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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Art school until 1978, and after school many painting courses, especially in fresco painting. Also many musical experiences in choral singing. Some painting exhibitions in Turin from 1980 to 1986, prevalently collective. An enthusiastic passion for sacred music, a lot of concerts in childhood (Turin's Children Choir, Turin's Polyphonic Women's Choir). 1986 - 1995 A long thoughtful period, searching in the deep of my soul for a Message to be expressed through music and painting. Simultaneously, a lot of energy involved in various advertising agencies as a graphic designer and art director. At the beginning of 1995 I started a spiritual and pictorial journey ; I left representational art to approach a new style, rich of archetypic symbols, and at the same time I was also studying the etymology, the root of words. The painting techniques changed, and I began to use glasses, plexiglass, transparencies, enamels and gold and copper leaf. Contemporaneously started two musical projects, Heat and XCR: from 1993 to 2000 we performed many gigs. In this period we collaborated creating soundtracks for Giulia Caira, photographer and videomaker, Motorangel (Heatseeker multimedial theather project) and the movie director Angel G. Villani. In 2000 my daughter was born, I restarted to paint with renovated energy and new inspiration. I discovered Marija Gimbutas's books, and the power of feminine. All my artistic production is based now on the reasearch on archetypic symbols of feminine. I started studying all the Mediterranean mithology with particular attention to pre-greek mithology, and all about Great Goddess and prehistoric female power. My references are Campbell, Gimbutas, Graves, Vicki Noble, Riane Eisler... Blogs - Solidarietà all’ambulatorio medico popolare - Ukiyoe MySpace Blog

My Interests

Music, graphic art and advertising languages, communication topics, painting, mythology, philosophy, thematics about feminine mystery, symbols, archetype, medicine, esotericism, archeology.

I'd like to meet:

Uncommonplaced minds, creatives, people deeply asking ourselves about spirituality and the eternal love/conflict between man and woman,openminded people who likes music, especially new wave, gothic, classic music, people who likes any artistic expression and would like to exchange ideas, opinions or eventually collaborate. People who's working for world's peace. .. -- // Begin Current Moon Phase HTML (c) // -- CURRENT MOON .. language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"var ccm_cfg = { pth:"", fn:"ccm_v1.swf", lg:"en", hs:1, tf:"12hr", scs:1, df:"std", dfd:0, tc:"FFFFFF", bgc:"000000", mc:"000000", fw:104, fh:153.3, js:0, msp:0, u:"cc" }.... language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="".. moon phase .. -- // end moon phase HTML // --


Bowie, Iggy Pop, Can, all new wave and psichedelic post punk , Chrome, Damon Edge, Suicide, Joy Division, Talking heads, Wire, ClockDVA, Dead can Dance, 4AD, Tuxedomoon, Cabaret Voltaire, gothic punk (bauhaus, Dali's Car, Siouxie, Cure)electronic music from Kraftwerk since new beat, industrial and cyberpunk, Front 242, Ministry, Skinny Puppy, SPK, Lustmord, Laibach, Borghesia, Christian death, the Klinik, the Coil, Alien Sex Fiend, Diamanda Galas, Pink Industry, Groovy Chainsaw (who's knowing something about them?) Thule, Dive, Vomito Negro, Nightmare Lodge, Deutsch Nepal, Zone, Neon, all classic music (my favourites: Bach, Mozart, Boccherini, Debussy, Ravel, Stravinsky, Gorecki, Ligeti, Bartok, Kodaly, Martinu, Copland, Janacek, Orff (all his work) and many many others. , Copland, Janacek, Orff (tutto) e molti, mtissimi altri.


The legends are: Frankenstein Junior, Rocky Horror Picture Show, all Tim Burton's movies, Sean Penn, Star Wars trilogy, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Stanley Kubrick, Peter Sellers, Blake Edwards, Fellini, Pan's Labyrinth.


The Prisoner, The avengers, Angels in America.


All James Hillmann's books, all Joseph Campbell's books, all Robert Graves's books, Marija Gimbutas, Riane Eisler, Eric Emmanuel Schmitt, Christa Wolf, Mircea Eliade, Renè Guenon, Umberto Eco, books about archeology, history of religions, anthropology and mythology, mythography, esotericism, POST PUNK of Simon Reynolds, Tolkien, Mabinogion, Dostojevskj, La Dea Bianca, La scrittura è nata in Europa?, Il risveglio della Dea.


Prometeus, Baubo of Priene, Herakles, Medea, Circe, Mary of Magdala, Jesus, Buddha, Dalai Lama,, Nelson Mandela, Christine de Pizan, Petra Van Cronenburg, Beppe Grillo, Simon Reynolds, Benazir Bhutto, Marija Gimbutas, Joseph Campbell, Robert Graves,

My Blog

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