bare skin of a lovers back in the early morning hour causes the lover to awaken filled with a heightened awareness. In their heightened states, the colors of the world are painted in more radiant, vivid hues; eyes are deeper, skin is creamier as the sun filtering through the drapes dances off their bodies. An exquisite luxurious feeling. Joy. That exultation of spirit, pleasure, passion and delight is yours. Joy leads to ecstasy.Keep ecstasy in our lives and lovers will go through their days filled with joy - that never ending supply of excitement of the spirit that brightens their lives and fills them with delight. Feeling and being are the sublime part of a man and brings warmth, gentleness, relatedness and perception to sensuality. It is the divine feminine nature existing in both a man and a woman. Feeling is the art of having a value structure and a sense of meaning and belonging. Feeling is the part that brings love to us. Romance in a relationship allows us to touch the soul of a lover. Romance and ecstasy mixed, allows us to touch the heart and soul.What person doesnt love Love? It is the essence of life. Love. Such a wonderful, essential part of our beings. Without it we would wither and die. Romance, ecstasy, passion and ultimately, love, are so powerful a human drive they have kindled wars, created works of art, consoled the dying, driven kings to insanity and bankrupted nations. Love is the most important aspect of our lives, yet we spend our lives searching for it when a simple act of vulnerability toward our feeling nature will cause it to spring forward, catching us like a bird in flight.It is that vital, intrinsic, pulse-beating passion within us, our feeling natures, sensuality, that gives us creativity and a sense of joy. Through our feelings we experience our purpose and the special, ecstatic moments in our lives. It is through our feelings that our lives are given meaning and worth. It is our romancing one another in loving, ecstatic ways that helps us to discover that we are ALL sensual beings.ummmm.....i dunno im just a real simple person....nothin real special about meeh....i just try to keep it real!!! the less confusing my life is the better it is for meeh and the people in my world.....ummmmm.....im a MAMA'S boy and PROUD of it.....lolz....i love to compete and talk trash.....my friends call me the mouth of the south for all the things i say on the baseball field....lolz.....dont get me wrong its just my way of getting into peoples heads and throw them off their game.....but its all in fun....neways...what else.....i love to party...as much as i love to stay home and just chill.....my family owns a small business....im the oldest of foUr children.....2 sis and 1 bro......what else.....did i mention i have a secret love affair with HALLE BERRY.....hahah....what you think im lying?....she seems pretty real in my dreams....lolz....neways.....if i think of ne thing else about myself ill add it later...so till then......take care and GOD BLESS!!!!!!! P.S. and to the Lady's that Love to Eat I can KICK SOME ASS IN THE

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KITCHEN....lolz..... Check out this hot chicks music!
Somaya Reece
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My Interests

Im pretty open minded...im open to anything once.....

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I'd like to meet:

just lookin to meet some real down to earth ....NO FAKE, PLASTIC people.....I WANNA MEET people who are willing to give A person that messed up a 2nd,3rd,4th or even a 5th chance to salvage a friendship....i DONT WANNA meet people who use people....for their own personal gains!!!.i do wanna meet people who LOVE AND BELIEVE IN GOD..i dont wanna meet those so called i down for you until it REALLY COMES DOWN TOO IIT!!!......or people who are JUST DAMN SHAMELESS.. have some CLASS AND DIGNITY...(YOU SHAMELESS PEOPLE!!!).....NOT MANY PEOPLE DO!!!!!!!.......REAL people...HARDWORKIN PEOPLE...........people who honestly CARE ABOUT the well being of the next person........THESE ARE THE PEOPLE who dont get enough CREDIT for being the loving, honest, respectable,kind, caring, COMpassionate person ...that we all are...people who know who they really are.....and dont forget about where they came from and what your parents and grandparents..had to do ....to get you to where you are at this point in your life...(PEOPLE WHO TRULY AND HONESTLY KNOW WHERE THEIR ROOTS REALLY ARE!!!)..... ..YOU DONT FIND MANY true people ........you Knoooooo!!!!! im just HERE to see if i can get aquainted with some GREAT people or re aquainted with people from my PAST.......(i gotta admit THOUGH ALOT OF YOU LADY'S are looking reeeeeeeeeeally PUUUUUUUUUUUURTY......LOLZ) I HAD TO SAY IT LOLZ.......but yeah IM NOT LOOKIN FOR ANY ONE IN PARTICULAR.... WELL ACTUALLY I AM!!! JAMES


