Jeff Watson profile picture

Jeff Watson

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Not much to tell, other than I am lucky to have married my best friend. She's the center of my universe.

I didn't make the t-shirt, I just bought it. Yep, it pretty much sums it all up. EASTSIIIDE!
Who doesn't love a diorama? At the Natural History Museum. The only thing I don't like about it is that it looks like what I imagine Burning Man to be: dirty, smelly peeps, the unimaginative thinking they are just the opposite. YUCK!
If they had an iPod I'm sure it would be loaded with bad bands like The Doors, Santana... I just can't go on. Their bookshelf would of course include volumes of Shakespeare that they've never read and lots of picture books because they're too stoned all the time to understand what big words are, much less spell them.
"Goin' to the chapel and we're gonna get remarrrrrried!". Some might say "Priscilla", I say Precious.
In this city of delusions, you often come across people who say things that they aren't ("I'm an artist" - but they have nothing to back it up). It's rare to find someone who just "is," and it's especially rare to find someone who "is" but is modest about it. That's why I'm so proud to know someone (and even better - am married to her!) like Missy. She has a wealth of talent, but likes to keep her treasures locked away in a chest. That's where I come in - I'm the pirate who opens the locker and shows everyone her enormous talents. I was lucky enough to help her get this incredible article in the recent LA Weekly and am fortunate to be a very small part in letting people know about her Howdys. Everyone should take the time to read this article so you can hopefully get a small taste of the wonderful person that I see every day.
Yeah, yeah. yeah... Jeffery Giraffe - Whateve's. Missy is the one that said "Isn't the raddest thing ever that we can just walk from our cozy bed and go see giraffes, alligators, snow leopards, and brown bears?"
I hate leaving our bed, but if that's what makes my lady happy - to see predators in their natural enviroment (while leaving hers behind) then so be it!
It is pretty damn cool!

Myspace Layouts at / Static

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Already met her.

Even the hearing impaired should know our love. Christ, I am lucky.

My one and only tattoo for my one and only love. My only regret is that I'm too much of a baby to get more tattoos with my declaration of my undying love for her (yes, it hurt, but I'd do it again in a second).

I love this picture because it shows two people in complete and total bliss, ignorant of the world around them, and wholly enveloped in each other. Plus, the glowing sign in the background makes for a classic shot. This captures perfect love.

At our friend Ian's Halloween party. I was a good Eddie Munster, but she ruled the room as a pink Gene Simmons. Only Missy can make The Demon into a sexy thing.

Our little Lady as Groucho Marx. Her bite is truly worse than her bark, but she's our darling, and tolerates our adventures.

My little Injun on Fremont Street in Las Vegas. A perfect framing of joy and neon. My favorite picture of my beautiful squaw.


As Berry Gordy once said, "Don't bore us, get to the chorus."


I like movie trailers more. Massive ADD problem. But Steve McQueen movies are cool in their entirety.


The Soup, and any VH1 show with a fading celeb who's trying to get a date.


Anything with words.


See "who I'd like to meet."

My Blog

God only knows.

The holidays always put me in a reflective mood, as I guess they do for everyone, what with Christmas time, the upcoming New Year, and my birthday which just passed. It's an especially thoughtful Dec...
Posted by Jeff Watson on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 06:27:00 PST

God only knows what Id be without my Missy

The holidays always put me in a reflective mood, as I guess they do for everyone, what with Christmas time, the upcoming New Year, and my birthday which just passed. It's an especially thoughtful Dec...
Posted by Jeff Watson on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 01:34:00 PST