taking all left turns, latex pants, bed bath and beyond beach sheets, love, sundays, every animal on the planet, music, my partner in crime, adventure, sleep, divorcing the wrong man, marrying the right one, apple juice, tiny little peanuts, sidney and nancy, destroying the all-american rejects, whistling to tv show theme songs, temperature contol (i am very interested in that), pretending to work, presents (giving them of course), routines, chaos, porn, drinking 8 bottles of water a day, TWO......
chances are, I don't want to meet you. I'd love to meet people who are friends of my awesome friends. And people I knew in a previous life. I don't have room or patience for new things. That means NO BANDS. I'm sorry if that doesn't fit into your plan of taking over the world one person on myspace at a time, but I'm just plain not interested in befriending your band...
Nine Inch Nails, TOOL, Pantera, System of a Down, JOKER FIVE SPEED, Deftones, Marilyn Manson, Air Supply, SLUNT, Backyard Babies, Hellacopters, Def Leppard, The Cure, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Stalone, Guns N' Roses, Ministry, Motley Crue, Rage Against the Machine, James Taylor, Scorpions, Skid Row, Slipknot, Thrill Kill Cult, Travis, Danko Jones, Type O Negative, The Cranes, L7, Curve....blah blah blah
i think STAYIN ALIVE is the greatest movie ever made and I really don't care what you think about that! ..i like anything with singing and dancing in it [a chorus line, hans christian anderson, annie, hello dolly, the red shoes, grease 2 (not grease 1 like you sheep), staying alive], i like creepy dark movies [interview with the vampire, the craft, phantasm 2],i do not like space movies or movies with obvious computer graphics [except for space balls and kung fu hustle], i'm a sucker for stupid humor [old school, billy madison, the meaning of life, anchorman], i think crying is sexy [enter the notebook].....did i mention BUSTY COPS 2??
I'm a reality TV whore, Survivor, The Amazin' Race (as Tor likes to call it), General Hospital (keep your opinion to yourself), Big Love, Weeds, Arrested Development (may you rest in peace), Scrubs, My name is Earl, The Office, America's Funniest Home Videos (OOOOWWWWWWW), Autopsy 1-92....
Anne Rice, Memoirs of Cleopatra, Shel Silverstein, Ovid's Metamorphosis, Martha Stewart Living (I know it's a magazine, but there's no section for magazines)...
My mom, my sister, Betty Page, Dita Von Teese, Martha Stewart, Carmen Electra and the love of my life because he's everything a person should be!