Shopping, Corpses, Cannibalism, Gourmet Cooking, Herbal Medicine, Art, Museums, Theater, Fetish, Homosexuals, Slave boys, all things gruesome, the macabre, the occult, Cryogenics, Astronomy, Physics, Pathology, Ancient History and Rare Books just to name a interests are constantly evolving. test
Men or women who are sexy, well kept, openminded, educated, well read and respectful. Someone I can hold an intelligent, enlightening conversation with. Someone who can teach me something new. Satanists and those who are true to themselves. Those beautiful, shy, svelt, dark observers who walk in the shadows rather than those megalomaniac showoffs who are all talk, brawn and no depth. Submissive slaveboys/girls. KEEP AWAY!!!:... Women who are catty, pathetic blobs of insecurity. (which is why I prefer the company of men.) Chickenheads, Ghetto-minded sheep or sheep of any kind for that matter. Pseudo Satanists and Pseudo pretentious "Vampyres/Vampires". There are fakes in every walk of life and even in the most reputable organizations. I am no one's long lost vampiric "sister". Show some descretion, get to know me and others better before you become so accepting. Hippie cyber group hugs are not my thing. Don't expect me to clutter your page with comments, I only give them when truly deserved. Associates are fine and I make use of them, however I'm highly selective about those I truly call friends. Anyone who wants to add me on as a friend solely for the purpose of creating another notch on their little ego boosting "friends list". If you genuinely wish to add me, give me a GOOD reason why you would like to be my friend. Otherwise you are wasting my precious time and my space in my little domain here. Responses like, "Ur Hot!!!" or "Nice profile" will be deleted.
Bauhaus, Depeche Mode, Peter Murphy, Joy Division, Romeo Void, The Cure, Classical/Chamber music, Enigma, The Clash, Madness, X-Ray Specs, Sex Pistols, Misfits, The Exploited, The Bolshoi, Losing Venus, The Church, Diamanda Galas, Entombed, Morbid Angel, Metal Church, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Most Black Metal, Old School Thrash and Death Metal, Glam Metal, Hindi/Bhangra & Arabic music.
Kissed, Necromantik, Eyes Wide Shut, Like Water for Chocolate, Kinsey, Kama Sutra, Bully, Strangeland, American Psycho, Interview with a Vampire, Crash, Requeum for a dream, The Ring, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Henry:Portrait of a killer, cheesy B-movie heavy metal horror, The Fashionistas, Gritty independent films, Anything that lacks the typical happy ending.
These are the only shows I find interesting or at least somewhat entertaining: Queer as Folk, Six Feet Under, Scare Tactics, Twilight Zone, National geographic, Anything on the Science, Discovery or Health Channel , "Celebreality" shows that exploit and mock these idiot sheep everyone seems to look up to!
Too many to list, here's a general...V.C. Andrews (love that incest!), Anne Rice (The Vampire Chronicles), Stephen King, Zecharia Sitchin, The Vampire Bible, The Predator Bible, All the great works of Magus LaVey, particularly The Satanic Witch, The Satanic Bible and Satan Speaks, Most Horror, Sci-Fi, Philosophy, Occult, Medical books, Sexuality, Novels that ensnare me to another place and time.