SARUTOBI profile picture


those who follow trend, fall to a hollow end - Emanon

About Me

alright where shall i begin, when i was a wee bid lad i was always surrounded by sports and education. from my parents love and support and through the competition and comarderie that sports provide among many other positive aspects, i have been molded into the man you see before you. more recently i have become a more open book and will field any inquiries with trepidation, but will give an honest answer and it will probably be filled with sexual innuendo at all costs(who doesn't like to feel shock or laughter by something naughty). some of my current interests and passions to soon fulfill are getting decks to finally learn how to spin, blend, mash and just rock the party for me myself and i. anyone else is glad to join this one man band, but i'm just looking for an engrossing hobby to take my mind off things and to make new friends through music and go crate diggin. another is massage therapy which if it goes well, i'd like to go into sports massage because of my extensive background. just to make things clear, massages DON'T have to be sexual by any means, it is holistic medicine which i believe in greatly and am interested in learning more about. now that doesn't mean i don't give "happy endings", but that's just bad for business if i do this professionally. another area of interest through the convincing of a close homie is working for planned parenthood and traveling from school to school to speak about safe sex, gender rights, gay and lesbians, etc. I worked in Japan teaching English the past two years and I didn't set up any punishments for my junior high kids, even though they were shockingly inappropriate and openly sexual towards me. When's the last time a 13 year old boy asked you how "big" you are and then tried to grab you. Stemming from those funny ass moments I have come up with a punishment so severe and cruel that if I do get hired, my classes will be the most well behaved and hopefully the most fun. So here it is, anyone who acts up will have to go to the front of the class, put a condom in their mouth and place it over the biggest dildo I am allowed to bring to class. Guys and girls alike will "respect my authority" like Cartman. That's me in a nutshell, IM me at bchilln35 if you can think of a worse punishment, I'm open to ideas. One Love.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

dj neil armstrong, invisibl skratch piklz, beat junkies, dj z-trip basically anyone that could teach me on the 1s and 2s so i could fulfill my dream of rockin parties back out in tokyo, japan. luckily i'm surrounded by SAN JOSE's finest THE FINGERBANGERZ, who i've known since they were barely 5 feet tall with no game, sports and women wise. hahah jp. so anyone out there willing to spare time and teach hontoo ni arigatoo.


goonies, top gun, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, memento, salo or 120 days of sodom(thanks cuong, pimp date movie), kubrik films, kurosawa films, akira, paprika(anime mindfuck), godfather 1&2, kill bill 1&2, miyazaki films especially my neighbor totoro, the warriors, shaolin soccer, kung fu hustle, bruce lee films, basically anything independent, too many to name just ask.

My Blog

dedicated to my future wife...

This is dedicated to my future wife, whomever that might be, she definitely got to be down with this classic and know that it's about her, with a happy ending of course and not "DAMN!". Without furthe...
Posted by SARUTOBI on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 11:49:00 PST

my japanese name is........

juntaro that's for real since i'm hapa, mi lai, yonsei, half-japanese if you understand any of these languages. i've been thinkin about changin my name legally to juntaro sarutobi. junpei and satarou ...
Posted by SARUTOBI on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 12:12:00 PST

my first horoscope that i believe wholeheartedly

this horoscope appeared in the san jose metro the week of july 25th. if you know me or like many people, heard rumors(bitch ass mofos that aren't man enough to ask me in person) about how crazy the la...
Posted by SARUTOBI on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 05:24:00 PST

nothing legends

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams, come along"[Chorus]Nothing Less, nothing less[Grouch]Well I bet you that I get the last laughBet you that my funerals packedAnd the tune yo...
Posted by SARUTOBI on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 08:03:00 PST

first flow ever....doo omou ka?

so this is my first flow ever stemming from being angry at the current state of america and wishing i was living back in japan. i hope you enjoy, if not, nam mac lai...bu cac dao. i just said close yo...
Posted by SARUTOBI on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 05:42:00 PST

article from "new times" for addiction recovery....

PRESCRIPTION DRUGS OFF THE WEB For three years the number of rogue Web sites selling controlled prescription drugs llike OxyContin, Vicodin, Valium, and Ritalin has increased, according to a new W...
Posted by SARUTOBI on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 06:25:00 PST