industrial - experimental - techno - ambient - noise - music - since 1984
For 24 years I have been preaching to the world to embrace the good. My music and words have annointed the ears and minds of a new generation of global citizens. That's this generation! Not everyone has been so keen about my mission. Some have said that I was too preachy... or not preachy enough... too righteous.... and even too wicked. Some have implied that I am not worthy. Some have called me blasphemous. I have been blacklisted for "being a Christian". I have been blacklisted for "being evil". Some have even called me a fake. It's time to set the record straight.
BLACKHOUSE is an art project. I am an artist. I create aural visions for your ears so that you may create the visual in your head. I am also a storyteller. BLACKHOUSE is the story of Life. My Life. Our Lives. We are all in this together... like it or not. And it's not just art. A true artist is a philosopher, an entertainer... a pundit and a motivator. I created BLACKHOUSE in 1984 as an answer. A rebuttal. A retaliation against a disturbing trend that I recognized to be destructive. I created BLACKHOUSE to combat a culture : The Lovers Of Death.
The lovers of death are all around us. Never before have I witnessed such evil. Look at the wars, the torture and the worship of hate and pain. And it gets much worse... we have so-called Christians advocating murder, defending torture and pushing the world towards global destruction in "the name of The Rapture". It's not just the radical wing of the Christian Right either, we have the Zionists to thank... and all the others who worship death instead of Life. These misguided death lovers consider themselves to be good! They believe that by killing and hurting others that God will return to claim His people - them! To this I say:
My fans come from many different backgrounds. Some are Christian, some are atheist, some are satanists I am sure. Some are Muslims and some just don't feel right being put into a rigidly defined doctrine. The thing that brings all of these people together is that we wish for the good. We embrace the moment. We care for others and have feelings about what is right and what is wrong. We worship life and all that it brings us. We are The Lovers Of Life.
EVERY DAY there is a war going on between The Lovers Of Life and the death lovers. It's all around us... day in... day out. By the time you wake up, the opposite side has advanced and done something negative. They attack the environment by ruining our air and water. They destroy habitat and exterminate animals. They poison our crops with genetically modified organisms. They wage wars based on lies to cover their greed. They not only murder, they enslave. They kill - day in and day out, and they do it in the name of "freedom", "democracy", "family values" and even in the name of God.
Our time is now. The time has come to put your foot down and say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done. Not only are we tired of the evil ones using the name of God to promote their illegitimate acts, we are tired of the acts themselves! We are sick and tired of The Lovers Of Death! So we need to rise up and make our mark NOW! No... I am not talking about violence. I am talking about US making the world a better place. EVERY DAY.... every time you can.... do something GOOD. Do something that you know is good. Help somebody. Donate. Believe! Talk to people about how you feel. Inject feelings into our numb planet. We have been far too casual in our efforts, watching from the sidelines, and the enemy has made new ground. It's time to get that ground back. We all know it is better to be good than evil. So let that goodness shine from your heart! You know what to do. And in order to gain our ground, we need to do IT more. Do two great things a day.... three..... four! Don't be afraid of our enemy! They fear us more than we fear them. THAT is why it has gotten so bad! We allowed it! No more. NO MORE! You know what to do:
see / hear