Movies, Motorcycles, Martial Arts, Alliteration, Plants, Woods, Forests, Writing, Reading, Bicycles, Camping, Shooting, Dogs (not shooting dogs) Relaxing, Cooking, Wild Food, Cooking Wild Food, Art, Working Out, Shattering Philosophies, Crime, Urban Climbing, Urban Exploring, Seeing Cities Die, Self-Deprecation.
someone lacking a description.
Yes, this button actually calls me. Try it! If you want to get in touch, you gotta call.
Ward Churchill and Derrick Jensen speak-parts 1 and 2
The Spook Who Sat by the Door
The Edukators
This Revolution
What to Do in Case of Fire
Loose Change: Surfing
Gitmo:New Rules of War
The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet
The Fourth World War
The Emerald Forest
Incident at Oglala: The Leonard Peltier Story
The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the
Fight Club (Two-Disc Collector's Edition)
Waking Life
The Emerald Forest
Koyaanisqatsi - Life Out of Balance
The Weather Underground
I don't have cable.
Long drawn out question. Give me a few weeks and I'll create a lengthy list. Some authors I would wholeheartedly suggest are John Zerzan, Kevin Tucker, and Derrick Jensen-to name a few.
Shit, I'm kidding. Relax.