Bryant/Goten profile picture


Son Goten pun in japanese my nickname means Air and Heaven

About Me

i am 20 years old Male i was born New York City brooklyn but now currently living in Miami gardens, i enjoy alot of things in life including art and well i do draw but i don't consider an artist its ok but well i do like to explore and i do want to travel i am hoping i could travel and explore places and stuffs. i do enjoy learning of history, science, technology, biology, transportation any, urban like the cities, rural like the countryside, traveling, art, movies old and new, animation western or eastern don't matter old or new, NASA space, mechanical stuffs, and etc because well i like alot of things but i like to have fun and enjoy life of how it is so its coolthe recent space shuttle launch on June 8 2007 very exciting launch execpt i couldn't see the launch on the big screen television that i have in my living room but well i was in my new job anyways i am glad NASA is right on track to complete the international Space Station god speed NASA

My Interests

Videogames, movies, watching tv, american animations and japanese animations and also learning about the real world i like traveling and i like Girls/Women so yeah i like alot of things in the worldthe Space Shuttle the STS is one of the world's most remarkable flying machine stay tuned for next shuttle flight in June 2007Airbus A380 set to primere this fall or winter of 2007Avianca my home heritage country Airline yeah it has a cool livery now pretty cool

I'd like to meet:

well i like to meet Girls/Women in general i like Girls/Women i like Girls around the same age as me and also Older Women but not too old but i like a Girl around my age to go out with her and like her alot and get to know each other but i like an older women well i would like to do the same and maybe i can learn a few things about Girls/Women that i didn't know about but this applies to both, i like a Girl/Woman who is very smart, cute, funny, pretty, beauitful and everything good about Girls/Women but hey maybe we can get wild and you know but i also like a girl/women who could understand me and i can understand and maybe we can get to get to know each other and have fun

Asuka yes its her cool huh my original character

Another pic of Asuka i designed myself

left side view of Asuka my original character my creation

Title Logo of My Manga Asuka yes that will be the name of the manga since Asuka is the main focus of the manga


her name is Asuka Kawa and she is an 18 year old japanese girl she is a kind, sweet, smart and she has has a long and bad history of her and she is determined to explore the world and discover who she is and where she belongs, she is my central character of my Manga and she is the future to my career and she will be in a future production of manga and video games plus Asuka is the main Protangiest of the Manga that she will star in

cool huh i was doing this in one of my classes well it wasn't the right assignment but i decided to keep it since since its cool and all it just focuses on her beauty anyways since i am researching women Asuka is really the main focus i will add of other characters and such well i might of messed it up a little but i tried my best with painting her


Asuka again this is her in her transformed state and she is dangerous in this form yet beautiful at the same time


the eurostar the international high speed rail that goes from London to Paris and Brussels


i like a whole mess of books like Manga's, comic books, Real life books, and also about harry potter books but i also like more books as well


heroes well i like a whole mess of heroes well that i really admire alot i like real life heroes that well like police officers, firefighters, politcicians, engineers, archtects, directors, actors, actress, and so on i also like the military too people who are in the military have alot of pride to protect this country and they are very brave people and also NASA too but i like people like who acclompish things in life like NASA and engineer and architect i am amazed that they do the impossible and my future lies in my engineering and architect skills which i wish to be a civil engineer / Architect but i am also a Manga Artist and a Voice actor i like artists to but i like Manga artists my favorite Manga Artist is Akira Toyimora known as the (creator of famed DragonBall Z) i wish i can draw like him too but i am starting a manga but it's in the planning stages i also like acting but i also admire alot of actors/actress and Voice Actors/Actress too i also admire alot of musicans as well but also i admire and role model and help my parents my mom and my dad also my brother (Kevin) also my dog as well