WHATEVER......even country!!!! (WTF)...lolz...yes even country.....well...it depends..hahahaha


I'm a movie freak....i own a Video store .... so does that answer my favorite movie question...hahahah


"http://i.myspace.com/99/60/330699/11588798_l.jpg" FRIENDSTER TESTIMONIALS .................................... Christine C. .............................. It's been awhile since i've seen this
guy but no matter what he will always
be a piece of my heart. James is one of
the most genuine, caring, loving and
loyal people I know and I would vouch
for that in blood...Thanks for all the
great advice and hugs in the past. I
wouldn't have gotten through it all
without you(you know!!) For all you
lovely ladies out there This boy is
hubby material!!!!(oh yah he's a
keeper).By the way, How's your dad..
(he,he inside joke)..j/k..I luv ya man..
............................................................ ...........ESTHER......................... This man here has a true heart of
gold!! No one can be without a friend
like James in their life!! True,
sincere, caring, and sweet as can be -
the woman who wins your heart will
definitely have found the biggest
treasure!! I'm so glad we've
connected again after all these
years!! Thanks for being a part of my
circle of friends!! This time we will
NOT LOOSE ONE ANOTHER!!! Things happen
for a reason, and I'm so glad ur there
for me!! Remember I'm here for ya
too!! Hugz & Kisses!! =oX......................................................... ........ CHARMAINE....................................thanks for the
testimonial ...i dunno what to
say...gee, thanks for exposing my ass I
guess...remember, I'm innocent until
proven guilty...hehe j/k Anyway, those
were nice words. I appreciate it. Yes,
I am glad we got back in touch. Now,
we can resume
the "cappin'" ..hehe...Nah, but
seriously, you're a great guy...nice,
sweet...oh' no, gag me witha
spoon..j/k...seriously, you are. Like
I said before, I hope you find that
special someone...Damn, she's out there
somewhere...I'll keep my eye open...oh'
you know I have bad
eyesight..hehe...Yes, we definitely
need to do dinner again...Hey, did you
know, I think Peppermill shut down.
Aight den James, take care &
ttyl..PEACE !!!........................................................A NNE..................................................damn james...i was really surprised
that you wrote a testimonial for me and
because you did...i wanted to return
the favor. :) i've known james for
YEARS...and i still remember the night
we first met. it was for the bulldog
fiesta (hahaha!) in burlingame at the
marriott. i still remember his cousin
marvin telling me that james wanted my
number. hehe well, we never hooked up
but we became really good friends.
james is one of the sweetest guys i
know...and this guy is FUNNY! every now
and then he asks for the hook-up but
DAMN...look at his friendster
list...it's all chics!! i'm like damn
james...with all the ladies you
know...i'm sure you can find one!
hehe well, any lady who snags this
guy...james is a true gentlemen...and
he'll take care of you... and to all
of you ladies reading this right
now...no...james did not pay me to
write this...hahaha!! thank you james
for being a good friend...even if we
don't always talk...reconnecting with
you is never hard...thanks for
believing in me and my vocal
skills...you are truly a friend for
life...miss you...
............................................................ ............MARITESS G.................................................Where do I begin with James...I used to
remember being on the phone with you
all night long and falling asleep and
you're still on the phone the next
morning waiting for me!! You had a BIG
crush on me for years but turned into a
good friendship at the end. This dude
is my homee!! You're one of the
sweetest, nicest, and respectful guy
I've ever met (is it still true?).
Overall, James is becoming a playa!!
Never knew you had it in him after all
these years! LADIES, if you're lookin'
for a commitment with a sincere guy or
just a BOOTY call, James is your man!
Love ya James..Tess.........................................JOANNE F.................................wuddup james?!! =) i know james has got
the ambition and hope that will get him
where he wants to be and allow him to
accomplish his goals..and he'll do big
things. i see it in him..how do i know
this? because he is my goooooood ass
friend, one that i think i just might
keep around for a long
while..hahaha......................................JOCELYN.. ............................................................ ...hmmm, james... mr. 007, himself =)...
this guy is definitely one of a
kind... and YES, he does talk hella
trash! LOL...but he's got a serious
side and can be the biggest sweetheart
and a true gentlemen too... and
guaranteed, the dude knows how to make
you smile or laugh when you need it
the most... just remember tho,
everyone and everything takes a back
seat to his SF Giants, Halle Berry and
sleep!... hahaha! funny, but it's
true! =)... oh yeah, and the guy's got
the biggest set of brown eyes i know
of! =) -- ingatz james, and lemme know
when you finally decide to make it
north of the border, my friend...............................................GAIL... ..............................................Okay took me forever…what can I say
about this guy. I’ve known him since
St. Joe days. We had the best class
when we were in 8th grade, huh? haha.
but thru high school, thru college,
thru all them girls I’ve heard about
all these years …j/k and until now. We
managed to stay friends. James is
family! He was always there thru
everything. Yeah, we’ve laughed,
cried, fought...looking back at it now,
it’s pretty stupid funny. But I’m
thankful for you being there especially
during the roughest time of my life. I
don’t think I could have taken those
pictures myself. Besides all that, we
are stuck with each other!! Even tho we
don’t talk much, we don’t hang out like
we all use to, we are still a tight
group of friends, don’t you think? I
think so!! Take care kuya! Yea I
remember that
Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... erotic
Your hugs are... warm
Your eyes... burn into my heart
Your touch is... awakening my heart
Your smell is... exotic
Your smile is... amazing
Your love is... one of a kind
Quiz created with MemeGen !
What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 4%
Kissing Skill Level - 42%
Cudding Skill Level - 97%
Sex Skill Level - 100%
Why They Love You You taste good.
Why They Hate You You can be selfish.
This Quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 1896341 Times. New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Begin PayPal Logo -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- End PayPal Logo --


