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About Me

tHere are some things in LIFE that don't go the way you want them to or the way you think they should, but you can't dwell on these because you'll miss out on other opportunites. Don't give up one something just because you don't think things will work, you won't know unless you give it a try. But don't hold onto something that left a long time ago, because sooner or later you'll realize some things just aren't meant to be."*****

My Interests

net surfing,reading books !!taBle TenNis,chesS, Collecting Cd's& bAgz,.bAdminton.. coFFee,sHakes,paSTa,piZZa,and,SALADS,bar hoppinG,sound tripping..billiards,LIve Bandz,GiMik,Malls...miNgle with diferent personalities..


AlaniZ Morrisete,grEendAy,MeTTaLiCa,Red Hot Chili PePpErs,Papa Roach,..CrAnbeRieS,tHe bEaTles,tHe Corrs,Avril LaVigne,ErAserHeadz,AfTeR ImAgE, RiverMaYa,SiAkoL,The DaWn,kitChIE nAdAL,PaRokYa ni EdGaR,OrienT PeArL,AgAw AgiMaT, pUt3ska,YaNo,tHe yOuTh,RiZaL UndErGrouNd,thE WeEd,.SeSsion RoAd gRin deParTment...eVanessEnce,pEarl Jam,cReEd,inCubus,Linkin' Park,Matchbox 20,Aerosmith.,oaSis,GOo goo dolls, bArbie's Cradle, NirVana. sHaKiRa.3 Doors Down.BetTer thAn EzRa, VeRtiCaL HoRiZon,.tHE CaLLiNg..Simple pLaN,.RnB and NeW wAvEs...also....


sChOOL of rOc!!kFAcE OFF!!.nAkEd wEaPoN,,AsSaSsIns,tHe PuniSher..,VeRtiCaL LIMIT!!.fOreSt Gump..BLADE 1 & 2,TIMELINE,Paycheck..,..uNdeRWorLD,Troy, GoNe in 60 Seconds,Day After Tomorrow,thE fAst and tHe fUrious, tOrque,The Lord of the Rings 3 Episode, Charlie's Angel, Spiderman, all movies of Vin Diesel..esp TRIPPLE XXX,..So Close., 2fAst 2 fUrIous..tUxEdo...my Wife iS a Gangster,.SPEED2....STEAL(d best 2)....


mTv,mYx, bUbbLe gAnG,..documentaries program....


The Flying Spaghetti Monster Lives | I have been touched by His Noodly Appendage | Join the Pastafarians | Bring back the pirates! Add me as a friend fsmismyhero

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