Rachel profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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  Hello! Well what can i say about me? Im 21 and am a crazy chick! I love meeting new people, going lots of places, and trying crazy new things.  My number one love in my life right now is music and to dance. It cant hurt you it will only make you feel better and energetic! Obviously, electronic music is my #1 but i like all kinds of music not just "techno" as some people like to call it.  Right now Im focusing on saving money to go to school full time in the fall, and just having fun for me. I recently got out of a bad relationship and am NOT looking for another one anytime soon. So if youre on here to try to grab my digits or holler at me, you can kindly exit. With that being said, i am going to enjoy my time for me just have fun being young and single, and do whatever may come to my mind. I have met many many awesome people on here and am always happy to meet more.  Also if anyone is interested, as you see i promote for a lot of different things dont ever be afraid to ask about any events or promos on my page!
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My Interests

I am such a girly girl!  Just to give a fair warning....BUT it doesn't mean Im not open to new things!! Of course I enjoy shopping, crazy about guys, and I love kids. I love love love to dance! Anything well ALMOST anything ive never done before. The sky is the limit for this, im always open for new things :)THIS IS A LITTLE PART OF THE ROBBIE RIVERA PARTY IN NASSEAU FOR THE GROOVES CRUISE 2008!!

Graphics & Layouts

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people from different cities, countries, you name it.  With different accents, cultures, fashion, pretty much anything that does not consist of bland ol' Michigan.  (great state, but SO boring!) My goal is to travel the globe before im 30!! :)


I like a little bit of everything.  Ofcourse I like top 40 and all the overplayed stuff on the radio, but out of them my fav's would have to be eminem, destiny's child, and Gwen Stefani.   But thers SO many different types and artists in no specific order: lenny kravitz, easy-e, Dr. dre, p.diddy, usher, mariah carey, leanne rhimes, kenney chestney, garth, casey chambers, alan jackson, the doors, pink floyd, cheap trick, poison, def leppard, guns n' roses, nas, prince,janet J., kiss, godsmack,beatles,sublime,rage, quiet riot, tiesto,paul van dyke,, paul oakenfold, feryy c., armin, glaude, dave S., digweed, stacey paulen, m. czech, S. michaels, KT, marcus,anything w/ trance, prog.trance,house,hard house, DnB and so so many more.  If I put everything on here I would have a novel!! But this is a few of the tons that I like!!


@~@~@~@~@~@~I MISS MY GIRLS!!!!!!!@~@~@~@~@~@~@


I was never a big book reader, only a little when I was young.  If anything Id prolly pick up a magazine before a book. But if i had to choose a book it would be something off wack like how to start your own business or maybe even the guiness book of world records or something.


Honestly the biggest heroes in my life are the people who have been a big part of my life including my influences, my problems, the good, the bad, the ugly, you know what i mean! And those people would have to be my friends hands down! Even though im only 20; my friends have actually always been the biggest supporters and helpers in my life and I

My Blog

Some things ive learned....

I have learned................. ..> ..> I've learned - that you cannot make someone love you.All you can do isbe someone who can be loved.The rest is up to them.I've learned - that no matter how...
Posted by Rachel on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 09:57:00 PST

Turning over a new leaf...

I am officially turning over a new leaf today. There are some things in life that you just become so comfortable with that you never want to let it go, and think that you can hold on to it forever.&nb...
Posted by Rachel on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 02:16:00 PST