Angelina Jolie and Kris Aquino are my all-time-favorite! especially Kris. I was fortunate to see her in person at the Davao International Airport last christmas. I had a hard time going to sleep after that! her image keeps flashing on my mind! hehehe!
Someone who'll hold my hand in a movie, throw me up against a wall and lick my face off, love playing footsie under the table in a restaurant, get me a morning cup of coffee & of course some Circus-Sex is always nice. very nice!!!
Judas and ask him why the hell did he betray Christ.. ....and long as ur not a math teacher , that is..i hate math teachers... my greatest dream is to kill all the math teachers in the universe..burn the math books... thats to make the world a better place to live... heheheoh, if ur my conscience, DONT U DARE COME NEAR ME!!!!
techno, house, trance, reggae,
some rock/alt, hip-hop, oldies,
jazz n blues, naked, hed kandi, chicane
A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)
Band Of Brothers
Cast Away
Catch Me If You Can
Crouching Tiger Hidden dragon
Down with Love
Finding Nemo
Gloomy Sunday
Harry Potter and the chamber of secret
harry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone
Ilatlian Job
kill Bill
kung Fu Hustle
Lord of the Rings The fellowship of the Ring
Lord of the Rings The return of the King
Lord of the Rings The two Towers
Meet The Fockers
Meet the Parents
Minority Report
Old School
Resident Evil
Saving Private Ryan
Shark Tale
Shrek 2
Sinbad Legend of Seven Seas
Sky Captain and the World of Tommorow
Surviving Christmas
The Bourne identity
The Bourne Supremacy
The Incredibles
The last Emperor
The Last Samurai
The Mexican
The Peacemaker
The Prince of Egypt
The Ring I & 2
The Road to El Dorado
The Time Machine
The Tuxedo
Van Helsing
White Chicks
survivor, CSI, Mutant X, Justice League, X-men revolution... Charm... 24, alias, for love or money, queer eye for the str8 guy.. sabrina the serries, amazing race.. and a lot...
i really dont read alot but ive read quite a few though, like the HARRY POTTER books...i have a complete set of the HP serries, the runaway jury, hope for the flowers, a few sydney sheldon books, the bible, the english assasin, fundamentals of nursing (just the cover) LOTR
Florence Nightingale and Kris Aquino