Wendeezy \(^o^)/ profile picture

Wendeezy \(^o^)/

Viva Mexico!!!

About Me

2007 is off to a great start... My Beautiful Friends Party Til AM
I live and love in the city of angels. It is a place where I can drive down the 101, up the canyons, or along the coast and feel completely at peace. No matter how far I've lived or traveled...here is my home...the memories I keep in my heart.
Words will never suffice to define me or anyone but these are a few of my quirks...I love to stay up late and wake up early. I live for sulung jokes. Do not tempt me with spontaneity because I am always down for anything. My nature is to be competitive...and I will cheat if I have to ;) If you eat my snacks, I will go cookie monster on your ass. I don't know the meaning of moderation and it is a constant battle for me to stay in balance. And at the end of the day, all I need is love and respect and to know that I have lived another day true to myself.
I love: My friends, cooking, art that makes you think, photography, traveling, road trips, kettle corn, Hold'em for hours, great food and trying new restaurants, havarti, bananas, anything with whipped cream, drives home at dawn, drinkin good wine, Goose, or soju and havin fun with my friends, jewelry, Sudoku, Halofyin all you foos, my Lakers, Dodgers, and Raiders, snuggling, candy, dessert, corny jokes, watchin the game and havin a bud.
I despise: Ppl who talk too much, spiders, laggers, patterns, egos, lying, angry Korean man complex.
Check Out My Xanga

My Interests

So a mushroom walks into a bar and sees this fine ass girl. He goes up to her and asks "Do you want to dance with me." The girl looks at him and says "No I don't think so." And the mushroom replies, "Why not? I'm a FUNGI!!" Ahahahaha...dork

I'd like to meet:

for guestlist and table info email: [email protected]


Everythin Downtempo Alternative 80s Soul Folk Rock Hip Hop: Joss Stone, Killers, Coldplay, Tribualistas, DJ Shadow, Nujabes, Journey, Dashboard Confessional, LesNubians, Postal Service, Snow Patrol, Death Cab, Willard Grant Conspiracy, Otis, Nina Simone, Counting Crows


The Royal Tenenbaums, Wonderboys, Chasing Amy, Rounders, Garden State, Lost in Translation, Sideways, The Breakfast Club (imma eighties movies freak...you kno, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, Say Anything, Fast Times, Goonies...), Seven, Catch Me If You Can, Toy Story, American History X, The Rock, Office Space, Shawshank, Bull Durham, Glory, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Usual Suspects, The Hustler...too many


I watch too much tv...fuckin DVR. My favorites are 24, Heroes, Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me, Let's hug it out bitch!, Third Watch, The OC, ER, Grey's Anatomy, SVU, Friday Night Lights, Breaking Bonaduce, Texas Hold'em, Food Network, Laker/Dodger/Raider games. My current obsession...Dancelife...because I wish I could dance like that!!


Why Men Love Bitches, Lolita, Stupid White Men, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Tao of Pooh, Reefer Madness, Fast Food Nation, Sophocles. Now that I've listed books that will make me sound all intelligent like, I'll tell you what I really read: girly fashion/gossip magazines...mindless but oh so entertaining.


Jack Bauer

My Blog

My Plugs

Need a BMW?  Go see my brother Henry at New Century BMW in Alhambra. Need a Lexus?  Go see my friend Will at Lexus in Glendale. Need a graphic designer.  Check out my cousin at www...
Posted by Wendeezy \(^o^)/ Parties Til AM on Thu, 17 May 2007 09:28:00 PST

LA Girl at Heart

I got this from my friend's page...for the Angelinos out there...damn I miss LA. You Know You're From LA When... You're driving on the 101 and see a clear cut definition of where the smog begins and e...
Posted by Wendeezy \(^o^)/ Parties Til AM on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 02:55:00 PST