YoU thouGHt profile picture

YoU thouGHt

iM*@lRe@Dy*F@MOUS!! YoU BitChES talK sOoO muCH....FaMoUs aLmoSt??...NOT!! ThiNK aGain

About Me

My NamE iS sHyaNN aka As Shy BeeZie,shy Beez or wateva elSe...buT IM 19 yeaRs olD tuRnin 20 soOn.. i sTay in NatoMas riGHt nOw aN am curRenTly woRking at a reStuRanT aS a SeRVer...i KnOw its NOt the besT JoB EvER BuT heY It wOrkS foR nOw whiLe im going to be atteNDing sCHooL...i plaN on GoiN to a coMMuniTy coLLEge theN trasFerinG oveR to a 4 yeaR.. To beCOme wat??hMM i doNT knOw..thatS the questioN..i lOVE tO DO sO MAny thiNGs its paThetiC..i DonT haVe my minD seT riGht SO tHATS whY im goinG to do My geNeRal ed theN froM thEre well see..i Know i MOre LiKely wana majoR in law.... or Or the OtheR...but EithEr i KNow Ill be SuceSsfuL...Being that I loVe to argue so mUCh an be right all The timE...itll all worK oUT in the enD..buT im a VeRy coNfidenT hard working girL thaTs beeN throuGh aloT..sooo if You wanT to knOw all the ReSt.jus hiT me... polka layout @ HOT MyHotComments

My Interests

weLL oNe OF mY moSt coMmOn inTeResTs...I wouLd haVe to Be JORDANS OF COURSE!! I LoVE thEm So muCh..tHeRe Jus Like The CuTieSt sHoeS arouND..haa...i AlSo lOVe maC maKeuP.. i will SpenD lOts oF moNEy At The MaC seCtion in the MaLL... I loVe eyE shaDows an liP glOSseS...i LoVe ShoPpiNG an Oh YaH buYinG new pHonEs.. PhoNes are liKe pURseS to me...yeT i reaLLy doNt caRe foR a pURse mOre thaN a pHOnE... i lOve shopppinG at cLaiRs to GeT accEsoRies an all thaT othEr stuff...what Can i saY wats a giRl withoUT them..alSo i LoVe caRs..MuSclE caRs at thaT..i lOVe driVing faSt...waT CaN i sAy?? Im a GirL with tHE NEED FOR SPEED...buT beSideS thaT..i haVe so ManY mORe...IF u waNA knOw hiT me uP..

I'd like to meet:

wEll I reaLLy doNt wanT to MeeT anY oNe spEcific or anYonE speCiaL..mY fiGure Of sPeeCh...IF I HAVENT MEET YOU YET THEN WE AINT MEANT TO MEET buT i wouLD lOVe to mEeT caRmeN eleCTRA.. I thiNk shEs ONe OF the mOSt beaUTifuL giRls On earth AN HAs thE preTtieSt faCe.. She MaY noT haVe all The CurvES BUt she looKs preTty in anYthang she weaRs an HOweVeR she DoEs HER oH yaH pHareLl wiLliamS..heS hela Fine...Im So gReaTfuL for all the PeOpLE i HaVe in mY liFe nOw...thaT i feeL i dOnt neeD ne ONE eLSe.. iM so DeliGhted to haVe mY granDma..shes My nuMBer oNe anD withoUt hEr iM nothinG..SheS my CreAtoR an i lOVe hEr.. TheN theRes GiNa..aka mE...i lOve You So mUCH its liKE yoUr mY siSteRmy OtheR halF...i SweAr..we KnOw alOMost eVerYthanG theRe iS to knOw about eaCh oTher its patheTic..haa..we MaY NoT geT aloNG all the tiMe and we May do thiNGs thaT eaCh oTheR doeSnt apPRove oF...BUt I LOVE YA THANKS...FoR alwaYS beiN thea...


NoW mOStlY i LisTeN to BaY aREa stuff an the NEw Shit.. but anywaYs I caN baSicallY listeN to anythanG..dePends On the KiND of mOod Im iN..shit.. if Im feeLin dowN an Out..i MaY neeD the Slow JamS..but weN i wanA maKe yaL laugh Ill SlaP soMe ranDom ass Shit an ill HaVe yoU heLa weaK..So its BeeN saiD me An mY girLs ARE THe MOst GheTto whitewAshed girlS...haa take it how ya see it..haa but YuP thatS moStly oH yaH..I goT giGs For a MeXicaN Dont caTch me ON the Floor..haa..ill sHOw waT to do..YuP


Some OF the BeSt mOVies i liKe aRe the 40 YeaR Old viRgin..CraSh..nacHo shiT..I Cant reaLLy thiNK of anY right nOW...but my favorite movies that go way back are...edward scissor hands, drop dead fred, an Now an Then..Oh yah the parent trap,,it takes two,,an plenty more but like i said i cant remember right now sooo...when i do..ill post em


i LOVE LAGUNA BEACH seasoN 1 an 2 were the best...this season is ok..but it will never be as good as season one...SteVeN iS soOO HOT...I alSo liKe the simPle lifE...all oF them..i Own lIKe everY oNe of em...oH yah parental control, date my mom, rob an big....untold stories of the er room that shit is thats about it besides the ones i liked when i was sister sister, fresh prince of bel air an the jamie fox show..thats it for now


in HiGh schooL i read One BOOK caLLed teaRs Of a tigEr it was soo good...shIT i mean I usta read all the time but as i grew oLder it became less an less a part of mY life..i shOUld start bak up again because thats wat educates YOU...


weLL i HaVe an ISpiRatioN 1st..whiCh is cOUrtney steiN..she taught Me alOt like a siS i neVeR haD...MaN i MiSs This GirL..R.i.P couRt..yoUll always be reMembered LIVE LAUGH AN LOVE...WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBERBUT My GrandmoTher..YAh shEs my hERo AN insPiratioN she topS it all..i lOVe thiS lady so muCH..she has puT uP wit Me froM DAY OnE AN i ABsoLutly love HEr..I LOVE MY GRANNY♥ an I doNt eVen neeD to beGin expLainiNg why..thoSe of YOu whO knOw me an knOw aBout mY liFe alReaDy kNOw wHy i LOVe thiS laDy..soo nO need to explain..sHe giVes me everyThiNG ive eVer wanTed an BeCauSe of the Shes My nuMBeR 1...

My Blog

MaN YoU duMB aSs PeoPLe

MaN YoU PeoPLe thaT keeP senDing me messaGes in My proFile an theN deletinG your PRofiLe neeD to Go soMewhEre OR do SomethiN...Stay The fuCK off MY If your gona LEaVe me a MEssAge an ExpeCt ...
Posted by YoU thouGHt on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 12:32:00 PST

FaKe pEopLe-LiArS-juSt dUmB aSsEs!!! UHHH

DaMn I haTe faKE biTches...Dum hoEs will sit there an smile in your face an then turn around an talk hela shit...thatS whY you peoPLe that do that makE me LaugH...u OnlY maKe shiT betteR foR me..iT fe...
Posted by YoU thouGHt on Sun, 09 Oct 2005 12:09:00 PST