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30's Da New 20's

I am here for Networking

About Me

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Myspace Comments | Myspace Graphics | Myspace Surveys FUGITIVE RECOVERY IS MY LIFE NOW! I never thought that this is what I would be doing in a million years until I was introduced and then certified in this line of work. I saw myself as being a Police Officer, Correctional Officer, Fireman, or a Roofer. I still want to be a Firefighter, that is, if they ever call me. I started off taking security training classes. While in security training school, I met this gentleman who openned my eyes to becoming a Fugitive Recovery Agent/Bailbonds Agent/Bounty Hunter, or whatever you want to call it. Fugitive Recovery Agent/Bailbonds Agent is what I perfer. It was then I developed a love for Pepper Spray and Firearms. I also hate pepperspray, because it's no punk getting sprayed with it. As a result, I will not hesitate to use it. MAURICE A YOUNG is an authorized Fugitive Recovery Agent, who when legally employed, may cross state lines, carry unusual weapons, and use reasonalble force in the apprehension of fugitives in interstate flight. He operates under the authority of the Supreme Court Ruling (Taylor vs. Taintor, 16 Wall, 366) he is granted all authorities alloed him by law. A private citizen (agent), when legally bonded, may pursue a fugitive into another state, may arrest him on the sabbath day, and if necessary, may break and enter into his house for that prupose. The seizure is not made by new process, none is needed. No person may interfere with the lawful holder of this card if he possesses valid documents, and complies with appropriate local, state, and federal regulations.

My Interests

Fugitive Recovery, Private investigations, Executive Protection, Football(College, NFL), Basketball, Volleyball, lifting weights, video games(PS3 & Wii), Tennis(watching Serena Williams), Strip clubs, Miller Brewing Co., watching movies, listening to music, paintball, cooking, Firearms, and fishing.

Animated GIFs

I'd like to meet:

All those who think FUGITIVE RECOVERY IS ILLEGAL IN ILLINOIS. ILLINOIS LAW STATES: (725 Ilcs 170/) Fugitive Apprehension Reward Act. (725 ILCS 170/12)(from Ch. 60, par. 12) Sec 12. if any person charged with, or convicted of treason, first degree murder, criminal sexual assult, predatory criminal sexual assult of a child, aggravated criminal sexual assault, robbery, burglary, arson, theft, forgery, conunterfiting or kidnapping, shall break prison, escape of flee from justice or ascond or secrete himself in such cases it shall be lawful for the Governor, if he shall judge it necessary, to offer any reward not exceeding $1,000, for apprehending and delevering such person into the custody of such sheirr of other officer as he may direct. The person so apprehending or delivering any such person as aforesaid and producing to the Governor the receipt of the sheriff or other proper officer, for the body, it shall be lawful for the Governor to certify the amount of such claim to the State Comptroller, who shall issue his warrant on the treasurer for the same.(725 ILCS 170/13)(from Ch. 60, par. 13) SEc. 13. It shall be lawful for the county board of any conty, by an order to be entered upon its records, to fix upon a sum not exceeding $1,000 as a reward to be paid to any person who shall hereafter pursue and apprehend, beyond the limits of the county where the offense shall have been committed, any person guilty of any felony or other high crime, which reward shall be paid by the county where the offense was committed, on the convition of the criminal: Provided, nevertheless, that said reward shall not disqualify the person entitled thereto from being a witness.Sec. 103-9 Bail bondsmen. No bail bondsman from any state may seize or transport unwillingly any person found in this State who is assegedly in Violation of a bail bond posted in some other state. The return of any such person to another state may be accomplished only as provided by the laws of this State. Any bail bondsman who violates this Section is fully subject to the criminal and vivil pernalties probvided by the laws of this State for his actions.


Hip hop, Rap, R&B, lite Rock, Alternative, Jazz, Metal.


HEAT, All about the Benjamins, Shooter, The Departed, The Negotiator, Baby Boy, Gladiator, Die Hard(I, II, III, IV), Friday, Next Friday, Friday after Next, Training Day, Above the Rim, SWAT, Lethal Weapon(I, II, III, IV), Eddie Murphy RAW, A Few Good Men, Top GUN, Mission Impossible(I, II, III), Ronin, The Score, Italian Job, Oceans 11&12.
