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That KK Bitch

What doesn't kill you, makes you stranger.

About Me

My name is KK, I'm 32 and from Georgia and I hate it here. There's not much to know about me really. I love music, spending time talking with my friends and with my family. I'm pretty sarcastic and some of the time people don't know quite how to take me. Usually, if something pops into my mind, it WILL come out of my mouth. So, alot of the time people think I'm being a bitch but it's not intentional. Not always anyway. If it is intentional, you'll know. I think I'm a nice person most of the time though. That's about all you need to know I guess. If there's anyting else you want to know, tough shit motherfuckers!! Nah, just ask me and maybe I'll tell you. Or maybe I won't...
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My Interests

I love listening to music, reading, shopping & spending time with friends & family. I am also a PRUN student of HYC Academy and member of the OSIT Society, The Chemical Bitches, MCRmy & My Chemical Romance Forum!

I'd like to meet:

MCR (Okay, I met them on April 24th but yes, I want to meet them AGAIN!) and if I could go back in time, Kurt Cobain and John Lennon.


MCR,Taking Back Sunday & FFTL more than anything right now. I like Saves The Day and also, P.R.Y.D.E, Hot Like A Robot, David Costa, Bouncing Souls, and Nurcosa! (Check them out!) DO IT Some older bands that I like are The Eagles and The Beatles(yes I like The Beatles...fuck off!)!!!
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Notting Hill, Something's Gotta Give, Miss Congeniality, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, 28 Days, Murder By Numbers, Blair Witch Project, The Others, Don't Say A Word, Monsters Inc., The Little Mermaid, Something To Talk About, America's Sweethearts, Practical Magic, Shakespeare In Love, Bounce, Monster-In-Law, Hitch, Goonies, Lost Boys, Girl Interrupted, The Notebook, Sweet Home Alabama


Forensic Files, Cold Case Files, 'Til Death Do Us Part, Loaded, SURS, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Yes Dear


Pretty much any book by Jonathan Kellerman. Most recent one I read was Rage, I loved it! The Murder Book was a good one too. I love the Shopaholic books by Sophie Kinsella too. I SWEAR those sound like they were written about me!lol Ummm...oh and I loved Can You Keep A Secret, I think that's by her too. In Her Shoes was a great book, that's by Jennifer Weiner I think. Last but definetly not least, HEARTBREAK by Jonathan Rivera and Nick Destefano! BUY IT BITCHES!!!


My mom because she’s been through a lot of shit but doesn’t let it get her down. She's been there to help me through alot of things that I wouldn't have survived without her.
Gerard Way because I admire him for having gone through so much and coming out on top. He realized he didn’t like the direction his life was taking so he did something about it. Gotta respect and admire him for having the strength to do that. Plus, he's taken what he's gone through and has turned it around into a positive thing by helping so many other people by talking about what he went through and letting them know it's ok to have problems like that. Hearing about his past has really made me want to straighten my life out and has made me believe that I can.
My aunt Carol is one of my heroes too. She had breast cancer and died in 1991 when she was 42. She was like my second mom and one of the strongest people I've ever known. It always amazed me that in the 5 years that she was sick, she always kept such a great attitude and never complained about the pain she was in or how sick she was. She never asked "why me?" but just accepted that for some reason, this was how it was supposed to be. When I feel scared or like I can't handle something, I remember her and it gives me strength to go on. If she could go through the chemo and pain of her illness with the strength and bravery that she did, then I can handle what life throws my way. She's my inspiration and I wish that I could be even half the person she was. I'll always love her and miss her.

My Blog

NO I don't want your shag toys, your Ipods, cell phones, Wii's or your free Macy's gift cards!!

I'm so sick of getting these add requests, it's driving me insane!! I wish I could find the people who send them and blow up their computers or better yet, just blow up their houses with them in ...
Posted by That KK Bitch [MCRmy] on Thu, 03 May 2007 05:48:00 PST

MCR on The Tonight Show

Oh well, it's on YouTube. I tried to post it for you guys who haven't seen it but it wouldn't work. Fuck it, find it yourselves!
Posted by That KK Bitch [MCRmy] on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 07:35:00 PST

Does anybody want to...

Go to my apppt. at the wound care center in my place tomorrow? I'll trade places with you. Gotta work? I'll do that. Got school?? I'll do that too! Come on, somebody switch places with me for the day!...
Posted by That KK Bitch [MCRmy] on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 08:02:00 PST

Rules to follow when reading Heartbreak by Jonathan Rivera & Nick DeStefano

1. Do NOT read at night after everyone else is gone to bed if the other people in your house are light sleepers. You'll wake them up laughing. 2. Don't read while eating, you'll choke. 3. Do...
Posted by That KK Bitch [MCRmy] on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 09:34:00 PST

Some people shouldn't be alllowed to have myspaces!!

Gah, I am SO fucking sick of getting add requests from these girls who have hardly any clothes on and then you can't even see their profiles unless you add them because they contain "adult content". W...
Posted by That KK Bitch [MCRmy] on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 08:33:00 PST

Pity...I don't need it!

People really piss me off sometimes. I was talking to a friend of mine tonight and she kept saying how it's depressing that I'm in a wheelchair and can't walk. WHAT. THE. FUCK?? So...she thi...
Posted by That KK Bitch [MCRmy] on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 01:05:00 PST

The turning point for me and my sister...

This poem/song/whatever that I wrote is what really made a difference for me and Kelli. I'm glad I was honest with her about it being written after an argument we had. I think I've posted it before bu...
Posted by That KK Bitch [MCRmy] on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 03:10:00 PST

Fucked up dreams

I swear, I have the most INSANE dreams. They're never normal. Last night's was really weird even though I only remember bits and pieces of it. I remember being really sick in the dream and b...
Posted by That KK Bitch [MCRmy] on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 12:41:00 PST


Cyanide & Happiness @
Posted by That KK Bitch [MCRmy] on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:35:00 PST

OMG, this made me laugh so hard! Yeah, I know I'm warped!lol

Cyanide & Happiness @
Posted by That KK Bitch [MCRmy] on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 08:27:00 PST