Music, art, movies, 80's, Duran Duran, Yummmy Unique Swaches!!!!!! I collect them (warning total swatch nerd)........... sculpture, graphic design, advertising, Karaoke, David Hasselhoff, Peeps (I am an official member of the peep fan club), Being creative, DIY, Fashion blogs, Silk-screening, Graphiti art, Skateboarding, Fashion design, Japanese Youth Culture, People watching, Ear Hustling, Duct Tape..... um Santa?
I'd like to meet:
I always believe that life is like a box of crayons. Very colorful, and fun. I like to meet people who are colorful, and aren't afraid of being a color that isn't defined. Oh I'd also like to meet cute kitties, and David Hasselhoff. Oh and Jason Schwartzman
Depeche Mode, Ah-Hah, 80's new wave, Tears for Fears, CSS, Agoria, Belle & Sebastian, Caves, Stars of Track and Field, Saint Entienne, Radio Head, SantoGold, MGMT, ummmm....lots of other stuff
Donnie Darko, Amile, A Christmas Story, Napolean Dynomite, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Heathers, Garden State, I Heart Huckabees, Thumbsucker, Little Miss Sunshine, A Christmas Story
Seinfeld, 30 Rock, The Office, America's Next Top Model, Freaks and Geeks, Drawn Together, The Daily Show, Scrubs, The Daily Show, Land of the Lost
Anything by David Sedaris, Cheese Monkies, Dry