Poetry (spoken word!), mind-building & expansion, music & COMPLETE CONSTRUCTIVE CHANGE... I'm Thankful... therefore I give thanks & praise for opening my eyez, allowing me 2 rise & face a new day, to be able to turn to a new page cause the only thing certain in life iz death & the only thing constant is change... Therefore I give thanks & praise and despite come what may, no matter how hard it seems i'll never give up holding on to my hopes & dreams, standing firm for what it iz I believe... for what the mind concieves, the physical can achieve & failure only starts when we stop trying to succeed!
Like minded peoplez... (A-alike attract/Un-alike repel) Anybody on the spoken-word/poetry scene... or music producers, singers, lyricists Etc.Imagine us coming 2gether for 1 common cause with 1 common goal; Combinding mind, body & soul as a whole with the ability 2 switch & change, yet still remain, rearranging mind frames revolution style, geared towards complete constructive change... One-life, One-love One-aim! Imagine that being the shaping factor of an essential and original state of being. Being that of oneness, One being manifested as many, unable to be divided, only multiplied in strength as we grow in numbers. Reflecting on Numbers chapter 5: vs 3 which states, Send out all of thee who are unclean & all thee who are evil that they may not defile the camp where i live amongst my people as we build on fertile ground, righteously bound, representing the power of refinement of the lost & found, right here & right now cause it is what it is but i believe we got what it is inside to turn what it is back around... "Imagine!"
The repretation of a 1000 years may be determined by the conduct of 1 hour, reduced to minutes, seconds, even moments where each moment is a new place you've never been. And so a new day begins like the morning after the night be4 where the afternoon knows what the morning only suspected & the evening tells how darkness is soon to be expected. Circle of life complete as directed, natures laws laid down, pre-written and mentally injected, physically infested. Mother nature gave me a kiss & a gift then blessed it but time is so precious. God bless us in this coming of age, in these last few days as I embrace the suns rays in search of better days where children can laugh & play without shades of gray. To these words I give praise, still a slave to the suns rays, as we walk, and talk through these rainy days...
My OldEarth (Momz)& Anyone who stands for upliftment in the face of adversity in the midst of this confusion that we call life... and overcomes reguardless!