the BIBLE........ Success is a Choice........(Rick Pitino) (MotivationaL ....i like that kinda stuff.....GETS MEEH REAL PUMPED UP!!!)



My Blog

these ARE our rules!!!

The Guys' Rules The Guys' RulesAt last a guy has taken the time to write this all down    Finally, the guys' side of the story.We always...
Posted by JBPSTUDIOS1 on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 03:03:00 PST

gotthis frommy friend MAYE'S page thought it was good FOOD FOR THOUGHT...

"Relationships-of all kinds-are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on, the sand tric...
Posted by JBPSTUDIOS1 on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 02:09:00 PST


Closure to certian things that had happened to us in that past never really crosses our minds....well mine anyway...but just recently people have resurfaced  into my life...that really i didnt ha...
Posted by JBPSTUDIOS1 on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 02:25:00 PST

ever think you

ever think your gonna go through life alone? (sigh) i have.its been a long time since ive been in love so, i kinda forgot how it feels. sometimes i go through the city just blindly walking and i see ...
Posted by JBPSTUDIOS1 on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 10:25:00 PST

thank GOD

GOD If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Eve...
Posted by JBPSTUDIOS1 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

this was from my friend JINKS page... kinda liked it

Everything Happens for a Reason Current mood: okay Things happen for a reason Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serv...
Posted by JBPSTUDIOS1 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my love is one of a kind

Your love is... by ChibiMarronchanYour name is...Your kiss is...eroticYour hugs are...warmYour eyes...burn into my heartYour touch is...awakening my heartYour smell is...exoticYour smile is...amazingY...
Posted by JBPSTUDIOS1 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i taste good......

What Is Your Best Sexual Skill? Name: Age: Sex: MaleFemaleSexuality: StraightGayBisexualFlirting Skill Level - 4%Kissing Skill Level - 42%Cudding Skill Level - 97%Sex Skill Level - 100%Why They L...
Posted by JBPSTUDIOS1 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST