I think you Betta Call Tyrone! Da ILLest Friend profile picture

I think you Betta Call Tyrone! Da ILLest Friend

If Your Feeling My Page its only cause I remind you of Me, Lol, thats me within I

About Me

DID I JUST CALL YOU OUTTTTT!!!!! Current mood: lovedWhuts Good People,Some people read what I write and say oh hes just talking! Right or Wrong I wanna hear your opinions, I wanna end War, I wanna End Poverty, Can we get this clear, when I say I'm calling people out. How many rich people do you know? Now that your on myspace are you one, it doesn't matter we all have Freedom of Speech and with that we have Freedom of Choice in Life.How can we end war how can we end homelessness? Or should I say how can we solve the problems in our WORLD we call Home? I want to hear your answers? Are you ready to go to WAR in your Home? I ask that because everyone can turn on there TV and you know off Gate your getting to hear all the Negative things on TV. My conserns in Life believe me or not its your kids that should have the opportunity to run and play freely with my kids and the next, I also care about you. Why because I'm a peoples person and I also know the more friends we have the less problems we have.Am I wrong for calling any MEMBER of any AFFILIATION of any sort of GANGS or what YOU call ORGANIZATIONS Out I call upon you along with anyone that breaths AIR in this World we call HOME? I call on you because I know I am the PUBLIC EYE, but at the same time the PUBLIC ENEMY because I'll expose TRUTH but I want to FACE our PROBLEMS not make them ! Do you think by sending 20,000 kids to the battlefield to a Land thats not ours we need to pull back! Bush you are making a mistake, I don't judge you for your past but since I'm here in this world where you hold people accountable for their actions who really is responsible for the many deaths overseas? Are these people really fighting for there FREEDOM no they're not, Sorry to expose this but I've been overseas and these people hate Americans only because We are Killing their people. How would you feel if I dropped a bomb on the STATES everyday for 3months? ALL I'm saying is look at the situations Around you! Would you fight for your country if they were the stronger oppositions?I say kids because for the most part the miltary ain't really rotating the people out but people like my brother thats not even old enough to buy a drink has orders to go over there. ,Please let me hear your opinionsfor the most part I love people like no other accept I,and hes withing the heart and Mind of I, I being Jesus Christ where your Minds at?,I ain't gonna throw up a flag I'll go increase my Allies on here thru being me people will see Jesus Christ prevail thru me and thru man and woman they will know I thru Tyrone or should I say thru Jesus in my heartI accept you for who you are regardless of your past ignorances so get at me ,,,,Oh and to all the music heads I'm now into the promoting buisness everyones here to network and thats what I'm bout to do I see Shawn Kingston and Soldier Boy blowing off of here by clicking on there songs over and over again I'd prefer to have you the people check my peoples out as of now the artist I'm promoting are my brothers and my cousins ,,,Stacks,, and you can check out his music page on my toplist called KT/Rebels ent. and it has 6 hot songs on there and I'm on one with my brother called Live your Life but thats about new life I ain't a rapper it took a while to realize that but its fun lol word up throwing words to intrique others minds but okMy cousin Doody,a.k.a Kilo hes from Kansas City, Missouri so if you from the area or not check him out he don't have a music page but he has a song on my music page S.C.R 4 LIFE ,he has a joint on my page called I can lay it down and Do whateva I like or I think its Rebels for LifeThen theres my cousin Eric a.k.a Krook he gots a joint on my music page S.C.R 4 LIFE its Intro 187 hes from Baltimore but representing Fayetteville, North Carolina a.k.a the VilleThen theres my cousin Tony a.k.a Tonyo hes from Baltimore Harm City if you ask him he has two pages on my toplist Wolfs and Jackals and Back by Popular Supply ,, hes my favorite new rapper we grew up together personally I think if he had the years behind him he could give Hov a run for his money but the differences is his money ain't long like that so it be best to make Allies right ,,if your wondering who made the song on my page it was Tonyo ,, I hate a haterThen theres Rashad a.k.a Krakk hes from Baltimore but hes in Dunn,NC now hes a beast he makes our beats but we are looking for other beat makers and he got crazy flow he has 3pages if you go to my S.C.R 4 Life page you'll see his pages MurdamNam Produktionz and P89 Productions,and Young Krakk but anyways hit them up well add them and listen to their music and you be the judge on your comments anyways we'll be waiting to hear from you

My Interests

My Interests is to rid this World of Ignorance by getting people who want to make a differnce and they coming to a meeting with me and we build our own government like Black Panthers and show the World why they really deleted my Page because my Knowledge and Wisdom is understood Knowledge and thats, what interests me people who seek knowledge of Self to better they self and this world, I want to better this world where one day our kids can play together, and you'll say yo thats my Brotha,or my nigga or whateva cause nobody would hear people for the negative it will be a positive environment,, I'm sayin who actually would want to BURN DOWN projects and make Mansions,,,

I'd like to meet:

Who I'd like to meet? For Real I would like to meet every single person in the World at least give you dap or your lady a hug at least one time and say Yo we cool right cause if your my Allie, I don't gotta worry about other ignorant moves other people make because together down the Line we'll fix it,So I live to represent Life by living Life,,Religion I'm not pressed about it right now its under and overrated, so I say Religion is like Marriage to me its within your heart and its also what you make of it,but thats another conversation, theres nobody on here I can't relate too because I listen too, don't get it twisted I write like I talk but I love to hear other peoples interpretations because thats what we're here for to learn from each other and work together of course some people feel like they gotta live by the gun and die by the ignorant stray,, thats not my Way thats the Rules of Man,I live by rules that govern striving for perfection,, so thru Love I give it,,I say this I want to meet anyone that has any ideals or ways or methods to help make our World betta,I'd say smoke weed all day and don't abuse it but quit driving these gas driven vechicles would be one method but exposing the gas and water driven vechicles like turning them in like its collateral or something hey we are the people we can make what we want to happen happen I would love to meet some up and coming New Leaders cause if there is some old ones that aren't within my heart and mind already when I say I'm a walking Martyr cause I know my purpose may end me off wit a Bullet from the World of Ignorance we know but if Knowledge will build our Foundation hey I got kids but I'm on this work smarta not Harda,,I wanna meet someone that tells me I can be Great before I die,and that I won't have to be taken from someone of this World can I meet that person I could tell you I want to meet Meagan Good or something like that but anybody that would meet me will know I got more respect for them than the stars above they heads so to each is own,call me Selfish only with wanting Friends that have differnent ways of looking at life we are here to exchange Knowledge


I'm making Music now with my Cousin and I'm on here promoting my brother Stacks and Killa Thugs and Street Commission and you can hear the music on my other page S.C.R 4 LIFE and don't let the words fool you we're killing the Media and then we got that S.C.R sound that stands for Street Commissioned Rebels and where here to pave the way


Right Now I'm writing a book about my life from now and beyond and shoot hit me up I can probably add you in while I'm writing because I want the world to see inside my mind and see the 2007 Boyz in the Hood type show, but I might call it the Prince wit out his Kingdom,, and show how like Jobe in the bible well JOB he walked ,,I'm here to Create


I watch TV as a short cutt media thru books cause I read madd books but I'd rather work smarta not harda and ask you a million questions about what you know so then I can say ok now I know and show others they can do the same as I,,so when I say your only as smart as you allow your self to be,, well I know things that I look for in books to show others where the thoughts from my mind have come but the truth is God has given me my foresight on life ,God has given me my Imagination,, but thats me ,so I'll watch anything to see other peoples Ideals,or view points on life ,see everything is said for a reason


the Book of Life its an Endless book once you pick it up you can't give up, you gotta walk for your Truth ,my motto with books don't say I'll TRY say I WILL


the Spirit of Truth within my Heart the guy that wrote this ,How we are Beautiful in our fight for Life we all judge and torment our self but yet Life is worth more than Pictures,but Pictures when cherished our just like Life everyday thats why I live for the seconds with my heart and mind to show God I see my days will be long with Truth but short lived by Ignorances of Heatholders that don't live by the codes of the kidsI hold no one above the water of Life more than the other we are all unique I just polish my players my chess set of Princes and Princesses that come in the form of Ponds that have not seen this King play the game of Life with my Equal and show my Youngins,as they say Young Bucks to carry your Queen and she'll respect your Breath,so why not share my Earth,Lifes a Bitch but I'm catching my breath,I'm like you so I'm with you I'll kick the bucket over so the People can see the crabs let the sorceries of Man fool them into believing everyone was Judus so they didn't live as Jesus and say fuck it I still love you,if Lifes to be its gotta be everything was created for a reason,I hate to say it but is there a Season for Death, He collects all colors and don't cares for who crys for respect,but I wept for the Lamb that got killed for respect cause he to stood for truth like We, some get shot down in front of Millions some get shot and found in the sea,the same Death of Misery loves Company so Death can you Pardon Me please,I got Spirit,and a Mindset of Gold if I give it to the World who won't be Bold and use the Lord to mediate this Life they hand out as they pull back the scissors or the biblical Knife I've seen Death but I've stood as the Tree my heart was moved by the Wind if you ask me see,Animals on the side of the Rode is just the vision you see but I see more than Life has a dying breed if they can't me with this shadow, I've sugarcoated the Thief of Night so if I get hes righterous its only because hes Right Beautiful is just 9digits God gave us 9 holes and I ain't include incissions,we made in the image of God a.k.a Mom so I gotta respect the same as you and the others I love women cause they stand like Brides waiting for Aman, who resides in I, I am, the point is everyone has a talent,everyone has they own set King or Queen Heart and they blessed with a clear Mind til they see the Ignorance to reject whats Good and come thru like the Sniper in everybodies backyard we call'em our HoodI collect the best of the best thats why I got the Respect thats why I say,get Money and pass out respect I love you and many others should too my Love is what I fight Ignorance into saying thats just a form of respect so now heres some truth,, Wisdom comes from women and Knowledge from Men so with using the 2 its like Definition of being like me and you but thats us like 2digits being U and S but this LIFE,, I know its not about You and I,its about the Love that defines why we love the ghost,the Spirit of Truth, that fly thru the skyI should make this a Quote because the realest end up dead and they can only laugh within me at my jokes so I live for Freedom and I preach with Freedombut I ask can the blind lead the blind if I tap into the minds of the Blind I too can see his Faith is what makes me your Equal, because where both unique, but its not till the best of the best work together is when you Unite,and everyone is the best at being Who we are, so I represent Life with the Freedom as S.C.R thats Street Commissioned Rebels,where we aim only for Stars I hate the fact people fall into the traps of Krooks so they can see now its smarta not harda to mention meI have till I have the World see the Seas is the Nations and the Nations are the Many that can too stand for Love and Peace and say I can fight Knowledge with Wisdom when I hear others out and give my 2cents of what I can Prove and they will respect who I praise thru you, I can gladly say 8digits for the THANK YOU, I AM,, ILL WILL, when I say I WILL be your Fan I think you betta call Tyrone,,call him and go comment his blogs (Smile cause its cool being me when I got a friend like me,being You, I see)so I made time work for me like it worked for you as you peeped me out 1LOVE (Fam we can't see) I represent, resurrecting the best Vets wit S.C.R and KILLA THUGS

My Blog

She made me smile when she said this was the nicest thing I’ve said!

I think of my Angel on a regular you ever have that friend that knows everything but asks questions they know the answer to what about listen when you talk or reply when you talk a friend that makes y...
Posted by I think you Betta Call Tyrone! Da ILLest Friend on Fri, 02 May 2008 01:21:00 PST

How do you feel about booty shots for women?

I don't know really how I feel about this personally I think you should feel great with what you 've been given in life but if you wanna enhance your self I guess thats a plus ,, just makes you think ...
Posted by I think you Betta Call Tyrone! Da ILLest Friend on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 06:05:00 PST

Music,Music,Music and the people who listen to it where do you fit in?

Are you a DJ,, singer, rapper, dancer,rock'n 'roller? Do you listen to the lyrics or do you just skim thru it ,, yeah Hov said it first but real talk .. Is it me but do you like to stay positive and i...
Posted by I think you Betta Call Tyrone! Da ILLest Friend on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 11:21:00 PST

Whats your ideal on Marriage and cheating?

I'm just wondering is it me or is marriage overrated in this century of life we live in? I mean you think about it can you tell me the last relationship you knew was what you thought it should be. And...
Posted by I think you Betta Call Tyrone! Da ILLest Friend on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 07:23:00 PST

Whats your ideal on Marriage and cheating?

I'm just wondering is it me or is marriage overrated in this century of life we live in? I mean you think about it can you tell me the last relationship you knew was what you thought it should be. And...
Posted by I think you Betta Call Tyrone! Da ILLest Friend on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 07:23:00 PST

Have You Come across this before?

You know its crazy you grow up now and days thinking you and your friends are so much alike but as time goes by you realize theres only one you. I've never had the need to lie to anyone my thing is wh...
Posted by I think you Betta Call Tyrone! Da ILLest Friend on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 06:11:00 PST

Why you can’t make your Hoe or Boo a Housewife

You know its crazy seein you on here not as my friend thats truely some fuck shit I never thought the day would come where I would sit in a room with you hating my presence I never thought I would see...
Posted by I think you Betta Call Tyrone! Da ILLest Friend on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 11:23:00 PST

Written by a true Expert you know who you are

BITCHES   Normally, I am always Pro-Women...I feel most of the time we women tear each other down for no good reason, and I detest that. The main reason being that I disgust the militias intent t...
Posted by I think you Betta Call Tyrone! Da ILLest Friend on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 10:48:00 PST

My likes and Dislikes when it come to women

 well lets see dislikes fake women fake niggaz not sayin I’ve ever had any but stankin pussy lol, women that are ugly but act like they’ve listen to Beyonce to much and really think t...
Posted by I think you Betta Call Tyrone! Da ILLest Friend on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 03:59:00 PST

Ain’t this the Truth let me hear your Opinions

A nigga has 4 different types of girls..1. Wifey2. Boo3. Bitches4. Ho’s1)Wifey is irreplaceable.. but she is the only one that is irreplaceable.. She is the girl that the guy loves and will alwa...
Posted by I think you Betta Call Tyrone! Da ILLest Friend on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 07:51:00 PST